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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. About Loyalty - über Loyalität

    Regardless of the reason's (Pol has made quite clear)...for a forum, it's all about 'where you feel you fit in' I was a member a long while ago of SimHQ...and I don't wish to upset the apple cart...but, it got a bad reputation, for fanbois....and other 'unpleasantness' stalking it's hallowed boards....and, about that time OFF P1 came out...and the forum was on Sim Outhouse..so i moved...and of course, moved again to CA, when the S.O. poop hit the fan! Much as I would love to support OFF on SimHQ.... I have to be quite honest, with myself..and them. It just isn't going to happen. I'm one of the long time fans of OFF as you all know, but I'm getting too old for all this moving about stuff!....I'm happy where I am I have limited hours in the day these days...all my friends are here, the new Mods are in place...and I actually think that having both forums, is a good thing!...as more people will learn about the Sim
  2. Say Hi To Your New Moderators

    Well done chaps...I would have loved to join you...but, I'm not a turncoat, traitor authority worshipping fascist bully boy...so I didnt. (Just kidding)....You're all lovely chaps..and good luck one and all
  3. Horrah!

    It's back!..and so am I
  4. Who IS Uncleal?

    C'mon chaps..let's hunt him down!...Anyone guess what his new identity is? Uncleal...we're coming for ya !
  5. 2,400ft plunge, without a Chute

    And it WAS intentional! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9285794/Gary-Connery-stuntman-in-amazing-2400ft-skydive-without-parachute.html
  6. God DAMN!

    Great show...too long missed
  7. Ah yes.. Metz!...I've been there
  8. Horrah!

    No Slarti...that was Sim Outhouse I think
  9. Horrah!

    I had to take up masturbation again, to get me through the dark, lonely hours!
  10. Back up

    I had to take up masturbation again, to get me through the dark, lonely hours!
  11. Calling Uncleal

    Yeah...I never knew Uncleal was back...it's like having your very own CIA operative!
  12. Horrah!

    All due respect to SimHQ...I have no intentions of 'Putting them down' whatsoever.....it's just that CA seems like a nice warm, cosy Quilt..and a steaming hot cuppa!....thats what I like about it. And great to see my Avatar again! (it's the little things in life that are important) when you get to a 'certain age'
  13. Horrah!

    It may be the official home...but it ain't my home!...I'm staying right here!
  14. ZZZZzzz Wha, where am I?!

  15. Home built F-18 cockpit

    really good!..thanks for posting!
  16. New aircraft at hendon

    Very nice indeed!
  17. He's off to St Omer, for a four day school trip...revisiting Ypes, the Somme etc, for his History Exams! I've instructed him to take as many photo's as possible!
  18. Karma

    Such a tragedy. It only took him 2 hours to die....I would have much prefered 3-4 weeks http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12393125
  19. Carol Shelby died

    Never heard of him...thought it was a woman, with the name of 'Carol' but RIP anyway
  20. My Son is a lucky lad!

    That's very kind...thank you
  21. Pfalz D.III - Much Maligned?

    I can certainly relate to that...most probably froze with fear..and were dead minutes later!...poor devils
  22. Was he the chap that survived bailing out with a Parachute?
  23. Pfalz D.III - Much Maligned?

    Well, this post has made me decide to try a campaign again with the Pfalz....I did in the past, but it was short lived..... (maybe it should be called the Widowmaker)...but, I'm a slightly more 'sophisticated' pilot these days..and I pick my fights..rather than go steaming in...so, perhaps I shall live a bit longer this time
  24. New years day Epic!... The Eagle has Landed. I especially like it as a) It portrays the Germans as Human Beings b) It Portrays the American's as stoopid! :lol: Such a refreshing change!!
  25. Plenty of dog lovers on here......

    Very good performance...I watched it the other night. Not 'quite' as good as Kate and Gin (imho)...but very good nonetheless And perhaps I'm just an old perv...but, at one stage early on...I wish I had been Pudsy!

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