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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. first look

    Problem solved when we get a Snipe! (yes, i'm off on that track again!)
  2. I think that was pretty much what happened in reality!
  3. Yes, I think the latest instalment of OFF really has taken WW1 aviation to it's zenith, and as Bullethead has said, it has almost become an RPG (certainly in Campaign mode) Whilst I like QC, I find myself playing it less and less, as I get more immersed in Campaign. I am not famous for my patience, and the likes of IL2 /CFS and others, never kept my interest in their campaigns for long....I generally just popped in and out when I fancied shooting at something...but OFF has slowly wrapped itself around me, and is a comfortable mix of historical accuracy, excitement and fun (rather like a good book, that makes itself difficult to put down, as you have no real knowledge of what will happen next!) The other thing about 'games' per se, is that there is a start, middle and end!...once you have played them all the way through, that's about it! OFF is wonderful, as there is really...only a start!...it never really ends....it just keeps on rolling along! One thing is for sure though....other WW1 sims may come and go, but what Doom was for PC's and Manic Miner was for the Spectrum..OFF (imho) will be talked about by it's fans for years to come, as the WW1 flying simulator A real legacy for it's developers and Aces!
  4. Nvidia Plugin for Photoshop users

    Cool tip Rabu..thanks very much!...hi ho hi ho ..it's off to Nvidia I go!
  5. Version 1.27

    WM is a bit short of sleep methinks! (little wonder though)
  6. Bulletproof Enemy

    Have you got the latest patch and hotfix?
  7. Thought you guys might enjoy these (all perfectly genuine apparently)
  8. Could have been my day - but...

    Is that Alb one of your skins Olham?
  9. OT Amusing Windows errors

    hahaha...classic! Olham, I am glad you manage to down a couple of amatuers!..well done!....but if you want a proper scrap, you know where I am
  10. Patch 1.26 observations and comments

    Yes...he got a good burst in..I was slow to react...therefore the end was swift!
  11. Patch 1.26 observations and comments

    Well, I sneaked away for a ten minute QC and it looks good!...saw many wings ripping off, and spiralling death dives.... all good stuff (until I bought it, thanks to this DVII)
  12. Ahh! - Here is everybody!

    Hi Olham. apart from the obvious reason's that I am a 'Valued member' my post count is higher than the Empire State Building!...lol I have been posting, like it was going out of fashion (and the vast majority of them have been bordering on Sensible!)
  13. Patch 1.26 observations and comments

    Havent had time to play with the new patch and hotfix...but it sure sounds good!..looking forward to this evening, and a blast!
  14. Would it be possible?

    This is a new phenomena in BHaH In P1 I managed this on a regular basis!..And therefore I am in Siggi's camp on this one too
  15. The roll rate on the bicycle is way off!

    Model T does'nt work for me either!..I want my money back! (unless you Dev's promise me a Mercedes Benz in P4)
  16. O/T Kidney Stones--Not Fun!

    Get well soon (and back in the Air!)
  17. Parity in the skies...when?

    Pretty well sums it up!...Nice piece
  18. Ahh! - Here is everybody!

    YO!...Hello Olham my old friend, and aerial adversary! (glad the rig is back up and running!) We have a section for skinning now!..why not pop in and add some of your skins/advice? Chat soon
  19. As a noobie to skinning in photoshop, I thought it would be useful if I did a small tutorial for fellow noobs, to help get them kickstarted into Skinning? Some more advanced stuff is known by some very clever chaps on the OFF forum, and I hope to pursuade them to share some tips and tricks for us all? I will do a mini tutorial over this weekend (time permitting) and hopefully it will help you to avoid some of the cock ups I have made! (I promise to keep it as jargon free as possible!!!)
  20. There's been a slight delay, I wanted to get it done over the weekend..but life has got in the way (again) ASAP it shall be done!
  21. Hi ADDAX, Skins for all the aircraft are located in the OFF folder \ Campaigns\CampaignData\skins Usually I make a copy of an original skin (say one of the Alb DIII ) and not change the main filename at all, but just add a description in Bold to make it easier to find in the list. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=37810 this may help a bit! (and once you start making skins, perhaps you could upload here for us to enjoy?) Cheers
  22. My first skin

    Ah..ok. no prob
  23. Custom Skins in MP

    Hi Guys Just started playing in MP and am not sure if it is possible to select the skin you wish to use? If it is, can someone advise as to how to select it? thanks
  24. Any one seen Parky?

    It's possible to go off people y'know! Good to see you and Buddywoof and Parky!...the boys are back in town!
  25. My first skin

    Was hoping to keep the skins in the skinning section if possible? (if we could have a sticky in there, it would be great)

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