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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Zeppelin

    Thank you Gents...much appreciated
  2. Propeller blur

    Good question....I obviously cannot answer for OBD...but, I would suspect..all areas will have been improved where possible..and I suspect, with their attention to detail...the Props will have been looked at too
  3. Zeppelin

    thanks chaps...havent had a chance to install it yet...damn life keeps interupting!
  4. Zeppelin

    Many thanks m8 thats the 'plan'
  5. Zeppelin

    thanks m8
  6. Bandicam V Fraps

    Well, thanks for the headsup re: New Fraps...I have upgraded it..and yes, a great improvement on previous releases! I would (now) put them about level in quality!
  7. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    :lol: Apparently, it's already there...but you have to unlock it
  8. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    hahaha...I wish you luck with that!....The amount of hassle I caused the poor Devs in getting the Snipe into the next release, is almost legendary here!
  9. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    The daft thing about it is...they're the same bloody medal!...Of course they're going to look similar..if not, the same! And why the hell would OBD pinch someone else's graphic...when theirs are superior in every way?
  10. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Yes, I have most of the skunkworks planes...musta overlooked the Dolphin though (silly me!) Are they doing any for FE2?
  11. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Is the First Eagles Lima?
  12. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Let's face it...once you get over the fancy graphics..and the bumpy ride...there's little substance!
  13. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    I wouldn't be me if I didn't! (but, thankfully..tonight...I'm sober!)
  14. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Yeah...cos they're sh*tting themselves now!...cos THEY'RE the ones who could get their asses sued!!!
  15. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Someday you'll miss me?.... yeah, like a hole in the head!
  16. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Shameful!....talk about a one-legged man, trying to backpedal on a Tandem!!
  17. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    They'll probably remove mine!
  18. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    I'm hardly surprised!...the whole way that 777 conduct their business, is unprofessional, contentious....and now, it appears...in a childish and pathetic manner! Whatever next?
  19. theaerodrome hacked?

    bummer!...what's the major malfunction of these Pizza eating nerds?
  20. So..are you doing a mission pack Lou?...that can be completed before a new pilot heads off to glory?
  21. Bandicam V Fraps

    Looks like Hellshade has been experimenting with it too
  22. Bandicam V Fraps

    And greetings to you RJW Actually...that's a good point!......I am not using the latest version of Fraps..... so, with that in mind, I shall update my version, and try it out.
  23. Many Afghanistan pics

    As does the rest of the World

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