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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Boaty McBoatface

    They will be calling it's submersible Boaty though :)
  2. Yes Olham... she's currently comparing the DVII's capabilities, when up against the Sopwith Snipe! :)
  3. Anyone know what this was (before it was written off?)
  4. Young People today

    I often hear 'cranky old duffers' saying that "Young people today, lack the moral fibre of youngsters of the past" I say to them.. "Suck it up!" http://www.unilad.co.uk/news/the-last-words-of-russian-rambo-who-called-in-an-airstrike-on-himself-revealed/
  5. Adrian Carton de Wiart was a remarkable individual, having served in three wars (the Boer War and the First and Second World Wars), winning the Victoria Cross, and sustaining more than seven wounds through his military career, including the loss of an eye and a hand - removing his own fingers when a surgeon refused to amputate them. Despite seeing action and being wounded during the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Passchendaele, Cambrai, and Arras, he commented at the end that "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war..." Born in Belgium to an aristocratic family, his stepmother sent him to be educated in England, but around 1899 he left his college to join the British Army, starting his long career. Even at the age of 59 when the Second World War started, he undertook missions and military commands from Poland and Norway to China. He was also captured by the Italians after surviving a plane crash in the Mediterranean. Despite his rather noticeable injuries and not speaking Italian, he managed to escape and evade capture for eight days! He eventually retired to Ireland, and died at the age of 83 in 1963.
  6. Young People today

    I agree totally with everything you just said :)
  7. Now, vastly improved :) http://www.verdungame.com/
  8. Verdun - Got it when it came out

    Actually..it's quite a bit longer usually..especially, if you're stealthy. Sniping is a real option, as there's always plenty of fools happy to pop their heads up....and the 4 man co-op against Bots..is great fun..and utterly terrifying..as hordes of them charge at you through the fog and smoke
  9. Only one other Soldier was injured... that sort of Courage is rare indeed
  10. Reach For the Sky...

    The Drugs I suspect?
  11. Who Started World War I?

    Be Afraid Herr Olham.... be VERY afraid
  12. Reach For the Sky...

    He was a complete shit to lots of people
  13. Who Started World War I?

    Well, I don't know who started it..but me and my Sopwith Snipe are gonna finish it! :)
  14. The Russian "Night Witches"...

    Well, from what little i've seen..it's often difficult to seperate the sexes in Russia anyway
  15. We need warm beer...to warm us up..and take our minds off the drizzle and wind :)
  16. Nothing comes between a Brit and his Beer!
  17. Dr Helen Sharman OBE..First British Astronaut in Space, and first to board the MIR Spacestation
  18. David Bowie passes away at 69

    Kinda makes you wonder..in 40 years time..will there be the death of an icon in this league?...can't see it
  19. Even if, it's just one day Merry Christmas OFFers
  20. By other Muslims mostly :) priceless (Although the guy recruiting is NOT a Member of ISIS)...that should be pointed out. He's been mistaken for one with the same name...but enjoy anyway :) http://www.trueactivist.com/muslims-hilariously-troll-isis-after-call-for-recruitment-ends-up-on-twitter/?utm_source=af&utm_medium=ta&utm_campaign=af
  21. Happy New Year 2016 to all of you!

    I've had an utterly shit 2015..so, hoping 2016 will be better...good luck, and peace be with you all
  22. Victory Celebration, New York, 1918

    Piss pots for the masses :)

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