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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. BH_DFW_CV_KuK_Random_Hex.zip

    Lovely piece of work BH
  2. Oh Yeah..never spotted the Cat....and my apologies to your Girl
  3. Don't worry BH...you don't need Inmates, Fire Officers, Police, Army, Road crews!...I see you have a Collie there!...he'll sort it all out
  4. OT - WW2 Bomb in Munich.

    I just wet my pants!!! Yes, and it took quite a while for them to realise
  5. the latest is that is been downgraded to a Tropical Storm
  6. Wow!..live action as it happens....I'm such a Voyeur
  7. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/aug/28/hurricane-isaac-better-organised-gulf?newsfeed=true Looks like BH and his Fire Crew Buddies, are going to have their work cut out!....hope all goes as well as can be hoped for guys :(
  8. Glad you're perking up Paul...lovely looking gaff....I'm really jealous!! (and with that lovely dog you have there, I'm sure it's the best place to be at the moment)....you're not missing much here (apart from the Essex Lion of course)....lol
  9. I hope BH can keep us 'up to speed'...our very own 'Stormchaser' stay safe though m8
  10. Faith in Humanity Restored

    How that first prisoners 'Haymaker' didn't knock the guys head clean off, remains a mystery!...lol
  11. Caption This 2

    "I think the Airbag is supposed to go up front Chief"
  12. Otto Kissenberth flew a Captured Sopwith Camel
  13. That scene (if swapped to Italy) is pretty much what my Late Father found himself involved in...When he ended up on a Jeep firing at Attacking 109's in a ravine. The Pilot's where too concerned about not hitting the cliffside...and my Dad was being bounced around too much to shoot accurately....so, no-one got hurt...though one cheeky German waved at my Dad as he flew past.... and my old man, in true British Spirit..returned the gesture, with his two fingers. The War ended a week later
  14. OT-(a bit) Microsoft ETO...

    Yes, happy memories!...you have it looking good there m8
  15. Good Luck to all in it's wake!...Nature waits for no man
  16. Neil Armstrong Dies

    A true, old fashioned, heroic Explorer...of the Ultimate Void!
  17. And he's been asked to attend the Tournament in October, which takes place in Nottinghamshire as a 'Squire' (which he's very excited about)...hahahahaha
  18. Matt's first Jousting Lesson

    Yes indeed...well, he's only 14 yrs old..so, they would never allow him to joust fully...it was more of a Holiday experience day....and, he's just being a Squire in Nottingham. I would never allow him to Joust for real until he's 18 and old enough to make his own decisions as to whether he's mad enough to pursue the sport
  19. This is Sparta!

    wow!...this must be the largest collection of Dickhead photo's ever collected in one place
  20. Matt's first Jousting Lesson

    WW1 Pilots did it every day
  21. Matt's first Jousting Lesson

    Indeed Flypc...though, there's some 'discussion' as to whether it was a Jousting injury...or the Syphallis that drove him slightly Bonkers...I suppose, like many things...it depended on whether one considered him a 'Hero' or a 'Whore' (checkout the Stampede Stunt Company)...they take absolute Novices, even ones who have never ridden..and do Horseback Archery as well...great fun!...next time, I'm going to have a go too! http://www.stampedestuntcompany.co.uk/
  22. Matt's first Jousting Lesson

    Frequent mistake...Shire type Horses never even existed in Medieval Times, and most horses, even those carrying mounted Knights, were not much more than about 13-14 hands, and Nimble, quick animals. The stuff about Shire Horses, and Knights being lowered onto Horses using a Block and Tackle, is Victorian Story telling. If you look at the Bayeaux Tapestry, you will see that the Mounted Knights feet almost touch the floor....this was also true of Full Plate Armoured Knights in later centuries...Yes, the Horse had work to do, but as a full charge would only really occur, once the enemy were within about 200 yds, it was much more usual, for a full Gallop to be attained, to punch through enemy infantry. In Jousting, the Horse's tend to meet at a fast canter, due to the Tilt being quite short, and Balsa tipped lances are used... but, yes...still quite dangerous. In Medieval Jousting, very dangerous indeed...but then, so was Medieval life!
  23. Matt's first Jousting Lesson

    Thanks guys...yes, I most certainly will :)
  24. Matt's first Jousting Lesson

    He was a bit gutted he couldn't gallop (not allowed) until properly trained for obvious reason's!.....lol

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