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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    A couple of weeks after embarrassing the Royal family with his Vegas pictures, Prince Harry has been deployed to Afghanistan. Nice one Philip, that'll look a bit less suspicious than another car crash.
  2. OT: This could be a joke, only it isn't

    I'm sorry to say this...but I have little Sympathy. WHY take photo's, like that...In a Country, which is, known to be a bit Over the top perhaps, with Photography? Have people learned nothing from the British Planespotters who also were arrested?..... A pointless exercise, as even if the game was going to boast great, Greek Scenery...No-one would know it was Greece (or probably even care)...and plenty of images and film on the Net to use...including Google Earth. I suspect they will be released (as where the Plane Spotters) after Greece has taught them a lesson!....but extremely stupid people! The Greeks are merely protecting their National Interests, and the Greek People...I sometimes wonder if the sort of people who design, and play these games, think the World is like their fantasy? Much as I appreciate the realism of (for instance OFF) I am under no illusion, that it's unlike the 'Real Air War' and is, in fact...a game! (Sorry Olham) hahaha
  3. BH_DFW_CV_KuK_Unpainted

    Nice one Sir!
  4. OT - XCOM Enemy Unknown

    Yeah..I don't know why!...I remember the amazing reviews they got in the Gaming Media all those years ago...but, for some reason...I dunno...bit like 'Not getting into a book'....doesnt mean the book aint no good...just doesn't 'float ya boat'
  5. OT - XCOM Enemy Unknown

    I can't see why anyone liked them TBH...I bought the whole lot on Steam (offer package)... and I failed to get into them at all. Different strokes I guess :)
  6. Fokker D.VIII

    I wonder who the unfortunate chap was, who was the victim of this 'last aerial victory' Talk about Sh*t out of luck!
  7. Darwin Award 2012

    This guy has to be a contender http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/9502550/Man-dressed-as-Bigfoot-killed-trying-to-provoke-sightings.html
  8. Idle Speculation about the French in WOFF

    Slightly OFF topic...but not... I am really looking forward to one of the features appearing in the new version...that being...you won't get bombed to OFF manager straight away if you land..or get shot down.....(which is not, and never was, a CFS3 issue...as it didn't happen in the original P1_)) So, after a scary Dogfight...where you're riddled in Bullets....you can land...listen to the famouse OFF Dog barking..and watch the aerial dance of death as an observer....marvellous
  9. Italian missions package update

    Me neither BH tbh....I'm baffled as well But Yup...My skins are free to do what you want with (I'm no snob about stuff like that)
  10. to all italy addon testers

    lol...thanks m8 :)
  11. Hi Chaps I'm just finishing off an Italian Spad Skin for the Project, after seeing Lou's fab one...and thought "Well, Olham and Bullethead have the German Side coming along VERY nicely"...so thought, perhaps we should split into two groups? I shall have comms with Lou, and BH and Olham can have Comms about the Germans?....this way, it will help prevent two of the same skins being done twice? (Just a thought)...and of course, if other Skinners want to contribute...they can join whichever 'side' they prefer to work on?
  12. to all italy addon testers

    Read and Understood...I'll get my first look at it this W/E
  13. An Idea re:- Italian Campaign

    Well, I'll just plod on with my Spads
  14. Gentlemen of the skies

    I think 'Chivalry' is...and always has been..a bit of a myth. Where does the term come from?...yup, the Medieval Knights.... though, there was nothing very chivalrous about them. A bunch of Rich Playboys, whose idea of Warfare, was to charge, fully armoured..and atop an armoured Horse, into a wad of lightly armed peasant conscripts, armed with little more than Farming tools, hacking and slashing as they went!....even if unhorsed, they had a very good chance of survival, as the enemy would want them alive for ransom. As for WW1 flyers?...well, there must have been a bit of "well, if I'm nice to them, when they've survived perhaps they'll be nice to me if the shoe is on the other foot?" They all were of coarse 'Human Beings' also....and contrary to popular belief...unlike animals..we DO have empathy for each other (we're social animals after all)...but it has little to do with Chivalry (imho)
  15. An Idea re:- Italian Campaign

    Nice choice!!!
  16. German Jasta in Italy

    Great stuff :) Is there not a similar one in the OFF skins?...There's a black and white one isnt there?
  17. Italian Spad Skin

    Here ya go boys...my first contribution to the Italian Job!... (uploading in a minute) Unit: XXIII Grupo Serial: unknown Pilot - Group Commander Donate Pozzolo,
  18. Italian Spad Skin

    LOL...thanks HouseHobbit :)
  19. Italian Spad Skin

    Cheers guys...more to follow
  20. Italian Spad Skin

    thanks BH
  21. Italian Spad Skin

    cheers Beanie
  22. italy/ah testing set up

    And me, if it's any help
  23. An Idea re:- Italian Campaign

    Roger Wilco, thats what I thought
  24. Italian Spad Skin

    thank you
  25. An Idea re:- Italian Campaign

    My Next two will be Ferruccio Ranza and another one!...lol (wonder why the tail colours are swapped?)....sod that..I'll stick to the 'Norm'

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