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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. what is this Sir?..I must have missed it!".....is it available yet? And Lou...I LOVE this project!...what a fabulous Idea!!!
  2. Bandicam V Fraps

    yes I did...superior in my opinion
  3. Many Afghanistan pics

    Well, it'll be a while before Kabul becomes a major Tourist attraction I suspect. But, my initial impression was "Our troops are risking their lives for this s**t-hole?"
  4. OT Career Change

    Fantastic!....yup, that's how I dreamed it would happen...but I guess..we all have our fears...and little aeroplanes are mine!
  5. OT My Mrs made the National News :)

    (she's on at the end)
  6. OT My Mrs made the National News :)

    thanks guys..yes, it's going quite well...I wish I knew how to edit on top of a video like that!...I'd love to replace the wording under her name to say 'Proprietor of Bow-Wow-Pets...instead of 'Former Civil Servant!!
  7. OT Career Change

    FlyPC...Have you ever actually flown an aircraft?....You havent said that? Would it not be prudent (if not)...to book a few flying lessons?....it won't break the bank..and might just give you an idea if you want to progress. Reason I say this, is like you...my dream was always to be a pilot....and my wife kindly booked me a flying lesson for my birthday a few years ago!...I was so excited, I could see myself doing a solo...flying just for fun...the horizon was ahead of me! I turned up at Carlisle airport...and took a flight up in a small aircraft. I have never been so utterly terrified in my life!!!..... I don't mind admitting, that we were buffeted about by the wind...and when i was at the controls, and the instructor told me to turn...I nearly sh*t myself! It's put me off ever becoming a Pilot!.....
  8. OT Career Change

    Really tough one (especially after reading everyones comments)...Heart says 'Yes'..head says 'No' But, I nearly always follow my heart!...so, how about you m8?
  9. Faces High

    :lol: I have a hole in my head..and if I stick a pencil in it...I can see Jesus!
  10. OT My Mrs made the National News :)

    hahaha...Yes, thats it now...she's had her 30 seconds of fame!...now it's my turn. (anyone know where my Sniper Rifle is?....I just spotted a useful Bell tower)
  11. OT: Skyrim 1.5 update is "Brutal"

    I love the Killcam...but, I am a big fan of 'cinematics'...hence my being a Wing Commander rather than X-Wing...and a Brothers in Arms rather than COD fan.
  12. ETA for phase 4?

    I've been playing it since last Sunday!
  13. Thankfully..with 3000+ skins to choose from, most skinning is just personalization really. I've done a couple from scratch, but' like you guys say...it's murderous..and I've cancelled quite a few good ideas I had..just because of the effort involved!....which makes the OFF skinners achievements even more incredible!
  14. OT My Mrs made the National News :)

    My Dear Wife thanks you all for your lovely comments
  15. OT My Mrs made the National News :)

    hahahaha....thanks Guys (she only watched the first five seconds..and refused to watch the rest!...heehee)...she thinks it's awful!
  16. OT My Favourite War Film

    I'm not surprised Flyboys is excluded...it's generally considered (at least here)..to be utter crap Oh...I just spotted your Irony!..hahahahahahaha :lol:
  17. SF:NA

    nothing to report then chaps?
  18. I'm on a Horse

    Careful.... that's the Al Queda all purpose, terrain vehicle! (they've been designing it for years)
  19. OT My Favourite War Film

    I agree completely..there are real similarities. That said, I suppose all 'epic' type tales are similar in construction, even if the plot is slightly different..but I'm with you..Lucas read Lotr
  20. OT: I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain

    lol...yup BH....Hindsight is a wonderful thing
  21. Saw that too...quite fascinating!..the same series had the British Disaster at Ishlandwahna (excuse my spelling)
  22. Wing Commander Saga Trailer and Release Date.

    Great stuff!...I'm a big fan
  23. The Sensitive man

  24. La Folie....always reminds me of The Stranglers song
  25. OT: I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain

    Reminds me of an incident that happened to my wife one day....she saw a small wisp of smoke come from the dash...so pulled over, got out...and walked the 200yds to a phone booth to call me, to come have a look, and pick her up. By the time she finished the call, and came out of the booth...the car was engulfed in flames!...the Fire Service arrived on the scene before I got there...and the car was just a shell. I gave my wife a big hug that day!

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