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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. WOW! This looks ......

    Bring it on!
  2. I am still holding out for the Snipe!..... It was an absolute killer in RB3d (one day he says wisfully!)
  3. Welcome to the OFF Skinners Section

    That would be MOST welcome stump. Much appreciated
  4. Custom Skins in MP

    Thanks Capt Winters.... Not what I wanted to hear, but thanks anyhow
  5. Heard bad reports about it doing that. I suspect that pile of sh*t STEAM is responsible!....GOD I HATE STEAM!
  6. off at soh is back up

    I ain't going back
  7. HURRAH HURRAH HURRAH! We have our Skinners section!...thank you thank you thank you :NotWorthy: :NotWorthy:
  8. Hi Guys, Would it be possible to have a Skinners hangout on the forum please? (there are enough of us, to warrant it I think?) and would be a nice drop off spot for visitors to check out how much fun this adds to the whole OFF experience?) We could have tips and tricks, technical help with Photoshop /Paint shop and stuff too thank you
  9. Thanks to Combat Ace

    Howay!...Next time I'm in Glasgie... I will bonny lad!
  10. Custom Skins in MP

    So, as of this moment..it can't be done?...that's a shame, cos I did 3 skins for me and my two squad mates. oh well
  11. Yes, only had time for a little combat..the Ship combat is great!.. (I promise I will get some screenies done soon) Only thing wrong with it...is it's involvement with that awful Steam!.....God that really pi$$es me off!!!
  12. Ho Everyone

    Hiya sandbagger glad you found ya way here...what with a burnt up map, oil on ya goggles..and holes in your kite!...well done, pull up a chair, and have a stiff one!!
  13. Am really liking this forum..it's really good. I have one slight issue (which may not be an issue, merely something I am not doing) I use Outlook 2003 for my emails (need it for work) and when a notification comes in...the thread addy is just in text format (as opposed to a hyperlink) One thing I did like about SOH was this hyperlink, as when you have a lot of replies, it makes it easy to just click the link, and go straight to the topic it refers to....rather than copy and paste it into the browser. Is this not an option?
  14. Teensy Weensy criticism about the forum

    well, on closer examination...the other emails I get (which show up as blue clickable hyperlinks) have www. on them replies from this forum don't... just http:\\ forum could there be something there perhaps?
  15. Don't be shy Beanie!....Let's have a look?
  16. Teensy Weensy criticism about the forum

    good point, I will check that out. But it's just strange that a link arrived on the same email notification......
  17. The only unfortunate thing is lack of TrackIR support (or is there?)
  18. Teensy Weensy criticism about the forum

    Yeah..it's weird! The only 'clickable' link I had, was a link to the WW1 forum...but not the link to the post! bloody Mickysoft for ya!
  19. Us OFF(ers) will do like our sim...rise above it!
  20. I turn my back for five minutes...

    Welcome to the new Mess hall Doublestop!...itsa nice!
  21. Combat Ace.... OFF's new home.

    Smashin'.... I try to get down for some Fishing whenever I can.. (bit too chilly for my old bones at the mo tho!)
  22. Combat Ace.... OFF's new home.

    Thank you Syrinx!.... How's Yorkshire? (god's own County!)
  23. (I am sure the OFF mods will do a stirling Job) but I just wanted to say thanks to the overall moderators. I have had a few things I needed help with (the name change and whatever) and all the mods have jumped straight in to help...and have popped in to threads to say 'Hi' and generally been Jolly Good Eggs! If I met any flying an Albatross of course, I would have to shoot them down in flames!...But I wouldn't enjoy it!! But on a serious note, thanks for making me (us) feel so welcome
  24. Need A List....

    Are the three mods all in the US? (just wondered about timezones, and if a naughty thread can be picked up in time?...we should have a European mod as well perhaps, if we haven't yet?)

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