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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Cliffs of Dover

    Nice one!....good to see the modders have started to come on board...and thanks for the link...looks like a must have. Has anyone made the AI flyable yet?
  2. Windows 8

    I agree...I know it's going to be a popular choice with 'the sheep'.....but I havent seen anything interesting in Windows 8 thus far
  3. Windows 8

    You left out Millenium HumanDrone. What a wonderful piece of software that was..................................................................... not
  4. Windows 8

    I'm trying out Windows 8 (for my job) Not tried OFF yet...but W8 just looks like a Windows phone! :)
  5. Anyone playing 'Chivalry?'

    What a super game this is...available on Steam. A visceral Bloodathon, FPS....Joined a 'Duel Server' last night, where everyone was acting in a most Noble Manner...saluting you, before hacking every extremity off your person! The Graphics are great...the effects are superb...and it's now my favourite MP game (and only £18.99) If you like Medieval stuff..and fancy a blast..highly recommended
  6. Anyone playing 'Chivalry?'

    Yes they do have Longbowmen and Crossbowman..though, you'll find yourself unpopular..and hunted mercilessly on the servers!
  7. Butcher of Mumbai to be hanged

    Well, you've certainly given him a platform. He's dead.... there are plenty more waiting to take his place...move on
  8. Cliffs of Dover

    Yeah..I mean I have Il2 1946 and it's various mods...I'm perhaps the only person in history...to not be a massive fan. I know, I know...the work the modders have done is truly amazing...but as a sim, it (to me) just never felt right. Too 'nice' for my liking. I'll just get my coat and leave now...to avoid the incoming! :)
  9. Cliffs of Dover

    Thanks JM :)
  10. Cliffs of Dover

    Yeah, give it a whirl Baldric...no, the layout/missions havent changed...though strangely...you now get aerobatic planes too...Red Bull style (for online play I suspect?)
  11. Best punch scene

    A post dedicated to punching?...wtf?
  12. Nesher, Wilco, Guyran, Mannie

    Looks like (hopefully, it should blow over)
  13. two year old Dancer

    Priceless...the kid has style!
  14. 11/11/2012 Albert George Falla Agent SOE 'F' Section Occupied France 1942-1945 RIP Dad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1ixDVQYoBk&feature=related
  15. Thinking about my Dad today

    Thank you
  16. Mosquito

    Great post Olham...One of my Facebook friend's Dad was a Mossie Pilot...finished all his mission's without ever getting shot at!..(one of the lucky ones)
  17. Britain has invaded 172 countries!

    Nowadays, the only 'Raid' we've done, is the Piggy Bank (and now there is nothing left in it)
  18. Thinking about my Dad today

    Thanks guys He was a better Soldier than he was a Dad in all honesty....but, that's the Nature of things I guess. PC Pilot...thank you...I put this up a few years back http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ww2peopleswar/stories/40/a3694340.shtml
  19. Thinking about my Dad today

    Thank you. No Olham...he passed away in 1996....the date is just today's..as it's rememberance Sunday :) (Incidentaly, the most dangerous role in SOE was that of Wireless Operator, most of whom were Women...my Dad had enormous respect for them)
  20. For Remembrance Day...

    A rather unusual picture for my Rememberance Sunday post. This is Nell... An English Farm Collie who spent 1918 as a messenger Dog in France. She's reputed to have saved hundreds of Commonwealth, and American Soldiers lives. They also Served (even if they didn't carry a gun)
  21. Anyone playing 'Chivalry?'

    You will find the fighting a vast improvement over AOC No Viper..not at all ! :)
  22. Rare Korean war photos . . .

    Brilliant m8...thanks for posting that!!!
  23. I've solved the Middle East Crisis!

    Yup...A dance off!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1weDjpXhCE
  24. OT: A bunch of us in the path of Sandy

    We ought to spare a thought for the other, Non American's who also suffered due to Sandy...no-one ever seems to mention them!
  25. OT: A bunch of us in the path of Sandy

    Sixteen people killed as of 13:45pm GMT My thoughts are with you

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