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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. My turn to be on TV

    Indeed chaps...you'll have a bit of a wait...not screening until the New Year! (and one want to guess whether that, or WOFF is seen first?)
  2. OT Collies don't 'always' get it right :)

    Lovely Red Collie Pips!
  3. What is this sh**

    http://brothers-in-arms.ubi.com/furious4/en-GB/ they've taken the best WW2 shooter of all time, and turned it into this f****** sh**
  4. It's Olham's fault

    Google Earth is extraordinary...never fails to amaze me!...as a keen Angler, I've used it to discover some great fishing spots too
  5. 30 years ago today End of the Falklands War...

    Nicely put Gentlemen!...it's not about 'Who owns what'....it's about Brave men on both sides, who gave their lives
  6. My Home is my Castle

    Yeah...bloody Welsh!...who needs them!?
  7. My Home is my Castle

    Ah yes Haggis! We have a saying here in Northumberland..that here, we feed Oats to Horses..in Scotland, they feed them to the people!
  8. My Home is my Castle

    You have a deal Sir...and I apologise for my rather 'Brusque British Humour'
  9. What is this sh**

    I would LOVE a remake of Strike Commander!...the only Jet game I ever really got 'in to'
  10. My Home is my Castle

    Is that why you chaps wanted it so bad a few years back?
  11. OFF Windows 7 Theme

  12. EURO 2012

    France were pretty crap too...Nothing of any interest in the game whatsoever...two loser-teams..and a s**t Referee....usual 'Euro-crap' Not watching anymore...rather look at my collection of Snail Eggs
  13. EURO 2012

    Oh Dear ... France not looking too good at all
  14. OT Search Engine

    Thanks Tamper...not been caught out with that yet, but I'll make a note
  15. EURO 2012

    England tonight....my favourite!...I love watching their games...like a pantomime of hilarity
  16. My Home is my Castle

    Some lovely photo's...have to say, I have not seen many pictures of Croatia...looks lovely! (even Palm Trees) which was a surprise. I wonder what animals left those tracks?
  17. My Home is my Castle

    What a lovely idea for a post Olham. Well, I live in Suburbia at the moment...it's ok, but hardly picturesque...though here's a shot I took of a winter sunset out in my back yard But...just a few miles up the road, is Swallow Falls...which is my 'Soul Place'..... and it appears to be little Sophie's 'Soul Place' too
  18. Damn and blast it!...HDD failure, with all my downloads on it! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH
  19. Gonna have to re-purchase HITR

    lol Appreciated m8...yeah, did all the usual...it's as dead as a dodo
  20. Gonna have to re-purchase HITR

    It was the external one! never realised until I've come to reinstall it It's just not showing up in the BIOS or in Windows Explorer
  21. Gonna have to re-purchase HITR

    probs long since gone..I don't mind too much, it's only $9.99 I spose
  22. Update on Mike "Sandbagger" Norris

    I will indeed keep him in my thoughts....thanks for the update m8
  23. OT: Music

    Superb Mike!...loved it!
  24. OT: Music

    Lyrics: I see myself a hero while one wing falls away and the dial approaches zero in a spiralling display. My past life flashes feverishly, and lives I did not lead, like the time I was a hero, of a weird, outlandish breed. One arm of flesh-and muscle and one of feathered scale I was a hero with a wing that was of no avail. I could only fly in circles like a corkscrew in the sky, my one wing flapping frantically while birds just glided by. I launched myself from mountains and from the highest trees although I could get nowhere and just landed on my knees. But still I was a hero, with one wing more than most. Almost half an Angel; a whirling holy ghost. My father was an eagle with two wings wide as sails my mother was the west wind witch with grasping finger nails. She lured him from his aerie with her twittering device. She kept him in a golden cage and fed him field mice.

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