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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. BEWARE! Unknown ace

    hahahahahaha...... What a terrifying sight to have our very own German Ace bearing down on you! (still, whilst you kept him amused, i went off and drank all the Schnapps back at his airfield!)
  2. Alb skinned with 'Soft Light'

    Thanks OvS... I appreciate that! It's the first time I tried using Soft Light.. dont use it normally. You must have had oodles of skinning experience, what with RB3d and all your superb planes in OFF A true master of the Art!!!
  3. No big deal (and I think I have read this somewhere before) but why does my aircraft come out of warp in a nose-down attitude please?
  4. COD6: Modern Warfare 2 Out this Year

    Oh no...Not another one!
  5. Crash Dive when coming out of Warp

    Ah ok, thanks!..I will try to pay more attention next time! :blush2:
  6. Only a doubt

    Cool, I just assumed they flew around and around indefinately!... I would like to see them land
  7. Anyone interested in these sound mods?

    Roger Wilco Winder
  8. Alb skinned with 'Soft Light'

    Ouch!..that hurt!
  9. They were boys...

    Plus the aircraft all flew at F-18 speeds!
  10. Anyone interested in these sound mods?

    Is it the same for skins?..Because the Aircraft are of course OBD property?
  11. They were boys...

    Just another Crap Flyboys!!
  12. God!.... The Witch was scary!!!
  13. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Sadly not I don't think..wish we had though. Anyone remember this then?? I loved this as a kid
  14. RB3D or OFF3

    I hope and Trust that the fact we have a skinning community going in OFF does not detract in any way from the amazing quality and variety of skins made by the OFF team, which are stunning to say the least! Us amatuers who indulge ourselves with our oft bizzare creations, can only further extend our gratitude to the team, and hope we don't insult them with our creations. I don't post any of my skins for public download (not that anyone would want any!) but it really does add something to our enjoyment of this remarkable piece of work Simon
  15. Royal Flying Corps

    I hadn't seen that one before, so thanks for posting
  16. Anyone interested in these sound mods?

    Yes please!.... Always nice to swap around, and try out new things!
  17. This is mainly for you, Widowmaker

    Almost!...It was late 80's early 90's
  18. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Absolutely no relation to OFF at all!... But, we don't just talk about OFF here!.... When we were on our old forum, we added the title 'OT' to signify 'Off Topic' When you see those two letters before the title..You can assume there will be OFF topic nonsense in the thread!... HURRAH!...Long may that continue!!!
  19. This is mainly for you, Widowmaker

    Hahahaha... Doesn't matter how many times I watch the Brilliant Rik Mayall.... I always laugh my socks off! Cptroyce.. The Series is called .'Blackadder Goes Forth' you can watch most of it on youtube
  20. Some Albatros skins

    Wow again!...The Blue Mottled effect on Alb 3 is fantastic! (gotta try that!)
  21. RB3D or OFF3

    RB3d RIP
  22. OT anyone over 40 remember this?

    Or this very rude Rainbow episode! *WARNING MAY OFFEND*
  23. Wish you were a kid again? Or ...

    (Ok, so he reloaded a few times!) (it took a while for the Police, and Social Services to arrive)
  24. Next airplane for OFF?

    Hey Olham!..any chance you could make a vid using the Pirates of the Carribean theme tune?...that would be wicked!!!
  25. A tear came to my eye...

    "Horrah to the Next man who dies" (that awfully true to life song in "Aces High")

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