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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I am starting to like the Spad

    wow!..... I am gonna have a try at one of those! (see you all in 6 months!)
  2. I am starting to like the Spad

    I take it back!...they're cooooool
  3. And if he's German, the hairs on the palms of his hands! (sorry all my German friends...just a little joke there!)
  4. RB3D or OFF3

    Link doesn't work OvS
  5. I have often wondered

    Ah yes, the old 'email' excuse!...works for me too! I am self employed, so can manage my time how I see fit, but with Skinning and flying, I also require an understanding Wife (which I have thankfully) On the odd occasion when she get's a bit 'huffy' about my foray back in time, I remind her that "At least I am not down the pub getting plastered and chatting up young Ladies"......... then I have a re-think...and head off down the Pub!

    The Red Baron doesn't even NEED an aeroplane, to strike Terror into the hearts of Englishmen!
  7. Joystick Recommendations

    Cool!...Just found it on Google images.... (hope the guys dont mind me swiping it!...they sound like dude's you wouldn't want to upset!)
  8. Joystick Recommendations

    Coming from a Teesider, that doesn't surprise me!! Thanks for that Info Siggi, I have been pleased with my Saitek too And the TrackIR problem Aussie has been duly noted!
  9. Wow!.....That is awesome!!
  10. RB3D or OFF3

    And of course (God forbid) there is no law to say you can't play Red Baron and OFF! I have FE / RB3d / SDOE WW1 and a miriad of other sims on my HDD (Though, it has to be said, that although they're on there, I can't drag myself away from OFF for love or Money!!)
  11. Historically accurate?

    I love the Interviews!...What a shame there aren't more!
  12. I am starting to like the Spad

    Yes, I may try skinning one. (The Allied planes are far less interesting to skin than the German ones though)
  13. Looks like it's Curtains boys!
  14. individual painting

    I mean, yes..It would be very nice to have that facility...But you cannot have it, so that's about it. A small price to pay, for this sim surely?
  15. individual painting

    Because it (CFS3) was never designed that way
  16. Time to pay the Ferryman!

    Yes, I did the smoke..and yes, it's an Alb I skinned (thanks to OvS for his great idea for weathering!) Check it out in the Skinning section Olham
  17. Tommie calls it Archie,....

    Anti Sin Cannon!...lmfao!!
  18. COD6: Modern Warfare 2 Out this Year

    Yet another Modern day let's kick the Terrorists ass shooter?.....(yawn) I wish they would show some imagination...we've seen it all before..
  19. How small it is!

    Great Vid!.... I wonder how many people got hit in the head removing the Chocks during the 14-18 war? (looks like a dangerous job to me)
  20. Alb skinned with 'Soft Light'

    Yes, I am finding that!... Some of the stuff that looks good on the 'drawing-board' doesn't always lend itself to the In Game experience! I have noticed for instance that the shadows cast by the sun when the aircraft is turning, blends beautifully with the original skins, but the shadow on some of mine, looks more like a liquid running across the surface, in a blocky way! So much to learn!..haha....but you have certainly pointed me in the right direction!!...Thanks OvS
  21. Alb skinned with 'Soft Light'

    OMG!!!......... That is just f*cking STUNNING!!!!!!!! (pardon my language!...but that is fantastic!)
  22. Alb skinned with 'Soft Light'

    haha..yes, I was just kidding too! (actually, it has since been sent to the recycling bin...Cos I didn't like it much myself) I saw it the other morning, after a particularly heavy session the previous night, and thought... "Nah"
  23. Alb skinned with 'Soft Light'

    See?..... This is the sort of tip from a true master, that us noobs sit hoping against hope to be pointed at!...thanks m8..will try that out tonight!!! (Weathering is EVERYTHING) my new quote of the day!!
  24. Guess what came in the mail today?

    Enjoy! (but thats inevitable anyhow)
  25. a "Blue Screen" work-around

    Interesting...though I would be slightly concerned about the root cause of a BSOD personally. Cant help thinking you are dicing a bit?

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