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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. "Dark Blue World" - The Air Scenes

    I guess so Hauksbee....the Soviet Union eh?... Sh*t it!
  2. It was very common for people to get Married to 'A Whiter shade of pale'...my sister did!....and enjoyed her divorce party several years later with "Always look on the bright side of life!"
  3. My Facebook Campaign

    Facebook has surprised me, in it's diversity...I started a Campaign last Thursday night...when I went to bed..I had six likes!..... the following morning, there were 112 likes... now over 500 likes..... https://www.facebook.com/RecognitionForTheBorderColliesHeritage I've had to do quite a lot of research on my subject matter...as there is little written about him. One 'Adam Telfer' I want him to be recognised for his contribution to World Agriculture. Nice one FB!
  4. My Facebook Campaign

    Thanks Derk...well, Newfoundlands eh?.... I love those big guys!..we have one round our way!...and 'Ganda' is a longtime hero of mine!...so, ya never know m8 :)
  5. The Judge of the Shoe Bombers words

    Great speech. Bottom Line is: They hate us, because we live in the 21st Century...and they still live in the 11th Century
  6. "Dark Blue World" - The Air Scenes

    Dej...you're quite right of course...It was a shocking indictment which the UK should hang it's head in shame for!
  7. Sometimes I despair at the Human Race

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2139442/Violet-DMello-mauled-tame-cheetahs-holiday-safari-park.html?ICO=most_read_module I'm afraid, I have little sympathy... why is it, that Human Beings, are so incredibly conceited as to think, a Wild, Carnivorous animal, is happy to be petted, and treated like a Circus freak, for Obese Tourists to get their kicks?...It wants to Kill things!..that's what it does. Millions of years of evolution...Nature's perfect hunters... 60 mph Killing Machine...and they let people stroke it!...utterly insane!....and yet, we're not allowed to drive at 5mph over the speed limit!....there's something terribly wrong with Mankind!
  8. Bundle of JSGME enabled Realism Mods

    wow!..... that'll be fantastic m8..well done, I hope the guys give the OK (I'm sure they will)
  9. "Dark Blue World" - The Air Scenes

    I've got the film...the air fighting is good...but, I'm afraid, I found the film quite dull
  10. I woulda spent £1 on gear..and the rest on my Fare to the Bahamas!
  11. WWI Pilot's Badge of Imperial Germany,

    That's really very nice!...you must have quite a collection now
  12. Not a Job I would relish!

    Poor Controller...handles it well considering
  13. "Disposable" Pilot names that you use

    I usually give them names of politicians..that way, I'm actually quite pleased when the go down in flames! Gordon Brown David Cameron Nicholas Clegg and Edward Milliband, have all come to grizzly ends (I'm pleased to say)
  14. I posted this in the pub, but I know there are some fans here too http://combatace.com/topic/72390-mb-warband-napoleonic-dlc/page__pid__569695#entry569695
  15. M&B Warband with Napoleon DLC

    You will be pleased to note then BH...that FULL Battle lines are possible..and you can order Volley Fire! You will both also be pleased that there are many brilliant features too...such as the ability to be a Piper, Drummer, and even play the piano! (I wont go into detail...I'll let you enjoy discovering it)...needless to say, although there is NO Campaign...and I have also NOT played it online yet....I note with interest, I have (according to Steam) played it for 9 hours in two days!...that's gotta count for something!
  16. Murdered aid worker

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/apr/30/khalil-dale-red-cross-pakistan-video?newsfeed=true We should stop being so sqeamish in the West...and start broadcasting Taliban throats being cut!!!
  17. Murdered aid worker

    I don't know of any animals that would behave in that way!...it's an insult to animals...these things are way lower than animals!
  18. M&B Warband Napoleonic DLC

    Been having a blast with this game!...yes, I know it's childish..and harks back to being a 10 yr old with Toy Soldiers...but, there is still something hugely enjoyable, about sticking a Bayonet in some git! :) Both the game itself, and the DLC are available on Steam, for you Napoleonic fans!...sorry for the poor quality video..just made it quickly to show you!....No campaign on this...but Multiplayer and/or Bots...lots of maps, and very well modelled uniforms/weapons. A Must have for Musket heads
  19. The PC port is great!..I got it last night..for a snip on Steam less than £4!!
  20. Last Minute Reprieve

    We rescued our Dog Max from the pound...he'd been there six months...best thing I ever did this is him looking a bit 'Vicious' for some reason...but he's as soft as s**te!
  21. Last Minute Reprieve

    second best
  22. Holy cow...check this out Gamers!

    http://www.cam-trax.com/ never heard of this!!!!

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