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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    Absolutely...it's been proven many, many times...check this out..(lots of youtube videos about the Milgram experiment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment
  2. WOFF: Sopwith Triplane pics

    + we get a Snipe! (I can't take much more of this)
  3. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    Very true gentleman. I'm not sure that Nazism is as much a danger these days.... I would hope, that the fact the world is now so much smaller...and we are here communicating with each other...where 10 yrs ago...we would never have known of each others existance, must mean (and again this is my hope)....that a power such as was the Nazis, would struggle to achieve what it did in the past. This isn't a 'rose tinted glasses' view, I can assure you...and I'm sure that evil has many tricks up it's sleeve, but for all mankinds problems...we really have moved mountains in the last 70 odd years.
  4. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    Fair points...but, If you get young, testosterone charged lads of 18-24.... Put them in a Black Uniform, with a sexy looking Swastika on their arm....tell them they are the Aryan Brotherhood...and the filthy Jews are responsible for all the worlds Ill's...and give them Carte Blanche to do what they like, without comebacks...are we REALLY surprised at the result?
  5. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    15 minutes...to turn, sweet, innocent young Human Beings...into vicious, spiteful Nazis!....nuff said!
  6. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    What I find so terrifying about the Nazi's...is, there must be some of them in ALL of us. That's the only way to explain, why they took hold of an entire nation. There have been some amazing psychological tests done in the 50's and 60's.....proving, that normal, rational people, can be so easily made, to do irrational, and terrible things! (and of course...even Teachers) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqp6GnYqIjQ
  7. WOFF: Sopwith Triplane pics

    wonderful!...the damage modelling is looking superb too!!
  8. Game Of Thrones

    I like Sean Bean enormously.... he's brilliant in 'Sharpe'
  9. Well done Israel !

    ahhh...thanks for that...never knew
  10. Well done Israel !

    I thought they already had National Service for men and women?... Am I behind the times here?
  11. Ernest Borgnine has passed on...

    One of the most recognisable faces...sad day :(
  12. OT: The Trench

    looks good...I'll defo get that when it's released
  13. A picture's worth a whole bunch of words. Now you can have both!

    wow!...Amazing work!? this the first time ive seen this...is it in downloads???? (ah yes...sorry didnt see the link at first)
  14. I always think what a beautiful fuselage the DIII has...very aerodynamic, and ahead of it's time
  15. OT: RIP :(

  16. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    "What's bad about having a decent place to live, a full belly, and a well-paid job? I daresay that a minimum of 1/3 of the world's population would sell their children's souls for a full belly just once a week and about 2/3 would sell their own souls for that and a roof that doesn't leak" Call me cold hearted...but perhaps 1/3 of the worlds population should have kept their d*** in their pants? I mean, c'mon...the animal populations are a natural balance...we are a proven species, that has not even the basic grasp of ecology and how the world 'works' If humans weren't here...the planet really would be a paradise!...we burn, we loot, we steal and we kill.... so that fat, greedy son's of bitches, can get fatter and greedier! Instead of 'saving the planet' by building Wind Turbines and recycling soda bottles...how about we weed out the rich, greedy fat f******...and nail them to a tree?
  17. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    Great post Tom!....yup, this forum has over a few years, grown into (not only) a great place to discuss our favourite Sim...but also, to chew the fat...idealise, argue in a manly and respectful manner, laugh and all other manner of non face to face discussion! We have probably on the OFF forum in particular...had less locked topics, than anywhere else on the net! I often ask myself "Why this is?" And I have come to a conclusion of sorts! I 'think' that...because we share a common 'respect' for the aviators of a bygone age, and have empathy for what they did...that in some strange way...we empathise with each other....and the fact those aviators were on opposite sides, trying to stay alive, and yet do their duty in killing those of the opposing team...there was a certain 'respect' And I think that 'Respect' for each other and our occasional, very differing viewpoints, on even the hottest potato...is what makes difficult discussions like this possible! It's what communication was given to us for! (I should add, that I have had MORE of my opinions changed by people here...than anywhere else!) That is one hell of a legacy this forum should be proud of
  18. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    I'm really glad our new Mods have been adult enough to keep this thread alive..and the posters have been adult enough to give their differing viewpoints, without descending into insults and hot-headedness...as it's quite a fascinating thread. well done all Dej is of course quite correct...BH's view of the world doesn't sit comfortably with most people, and I read with horror your following comment.... "Where you see wilderness, I see untapped recourses. Thus, from my POV, the best way to take care of the environment is to arrange it to support the most people possible with the highest standard of living. I'd reduce the entire biosphere to only the animals we eat, the plants we both eat, and the microbes and insects that allow these plants and animals to exist. I'd turn every square inch of reasonably level ground above and below sea level into farmland, housing, or industry" That's the only comment you've made, that I feel totally at odds with. A world full of animals merely to eat, and an explosion of Industry and additional Human Beings, fills me with abstract horror and disgust..... You really would have created a 'Lord of the Rings' type version of a living hell! I can always find myself wondering why the Human Race, places itself on such a high pedastal...ok, we invented the Internal Combustion Engine....big deal! I'm not a religious person, but I firmly believe, that all life that exists is a wonder...and that, mankind is merely a part of that...not the whole. "Housing and Industry!?...... GOD NO!
  19. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    to cheer you all up :)
  20. What am I doing wrong?

    I have FE and FE2 Wanted to install the super DH4 into FE2....followed the instructions...no show! Can anyone advise please?...am I missing a patch, addon or summat? thanks
  21. What am I doing wrong?

    aha!...that's where I'm going wrong!!..... thanks Lima!! :drinks:
  22. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/18695439 the truth is rather more mundane
  23. Tornado's Down

    http://www.scotsman.com/news/transport/two-rescued-two-missing-after-raf-planes-crash-in-moray-firth-1-2389770 Hope the other two crew members are found alive and well.... but not looking good
  24. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    The more I read this...the more it makes sense to me!..... there are some things you/we/mankind...can do sweet FA about!...which, contrary to making me worried...I actually find very soothing!...yup, something that mankind can't f*** up!...it's totally out of our hands.... (enjoy the ride people!) :)
  25. OT: Crazy weather in Newcastle!

    In fact BH...I would happily join you (in this world, or the next) and enjoy a JD with you Sir!

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