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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Holy cow...check this out Gamers!

    no idea if it's of any use in flightsims...sorry Daddy
  2. Last Minute Reprieve

    Congratulations in making the move to improve your Mental, physical and spiritual life!...which is the effect a Dog (or any companion animal) has on a Human being!.... and you can be very proud, that you have saved a little Dog's life!....trust me when I say...He will return the favour with a large % of interest!.... a very happy story all round!!!!!
  3. EA won "The Worse Company" award.

    Did anyone play that abhorent piece of sh*t MOH Airborne?..... that was without doubt, the worst game that ever polluted my HDD
  4. 504 crash

    Fantastic find Carrick..thanks
  5. I bet many pilots in the Great War prayed for that
  6. EA won "The Worse Company" award.

    The Original Medal of Honor was a masterpiece...but, 99% of all other titles are sh*t (IMHO)
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=v0srY37kkMw#! http://www.cam-trax.com/
  8. OFF with Richer more Vibrant Colors

    Nice tip Hellshade...
  9. Revising My Ozzy List

    For me Journey to the Centre of Eternity War Pigs Bark at the Moon
  10. Some FSX

    That would be very good of you Sir!...many thanks
  11. Some FSX

    wow!...it's really good then...at least as good as REX. ( is the file called ENB Mod then?) I'd love to take a look at that!...FPS Killer?
  12. 100 years ago tonight

    Just goes to show, you should not tempt fate!...Unsinkable?...yeah, ok
  13. My Pound Puppy is gone

    As a Dog-Nut, my sympathies are with you...and my Thanks for giving a dog such a good home
  14. Ouch...OUCH!

    Lifting paint tins into the house today, and my back gave out with a sharp pain, that put me squarely on the floor! My Lovely Collie saved the day though...as I was wriggling about in severe discomfort..she came bounding over, licking me all over, and crying (as dogs do)....then she sat down, and let me use her body to lever myself upright...and escorted me into the house! My little Black and White hero!!
  15. Ouch...OUCH!

    haha..yes, great vid m8. They're top dog in the Intelligence heiracy.... which means they can be a real handful at times! This vid sums them up!
  16. Some FSX

    Some great shots guys!...I recognised 'REX'
  17. @ Hellshade

    Hellshades videos are terrifying nightmares!...I wake up screaming! "I'M GOING DOWN"
  18. Ouch...OUCH!

    Well, day 3...and I am at least walking without the aid of a stick!....what a pain in the ass!.... defo going to take preventative measures in future!! I'm thinking of changing my dogs name to 'Florence' (after Florence Nightingale)....she has never left my side, except to eat, and go for her walks with Mrs WM... I have used my rather tedious hours, doing a bit of training with her... she now get's my stick, and even brought one of my shoes! (a little more training needed there...she hasn't quite got used to the fact I need two!)
  19. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    that really does look like Canvas on the Camels Wings!...stunning!...and even the writing on the tyres!.. stunning +
  20. Ouch...OUCH!

    I think Olham is right!...too much time sitting in a computer room...with a 'slightly' rotund tum!...need to get out with the dogs even more!
  21. Ouch...OUCH!

    :rofl: Thanks Gents I always was hopeless at DIY...I must be the only person ever, to injure myself JUST getting prepared for the DIY! (sigh)
  22. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    It's like a fine wine!...it takes time to mature!...COD could have been a really fine wine...sadly, it's merely Vinegar!
  23. Windows 7 OFFMan fatal error

    Or don't use Bitdefender?
  24. Found a Sweet mod for Fallout New Vegas

    No, not heard of that mod...Is Nexus where you get your mods from Skyviper?

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