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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I really like this mod!
  2. Over Flanders Fileds Phase 3

    Now that we have a dedicated OFF forum, I am sure you guys will find us all very helpful if you don't yet have, but are planning to purchase OFF BHaH I have been a huge fan...in with it since Phase 1 (still got it somewhere) I wasn't massively keen on Phase 2..as I thought it was a bit dark and dismal Phase 3 however is sublime!!!...... Lot's of people don't like the idea of OFF due to it's 'marriage' to the CFS3 we all know and love (ahem) But take my word for it chaps!.... If p1 was a marriage... P2 was an affair....and P3 is the Divorce!!!
  3. Catch..that was great!...the music went well with the video too! WW1 dogfighting..the Ballet of Death!
  4. Scheduled Maintenance

    Thanks for the headsup! (if I logged on to find the forum down, I might think I was back on SOH!!!!)
  5. Hey!...I'm your man...if you're looking for HUGE!..... WOOF WOOF! (Not so sure about the 'Someboy' though!...Sounds a bit strange!)
  6. Combat Ace.... OFF's new home.

    Hi Red-Dog...good to see ya!
  7. Thanks Dave! Hey Olham / Blue and all my other Hun adversaries!...... Better watch out, cos the Widow is coming for ya!!
  8. HUSSAH!...The Widowmaker returneth!

    Bloody Germans...you can't take a joke can you? Just because we fire off a small barrage, you have to have an air raid to get your own back!........ look what Jasta 12 have done to my Gramaphone Record!! I am very cross!!
  9. Painted? painted??!! That almost sounds like a skinning area! (Stop it Widowmaker!...give the poor man a break!!)
  10. CaptSopwith Checking In

    Drinks in the Mess Captain!..welcome to the new Ops room!
  11. Combat Ace.... OFF's new home.

    Yeah, it's great!...No doubt we will all keep spreading the news of the shift! What is encouraging is that quite a few of the other Sim fans on here, have popped in, and are showing an interest! Perhaps some new interest will be shown by other people because of the move! All good stuff
  12. Custom Skins in MP

    thats fine guys thanks...but how do you select it??
  13. Hello gang.. UK_Widowmaker here! Is this the permanant new home for the OFF forum now? (page loads a bit slowly) Anyhow...cool to see you guys here (where the hell am i supposed to put my avatar!?) oh well
  14. HUSSAH!...The Widowmaker returneth!

    Yes old chap!...here it is (thanks to RAF_Louvert
  15. HUSSAH!...The Widowmaker returneth!

    Aha!...well tell him not to get involved with that Air Mechanic!.....(again)
  16. HUSSAH!...The Widowmaker returneth!

    Baking hot Krumpets await you my German Friends (or should that be Fiends!)
  17. No Problem..will report in, and hopefully post a few Naval Screenies (just for you!)
  18. Just an observation which may help someone. My wife uses IE7 (pah!) but I am hooked on Google Chrome. (both on same PC) I commented earlier about the slow loading times of this particular forum. Well, it is appearing to be slow in IE7 (what isnt?) But on Chrome (and possibly Firefox..though I dont use it) it is really quick. Dunno if it's just me though. Now I am getting used to the layout on here, I am starting to really like it
  19. Request for OFF forum Skinners Section

    I bet they love you Dave!...hahahahahahaha
  20. Thanks to Combat Ace

    Yes... when I logged onto the SOH this morning to find it had closed up shop, I felt my heart sink!...then saw OvS had put a link to here, and the sun shone again!!! thank you very much for giving us our new home!
  21. Good morning gentlemen

    We are on page 2 already...and we only been here 10 mins! I hope CombatAce have a big ol' server!......lol
  22. IE7 slows forum..but Google Chrome whizzes!

    yeah, I agree.. IE sux
  23. IE7 slows forum..but Google Chrome whizzes!

    Hi Tony, Yeah, I have to admit I was a bit concerned about that at first..... But I am begining to think that's a bit of an urban myth....and the speed of it compared to IE is a great improvement. (it isn't perfect though as it's still quite new, has one or two minor issues) but where it scores over Firefox (imho) is that you dont have to install plugins every two minutes. All imho of course
  24. This will take a bit of getting used to

    Thanks Gremlin!...I will do that right now!... I dont want to be Widsy! ... I am WIDOWMAKER!...Yehaa!

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