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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OFF & TrackIR

    Thanks Aussie
  2. A couple more Skins

    Hi Beanie. Assume you're using photoshop? Merging layers is pretty much the final act of skinning...I tend not to merge them until I am 100% sure that the skin is worth saving at the final stage..or whether it needs more work. When you say 'Alignment' what is it you're having trouble with? Maybe a good idea to post a pic, so we can have a quick look?
  3. off phase 3 theme

    Says it all really...when I find myself whistling the theme tune whilst shopping, in the bath or going to work!! Well done, and thanks Matt...... OFF would not be OFF without your skills and Talent!
  4. My first skin

    lol.... sorry, didn't mean it to sound like that!... great skin, and it would be nice to keep them all in one place for people to enjoy
  5. My first skin

    please can you post skins in the skinning section?????
  6. Any one seen Parky?

    I wonder if I asked them nicely...would they Ban me? (I have my Street cred to think about y'know!)
  7. OFF & TrackIR

    Please do!..that's a smashing idea! (iv'e nearly worn out my F12 key!)
  8. Serial # Decal problem

    Wow!...very impressive.
  9. FS-WWI Plane Pack 5 Released!

    OFF and this mod are my favourite WW1 sims!...thanks for all your hard work!
  10. wow!...thanks Stump....that's a gem!!!!!
  11. could we get this moved / copied / stickied into the skinning section please?
  12. OFF & TrackIR

    Way to go m8!!
  13. If I can do it...believe me..So can you!!! ( The Albatros was an all wooden skin, with plain wings until I got my hands on it!) I will cover how to do the Lozenge camo (It's easy peasy!... I promise) in the tutorial (coming soon)...and how to avoid putting the number 5 on the wrong way!....sheesh!!
  14. Will do MK2. In fact, would it be possible to have a sticky in this section just for custom skin screenshots? (then even people not overly fussed about skinning themselves, can just have a look at what they're missing?..lol)
  15. No problem guys...I will ask Gous if he could put his Paintshop pro one in here too
  16. The Birthday Massacre skin for the D7F

    Love the skins...would it be possible if you could post any future skins in the OFF Skinners section too please? Many thanks
  17. HA! Just recieved my Empire Total War DVD's! I love the total war series, and have been looking forward to this for months! New Forum, New Game!...happy days!
  18. Nvidia Plugin for Photoshop users

    Nice one Mr Dirt...keep checking back here, as hopefully a lot more stuff of interest to come
  19. Roger Wilco. (I can't play it at the moment..as It is a Birthday present for my Son!..heehee...and so, I don't want him to see it installed on my machine) I love playing the sneaky parent role!!
  20. Fps issues seem to be history

    P3 really has made a whopping difference to FPS Upgrading from P2 to P3 (exactly the same hardware) and my fps went up by 10 - 15 fps!!!
  21. OFF & TrackIR

    I will just add a small observation regarding my own experience. Always try to keep 'Backlighting' to a minimum (for example, if you have the sun blaring in from a window behind you..TrackIR has a fit!!)
  22. Phase2 DVD request thread

    I'm good for a few UK ones
  23. Never ceases to amaze me that you guys can still find bit's of OFF that need fixing! ...you old perfectionist's you! :)

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