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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Now I'm Settled

    I'll drink to that!.. HUSSAH!
  2. Request for OFF forum Skinners Section

    Great stuff OvS this is looking goooooooooooood!
  3. Looks like they pulled the plug.

    Well, I just tried to log on this morning..and I was confronted with THIS!.... No idea what it means though
  4. Whilst we are on the subject of skins (maybe would be cool to have a skinning sticky?) here are a couple of mine too
  5. This will take a bit of getting used to

    Cool..well I already was a member here (hence the Widsy handle) dont think I can change that can I? It's not a deal breaker anyway...As I am sure you will all know who I am!..hahahahaha I think I will get used to this quite quickly...all change is a bit strange as soon as you hit 40+ yrs!!...great idea to seperate the threads..... I suggest we dont have any 'political Ace Asylum type place though eh?...... It tends to spill over onto other areas? (just my take of course)
  6. Hi all I cannot seem to find any instructions for installing addon aircraft (of which there are many, and Gorgeous looking ones too) I have WOV / WOI and WOE (just got them recently) can anyone link me to a readme for installation please?...or is it just a case of installing directly into the game directories? thanks in advance
  7. Hi Guys, Silly me!!.... Yes, I downloaded the Rar file, extracted to my Desktop...and yes...read the readme!!! Sorry for being a Dunce!!!!
  8. FSX Screens

    Just a few of my screenshots :)

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