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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wish you were a kid again? Or ...

    "All little Gunther's family thought how cute, until mad uncle Fester (ex RFC pilot, retired) emptied 500 rounds from a Lewis gun into poor little Gunther's head!" Muahahahahahaha
  2. Even more upsetting than the snobbery of 85 sqd, is the fact that Mannock is in a hole in the ground, unrecognised by our government. That is quite clearly Mannocks grave from what I saw last night, and he should have his name, and VC symbol on the headstone! As the Officer said on the day of the funeral, the bloody Red Baron got a better send off by the Brits than our own lads!... an absolute disgrace imho! (No wonder the German's lost the war though!..They couldn't even get the Burial spot correct, let alone their Archie!!)
  3. wrong forum

    Yes, downloaded and played..quite impressive (few well known names in the developers list I see) Lovely looking aircraft, with a huge choice!..... Perhaps we have been thoroughly spoilt with OFF (in fact I know we have) but this still feels like CFS3 with nice aeroplanes!...whereas OFF has no feel of CFS3 about it at all..(God, I am sick of screaming that from the rooftops to my CFS3 hating buddies who wont take the plunge with OFF!!!) Now..If we had a WW2 sim, on the same lines as OFF.... I would go out and buy it immediatly!!
  4. How embarrassing.

    hmmm... Similar situation the other evening! Landed-Sausage side though...lost a damn good pilot too!...Quick blast of Schnapps, and teaching Nuns to boil eggs in Heidleburg for the duration! Bummer!!
  5. Hard-up for TiR?

    SHEEET!.... I will dig out an old TrackIR for that!!! :yes:
  6. A little Red Baron reminiscence

    ah yes, great days! RB3d is like a lovely old Uncle.... Your visit's to see him get less and less as you get older...until one day he just slips away into the night..leaving just fond memories!
  7. wrong forum

    Downloading now...opinion to follow!...Good to see that the CFS3 engine can be used for other things as well as OFF... I guess
  8. A good sound system helps too!... I have a quad-speaker setup running through an Amp. Not allowed to use it after 8:00pm! Although during the day, when everyone is out, I crank it up a bit...and I have near sh*t myself at times!!!!
  9. Some Albatros skins

    OMG!....They are bloody superb!!... I am like, SO JEALOUS!!!!! :close_tema:
  10. Now I'm starting to 'get it'

    Got you to thank for that m8!! :yes:
  11. If you open up the OFF folder with Windows Explorer, and navigate your way to the folder therein called UIRES.... you will find 3 Subfolders called GBR / GER and USA...open up the folder inside each called 'Noseart' Inside those folders are some nice logos /symbols etc that you may find useful for adding to your new skins!
  12. Look at these

    Good man!..the more the better!
  13. Certainly is!..So much so, I can't see it!...lol
  14. Nice one Gous!... A very welcome addition for all us OFF skinning Noobs!!!
  15. Hi Barnstorm, Welcome back to the Ops Room! The Admin's at SoH got all up-tight because they didn't get a freebie of BHaH...They accused us of causing them 'endless work' editing / Closing Flamer threads etc etc.... So many members told them where to stick their Forum...and for a day or so, we were all homeless roustabouts! Then, like an Angel appearing to Mary...along came those rather Spiffing chaps at Combatace, and gave us this Jolly Nice place, where we could all meet for a spiffing good wag!...and a Chat! (they even gave us lot's of new places to play, such as the Skinning Section, and all sorts!) What is quite remarkable is that NO threads have been closed on here...Eveyone get's on like a house on Fire..and we have proper OFF'ers like OvS and the Dev's acting as Moderataors!..and it's bloody great!!!
  16. "Excellent Lover with a touch of Panache" :yes: hahahahahaha....... Hey Mod's, I was just kidding! (but actually...yes.. y'know, it's kinda growing on me!) Certainly made the wife laugh incredulously!!!
  17. hahaha... I just noticed my Sig!

    Well my Wife is still trying to look up "Excellent Lover"
  18. SKINS

    Or indeed the Nvidia DDS viewer (available for download in the Skinning Section)
  19. hahaha... I just noticed my Sig!

    It was a comment I made in a post a while ago!...Just shows what can come back to haunt you eh?..lol
  20. hahaha... I just noticed my Sig!

    Yep..It was the Admin's Gawd Bless 'em!...hahahahaha
  21. Hard-up for TiR?

    I vote for Rickitycrate too!...He's an all round Good Egg!!!
  22. Hard-up for TiR?

    Uncommonly Generous of you Siggi old chap! (if I didn't have one myself, I would snap ya hand off) Bags first dibs when you have TiR4 going spare once TiR5 comes out!....lol
  23. Albatros DII - Jasta 16b

    Yes, Gous is working on the advanced version, which I am looking forward to!
  24. My only problem left with skinning, is the age old Weathering!...If someone could tell me the best way to do that..I would be a very happy chappie!

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