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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. An Idea re:- Italian Campaign

    Nice one Lou :)
  2. Worst Skin Ideas Ever

    NOOOOOOOOOO It's awful!
  3. Worst Skin Ideas Ever

    My Worst ever...and shamefully...I actually uploaded it! (possibly because I also...Like Mead)
  4. So...this whole campaign is resting on you for the Models Stump? I'll do some skins, if I have the aircraft
  5. And then this happened

    I dunno.... Regan got elected...and he was a piss-poor actor on a Horse
  6. The World Is A Better Place Now

    OMG it's Mussolini in a Dress!
  7. Plenty of German aircraft...but what do we know about the Allied Machines?...who were there..and what did they fly?
  8. Waterloo Skeleton

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18417009 Creepy to see the Musket Ball still in place where it killed him
  9. Francesco Baracca skins

    I'm certainly not in the same league as some of the guys here...but happy to do a couple if it helps?
  10. Worst Skin Ideas Ever

    Apart from the Roundals...I like that BH!!!
  11. Lohner Seaplanes...

    Brilliant stuff m8...available for download????
  12. Worst Skin Ideas Ever

    Almost, but not quite as bad as one of my SE5a Skins (which I actually uploaded too) Makes me want to vomit whenever I look at it!...lol
  13. Lohner Seaplanes...

    Nope...is the simple answer m8
  14. Grapes and Glory...

    The Italians certainly have Style.
  15. OT New world record

    http://www.bbc.co.uk...etland-19422354 This made me smile...one can imagine a fist-fight in a remote Scottish Ale House between these guys!...lol "It was very exciting to find the bottle and I couldn't wait to open it. "It's like winning the lottery twice." 'Immensely proud' He said his friend Mark Anderson, who had set the previous record in 2006 on board the same vessel, was "very unhappy that I have topped his record". "He never stopped talking about it - and now I am the one who is immensely proud to be the finder of the world record message in a bottle."
  16. Phil Aynsley Photography...

    Beautiful photo's...thanks for sharing :)
  17. We've just come home from a party, for my friends son who is 20 today. He suffers from Autism, so has a younger mentality than his physical age suggests. Matthew was at the party too, he's only 14.... and he was upstairs playing pool with the lads. Unfortunately, it appears that he's been drinking Lager on the quiet...no doubt supplied by the older lads.... (we usually let him have a couple of Shandies, but he seems to have downed a few bottles of Becks).... hmmmm So, he's now asleep, on the floor of his bedroom, after refusing to get into bed, and has been quite rude and abusive to his mother. I have resisted the urge to 'have a go' at him, as he's clearly under the influence...the hang over effect 'should' be enough as punishment, and a few words in his shell-like when he's recovered somewhat will be in order (I can't be too harsh on the lad..as he's just experimenting of course, as most of us did...though, I was sixteen)..... they just seem to grow up faster these days (sigh)
  18. OT A tiddly14 yr old :(

    Hahaha...that really made me smile!!.............. well, he seems none the worse for wear this morning, though his mum had a few choice words for him! Love the Punk story too Olham...I also used to pogo in my Mohawk days :)
  19. OT A tiddly14 yr old :(

    hahaha....the 'Big, Tough Alcohol swigging lad' has just woken up, and crawled into our bed, with his mum!...he looks like a little kid again... (looks like it's the spare room for me tonight)
  20. OT New world record

    That would certainly appear to be the case, at least off the coast of Scotland. Though bottle have of course travelled thousands of miles..... I can't help thinking, that this experiment was something to do with U-Boats...or rather, how the tides would effect their navigation...I don't know if I feel that merely because of the date however
  21. OT A tiddly14 yr old :(

    Indeed!....worked for me (well, sort of)
  22. Pakistain is number ONE !

    I heard once that Camels naturally have syphilis...and I always wondered how people came to get it. There's my answer But what's really creepy...is that someone must have been infected by the sort of weird f*** that shags Camels!..... the mind boggles

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