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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Pulling Your Bus Into the Shed

    I hit the cutoff switch just before touchdown.... Timed correctly, a beautiful flared landing ensues, with minimum roll or bounce. Get it wrong...and it's a big splat!!!
  2. Hi All This is an Alb I was experimenting on, with blending options. The red and green colours have been blended using the Soft Light option, but it doesn't work properly with very light colours (anyone know why?) It does however look quite nice I think, and I will experiment a bit more with it
  3. RB3D or OFF3

    I think comparing OFF to RB3d is a bit like comparing two different cheese's.. biologicaly they are the same (WW1 flight sims) but you may like one flavour or the other...or like many of us..both flavours! The major difference is, that RB3d is old...very old as computer games go... I liked playing it, and was an avid fan..but it is past it's prime (still fun) but I have moved to OFF exclusively now, and have done for a long time. To really appreciate it's characteristics though, you cannot really play it on a machine of meadiocre horsepower..and to make it perfect on a PC takes a bit of tweaking, but the rewards are manyfold. As I said earlier, you cannot really compare the two, because the gulf is too large. A better comparison would be OFF and FE..but I couldn't comment on that comparison, without sounding totally Biased!
  4. I Am Back, Finally!

    Holy cow!.... That looks more like a V8 supercharged!...serious bit of kit!! Welcome to the mess hall
  5. Pulling Your Bus Into the Shed

    Excellent..a very good tuitorial film...fun to watch as well. It would be nice to start a mission in the hanger, and taxi out to the field and take off (but even if that were possible, I suspect you would end up with a few dead wingmen!)
  6. and the British Rail Network (famous for cancelling trains because of 'The wrong type of Leaves on the Line) would have an apoplexy if they saw the tree growing right in between the Sleepers I saw the other day!
  7. anybody heard about gous?

    By the way guys... my earlier post (although given freely) is subject to Copyright, and may not be changed, altered or posted on any other forum. Any infringement will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! (Just so we understand each other!!!) :yes:
  8. anybody heard about gous?

    'Theft' of a story or quote?... A bit strong ain't it? I don't know anything about the case of maps and Gous....but....I have always wondered about this 'Copyright' lark.... I can understand people getting knarked about a) Losing Money or b) not being given credit for something....But if you release something into the public domain, somewhere along the line, someone is going to use it as their own....If people can't handle that, they should keep it to themselves, and not release it...at worse it's Passing off (You only have to go to google images to 'steal' someone's stuff (I have stolen from the Black Adder TV series, a pic of someone, that I don't have permission to use as my avatar) so technically I am displaying copyrighted material Illegally, and indeed I use copyrighted material off google to skin some planes...the difference being, I am not selling or supplying my skins to other people. imho.... Only if monetary worth is involved, should it be classed as theft... this crap about intellectual property is bollox.... If an Intellectual feels so strongly about feeling ripped off, because he released his work free of charge into the maelstrom, he should keep it to his himself!..... and therefore if he is happy to give it out to the global population, he should accept that he has given it freely, and get on with something else...that's what I would do...Not sit and whine about how clever and generous he was to 'allow' everyone else to use it..that's his choice If someone thinks up a joke, and tells his friend...that friend needs written permission to re-tell it?..... Sounds like asshole Lawyers thought this nonsense up to make money for nothing!
  9. Joystick Recommendations

    I've never been overley keen on the idea of Rudder Pedals (and very pushed for space in my tiny computer room)...but out of interest, which are the best, and how much roughly?
  10. No OFF(ing) Today!

    Work has finally caught up with me, and I am going to have to get on with it! (bugger)
  11. Ain't she a beautiful Lady?

    RAF_Louvert!..smashing matey!.... You Broom Broom all you want...darned women never understood anything anyhow! (womenfly2 the obvious exception to this rule!) (phew) thought I better get that one in a bit quick!!!
  12. Letters Home

    Superb!..absolutely engrossing! (and has made me decide to keep a journal myself!) Would also love to know how you did the paperwork trick please?
  13. No OFF(ing) Today!

    Yes, it's a real bummer! (write out 100 times) "I must NOT take this out on my Customers"
  14. Just a Little Thing, But So Cool

    I never knew you could do that!!

    My biggest fear!.. Aussie Women with Guns!!

    My God!.... That's like using Horatio Nelson to sell Fairy washing up liquid!
  17. OT in memory of my Father

    Thanks again everyone for your very kind words, I am filling up here
  18. Eeek..bit too in depth for me like!
  19. Joystick Recommendations

    http://www.saitek.com/uk/prod/x52.htm Not WW1... But I am sorely tempted!
  20. Yes, it's growing on me. (never really flew it in P1 or P2) It's fast, and packs a punch...I was all over a flight of three Alb's and took them all out!... So, I might try a campaign
  21. I am starting to like the Spad

    Most of my Skins only fought in the annals of my warped and twisted imagination!...So I am buggered if one year late is gonna stop me! hahahaha
  22. Joystick Recommendations

    I forgot to watch that on TV...I knew they had done a scetch about the SS but man, I nearly p*ssed myself laughing watching that!!! "Are we the bad guys?" hahahahahahahahahahaahaha
  23. Heehee... I just love this banter!
  24. OT in memory of my Father

    Thank you very much for your kind words, I am sure my dad would have very much appreciated them. He always loved the excitement of his war years, and was a real adrenalin junkie!..... I felt sorry for him in his later years, as he often complained at how boring life was in Civvy Street. (Though I always remember him when he was in his Eighties, whizzing around with my Brother on a mad meteor ride at the fun fair, his white flowing hair in a blur!...p*ssed as a newt on his favourite Brandy, laughing his socks off with youngsters Barfing and wobbling all over the place when they got off...and him commenting as he strolled off that "Youngsters today have no stomachs!" great memories!... and testament to his words of advice for his kids (which i try to adher to) "Always grow old disgracefully..and remember, that even royalty sh*t in a pan"

    lol that's what you get for taking screenshots with Irfanview!

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