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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. WW1 Top Gun: Revealed (UK Viewers?)

    Nice...thanks for the headsup
  2. You can't make this kind of s**t up

    They need cheering up anyhow!
  3. Holy Frak!

    Have a lovely Day... The Zimmer you ordered is in the post!
  4. You can't make this kind of s**t up

    LMFAO!!!!.... Sacha must be pissing himself!!!!! :lol:
  5. The Sensitive man

    The Sensitive Man A woman meets a man in a bar. They talk; they connect; they end up leaving together.. They get back to his place, And as he shows her around his apartment. She notices that one wall of his bedroom is Completely filled with soft, sweet, cuddly teddy bears. There are three shelves in the bedroom, With hundreds and hundreds of cute, Cuddly teddy bears carefully placed In rows, covering the entire wall! It was obvious that he had taken Quite some time to lovingly arrange them And she was immediately touched By the amount of thought he had Put into organizing the display. There were small bears all along The bottom shelf, Medium-sized bears covering the Length of the middle shelf, And huge, enormous bears running All the way along the top shelf. She found it strange for an Obviously masculine guy To have such a large collection of Teddy Bears, She is quite impressed by his Sensitive side. But doesn't mention this to him. They share a bottle of wine and Continue talking and, After awhile, she finds herself Thinking, 'Oh my God! Maybe, this guy Could be the one! Maybe he could be the future Father of my children?' She turns to him and kisses him Lightly on the lips He responds warmly They continue to kiss, the passion builds, And he romantically lifts her in His arms and carries her into his bedroom Where they rip off each other's Clothes and make hot, steamy love. She is so overwhelmed that she Responds with more passion, More creativity, more heat than she Has ever known. After an intense, explosive night Of raw passion with this sensitive guy, They are lying there together in The afterglow. The woman rolls over, gently Strokes his chest and asks coyly, 'Well, how was it?' The guy gently smiles at her, Strokes her cheek, Looks deeply into her eyes, And says: "Help yourself to any prize on the middle shelf"!
  6. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    I've downloaded and installed it (went very smoothly)...had a quick look (as it's getting late here in the UK)..but it looks really good!..and, I havent played a Space Sim for years..so, looking forward to starting in earnest tomorrow!
  7. "Wing Commander Saga:The Darkest Dawn" Released!

    WHOOT!...Downloading now!....thanks for the headsup!
  8. First Person Medieval Hackathon

    Looking forward to this!...I love Medieval stuff http://www.chivalrythegame.com/
  9. First Person Medieval Hackathon

    Looking good m8!
  10. First Person Medieval Hackathon

    don't think so Viper...just an online hack 'n slash by the looks of it (love M&B though)
  11. My cd arrived today

    Welcome to the Fray Eric!.... watch your six!
  12. Bandicam V Fraps

    Having used both..I have to say (after using it for a small Video)...Bandicam is superior to fraps imho. It's intuative (like Fraps)....but the quality of the recording is much clearer http://www.bandicam.com/
  13. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    Well, my wife was made redundant last November, after 35 years as a Business Advisor, and so we decided to go in with a colleague, and open an online (and real brick and mortar) Petfood store! We've been open for two weeks, and it's been quite a lot of work to get to this point..hence, why I have been not posting much. I think I have found my own personal Niche!...As you probably know...I am NUTS about our four-legged friends..when not playing OFF or Skyrim, I am with my two Collies all the time!...In fact, Sophie is by my feet as I type..... This way, when I'm in my little Shop, I can talk all day about Dogs, and Cats and Horses...which is fabulous!!! 2012 has started really well, and I am feeling very much more content with life, than I have for a couple of years! This was our first customer..a Lovely Border Collie called Jack...who had a great time helping himself to some free samples!! This is our website (not trying to sell anything...just to show you) http://www.bow-wow-pets.co.uk/ Please wish us luck in our new venture
  14. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    thanks everyone!
  15. Zeppelin

    Can anyone tell me where to get the Zeppelin for use in OFF please? I cannot find it in my downloads anywhere...I must have deleted it sometime! Thanks Muchly!
  16. Zeppelin

    Well, of course..the Luftwaffe also paid a few visits
  17. Zeppelin

    A little bit left of Coxlodge Lou
  18. Totally OT...My New Petfood Store

    Great News today! Bow-wow-pets has been picked to supply Horse Feed to Northumbria Police Mounted Division! How cool is that? :drinks: :drinks:
  19. Zeppelin

    Fantastic Lou...and, I can see where my house is on that Map! I never knew they bombed my town!
  20. Thats always been one of the plus things about OFF...never needed 'amazing' hardware to run it
  21. Zeppelin

    It was a coastal town..possibly Scunthorpe or somewhere on the East Coast, that had the most casualties from a Zeppelin attack I think
  22. Well Done America! :)

    Yeah, I know!....I'm just a big old softy!..... But, This is lovely!... He deserves it after his service http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2117893/September-11-hero-dog-receives-stem-cell-therapy.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  23. OT -- Cats

    Onetinsoldier.... I'm sorry to hear that. As an avid human, owned by several Feline and Canine companions, I feel how you feel.
  24. Bandicam V Fraps

    Have they 'upped it' then?...used to be 1 gig. If so, that'll be doubly handy!

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