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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Beautiful Perfomance increase at zero cost!

    Have you tried 16Q...just wondered if that makes much difference again?
  2. What am I doing wrong!

    Hi Beanie, Looking at your pic, all I can see that isn't a 'default' skin is the chequered flag?...and possibly the Fuselage cross and Fuselage skin? Are you trying to decrease the size of the chequered flag?..if so, that is just the 'scale' command. It may be worth you having a quick look at some basic photoshop techniques on youtube? (I learned all the basics there) Just type in "Basic Photoshop Tuitorial" into youtube, grab a pen and some paper (and a Coffee) and have a watch..make notes as you go...though there is nothing much on there specifically for skinning Albatross's!! you will however, find some useful pointers that can be adapted for use in skinning. I am working as we speak on the mini tuitorial, but don't get downhearted, it's quite a learning curve, and I think you are almost there!..just need a bit more info I reckon!! Good Luck m8, and please keep asking questions, it's the best way to crack it!
  3. hahaha... Had just taken off in QC, quickly paused the game to answer the phone, and when I came back, I just panned around the aircraft...and saw my wingman had decided to get a little over familiar!...If the phone had'nt rang, I would have been mangled by the fool!..As it happens, I actually unpaused and yanked the stick, kicked the rudder, and he just missed me! He was in for a right mouthful when we landed!!!
  4. Camel V DVII over Marne 1918

    Bounced by a DVII... and shot full of holes, a Camel takes evasive action
  5. OT Song Lyrics

    I posted this many months ago on SOH.... It's the Lyrics from a song, that I find quite suitable for OFF (it's from an album called Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters) "I see myself a Hero, while one wing falls away, and the dial approaches zero, in a spiralling display, My past life flashes feverishly...Lives I did not lead, Like the time I was a hero, of a weird, outlandish breed. One arm of Flesh and Muscle, and one of feathered scale, I was a hero with one wing, that was of no avail, I could only fly in circles, like a corkscrew in the sky, my one wing flapping frantically, whilst birds just glided by. I launched myself from mountains, and from the highest trees, and though I could get nowhere, just landed on my knees, But still I was a hero, with one wing more than most, almost half an angel, a whirling Holy Ghost. My Father was an Eagle, with two wings wide as sails, My Mother was the west wind witch, with grasping fingernails, she lured him from his aerie, with her twittering device, She kept him in a golden cage, and fed him field mice." Robert Newton Calvert (9 March 1945, Pretoria, South Africa - 14 August 1988) RIP
  6. What to expect from patch 9.30

    My god!... I just hope I am better at everything else, than I am at this!..or I am DOOMED!
  7. Hi All Just interested to know how many Bomber Pilots are out there
  8. OT Song Lyrics

    Hey..anything is possible on here!
  9. OT Red Nose Day

    Hi all, Thought I would post this pic of my son Matt going off to school in fancy dress this morning for Comic Relief day (made me chuckle) He has always been very interested in History, and has replica Roman Helmet's and Medieval Armour and chain mail etc..but this outfit was a requested Christmas present (though I am trying to move him away from the British Colonial mentality!..So far without success!) The rifle is an all wood replica of the Martini Henry (he was not allowed to take that to school however!) and the Pith Helmet has the badge of the 24th Foot, who got a pasting at isandlwana, and also held the defence at Rorkes Drift (he decided that at 5lb, the webbing today was a nono)
  10. OT Red Nose Day

    Hi Rickitycrate. Thank you for your kind words..yes indeed he is the recipient of Empire Total War, which he will get on his Birthday on Monday (then perhaps I will get a chance to have a go on it too!) His day at School went well (no-one took offence) and his pals all wanted to try the helmet on! When i went to pick him up at hometime, It did remind me of the film Zulu!
  11. I hate to go against the grain here...

    Some good updates there! I had never felt there were any real issues...though the N11 did fly a bit poorly as AI...that was the only little issue I have ever noticed so far
  12. Do you fly Fighters or Bombers in Campaign?

    Again , Bomb view is one of the 'F' keys (cant remember which one)... Maybe shift F9 summat like that (it will be in the keyboard layout somewhere) Might be worth mapping a joystick button to bomb view..cos I have crashed watching bombs drop in the past!
  13. Hi All, I am holding fire (very temporarily) on writing the Tutorial, for noobs like me, because I keep finding new ways to do things. For instance, a way of making skins look a bit chipped and weathered (with a cool little cheat) In the meantime, if any fellow Noobs want to know something (as long as it's basic) just post here, or drop me a pm Here are a couple more Albs (you may notice the chips near the German cross)
  14. O/T Kidney Stones--Not Fun!

    It's not free (of course not) we all pay for the NHS but if a tramp is Ill or injured, he can get access to medical services of equal standard to a Millionaire. I am not familiar with the situation in America, perhaps you could tell me what would happen to the Tramp there? I get the impression, that the more insurance cover you have, the better your treatment?...So the rich get the best and **** everyone else?
  15. OT Red Nose Day

    Yep, it's been fun installing a knowledge of history in him for the past 10 yrs!...No doubt, girls will soon take over from his old dad's lessons about Agincourt, the Battle of Britain and the Civil War.... oh well, it was fun while it lasted, and I hope has instilled something that will interest him in the Future. We can but try
  16. O/T Kidney Stones--Not Fun!

    One of the good things about having a Free National Health Service I guess :yes:
  17. Hi Olham, yes 3 of us have flown online with TrackIR (no labels or HUD or anything, so a lot of time just finding each other) It's good fun...few little pains, such as a bit of lag when you approach another aircraft...and the fact that when you shoot someone down, they often just hang in midair, then vanish...but great fun nonetheless. We are all extremely bad pilots, so I am sure that you would stand out as an example to us Krumpets!...Have flown Camels, DR1's DVIII's and an Alb or two
  18. Holding off doing the tutorial

    Have made a start on it Beanie..just as soon as I can..promise
  19. Holding off doing the tutorial

    Against the likes of Rabu, Pol and Winder..we have but no chance!
  20. OT Red Nose Day

    lol Yes, I really must stop visitors hanging themselves!
  21. OT Song Lyrics

    Yes..those airmen certainly knew how to put the wind up a greenhorn in the Mess!
  22. I hate to go against the grain here...

    Flying as I do in campaign, with just me and a map...no labels, hud or any of that malarky, there is nothing easy..except getting yourself killed
  23. OT Red Nose Day

    Actually..No!...Only just realised what he's actually done!...lol Oh well, might make people sit up and take notice of the double standards us human's indulge in
  24. OT Red Nose Day

    Yes, comic relief day for Africa!..Helping those we once Butchered...Oh the Irony!

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