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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Unreal 3 Engine Features video

    Stunning visuals are great..provided you get a good storyline to go with them.
  2. OT Made my day

    Just returned a computer i fixed for an elderly lady..and noticed several pictures of a Lancaster Bomber on the living room wall. I enquired about them, and it turned out, her Husband was a Flight Engineer on Lancs, with 166 squadron. She got a photo album out, to reveal some amazing photo's (never published) of the inside, outside..and even some shot's taken from inside, of the outside of Lancs..their crews, even the Spaniel who was their mascot. I spent a fascinating 30 mins, over a cup of tea, chatting to her..and looking over the photo's. Her husbands aircraft/crew completed 30 sorties over enemy territory, and she flew in a Lanc herself, in her time as a WAAF...and told me that when she was on board, they were practising bombing a ship towed target, which they missed..and the swearing was so bad, the Radio operator switched her R/T headset off, for fear of offending her!! A wonderful 30 minutes, with a truly charming Lady!...made my day!
  3. OT Made my day

    Wow Lou!...My Dad (who was in SOE) fought with the French Resistance in WW2...and often talked to me about the supply drop pilots, flying in at treetop level, to drop arms and ammunition!....what's the betting that your guy and my dad were in cahoots....without even knowing each other! Amazingly (life is full of surprises)...but, my little Dog, was born on a farm, in a place called 'Bellingham' in Northumberland (a 30 minute drive from my house)...I went there last weekend, and the owners are friends of ours. They found some wreckage in one of their fields after plowing, a couple of years ago....turned out to be a Hurricane Fighter!.... It was dug up, and now resides in the Sunderland Aircraft Museum. (though, I should point out..it was at their previous Farm) Sadly, the Pilot was killed
  4. OT My Favourite War Film

    I think Lord of the Rings is more to do with Greed, environmental destruction, and friendship/Kinship than a War film. Tolkein was a real genius, when it came to spotting all the sh*t that was going on around him..he was clearly very 'Anti-City'...for which, he has my vote
  5. Bring Kony to Justice

    This man must die!
  6. Bring Kony to Justice

    Yes, it's easy to be cynical about it...but, the US government were going to do sweet FA...until the campaign forced them into some kind of action 14:00 is a very telling moment.
  7. HiTR questions

    It is rather common I suspect, when you purchase an 'Addon'...you can never remember what the original was like!..though, I bought HiTR..not because of the Aircraft..but because of the updated graphics/AI etc,etc. Well worth the money!
  8. Jesus V Satan - Computer joke

    Jesus and Satan were having an on-going argument about who was better on the computer. They had been going at it for days, and frankly God was tired of hearing all the bickering. Finally fed up, God said, "THAT'S IT! I have had enough. I am going to set up a test that will run for two hours, and from those results, I will judge who does the better job." So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away. They moused. They faxed. They e-mailed. They e-mailed with attachments. They downloaded. They did spreadsheets! They wrote reports. They created labels and cards. They created charts and graphs. They did some genealogy reports. They did every job known to man. Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency and Satan was faster than hell. Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the power went off... Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed. Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers. Satan started searching frantically, screaming: "It's gone! It's all GONE! I lost everything when the power went out!" Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work... Satan observed this and became irate. "Wait!" he screamed. "That's not fair! He cheated! How come he has all his work and I don't have any?" God just shrugged his shoulders and said, JESUS SAVES...
  9. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    Let's face it..the reason we're doing nothing about Syria, is plain and simple...they've nothing we want!..and not riddled with the Terrorists that scare our governments to death! So, next time we invade a country, and our politicians harp on about 'Human Rights' abuses, and 'regime change for the Good of the people' and 'weapon's of mass destruction'....I suggest we ignore it completely (as I did the first time around!...because it's utter and complete lies!) Lies, Lies and Damned Lies I bet the Syrian's wish they had Oil...then the UN would be in there faster than you can blink!...but, they havent...they only have a population of Brown People..so, they're worthless to Western Governments
  10. One for Widowmaker

    Classic!...thanks m8 the new Guinness one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=y07at1bU89Q
  11. For me..ASUS is the only board I will buy. Have used Gigabyte in the past..but recently..They have been really bad!....I have had 3 dead boards from new, in 18months
  12. War Horse: The Real story

    Yes, I watched it (had to record One man and His Dog) A very moving account....I found tears rolling down my cheeks in the last 5 minutes..where those beautiful Black Horses, who survived the Horror...pulled the gun carriage, with the body of the unknown soldier to Westminster Abbey.....very moving indeed
  13. War Horse: The Real story

    Beautiful Video Nbryant...thanks for posting! Will have a watch of that m8
  14. OT My Favourite War Film

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nWmllfg25g IMHO...the Best War film ever. Any Anti War film, is the best film ‎"Don't rejoice in his defeat you men! For, although the World stood up and defeated the Bastard. The Bitch that bore him, is in heat again" -Bertolt Brecht amen to that!
  15. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    I don't even give a sh*t about the fuel prices anymore!...here in the UK..it's so damned expensive, that I'm actually past caring! Let the Arab world keep it's Oil...and when they've drifted back to the 11th Century...we can just go buy it for some Camel Dung!
  16. M$ Flight released

    For anyone who cares http://www.microsoft.com/games/flight/
  17. P4 & P3 Question

    Or more likely...because P2 was free?
  18. P4 & P3 Question

    I don't think removing P3 is a bad thing...p4 is going to have everything p3 has..and a whole lot more by the look of it...and no-one has p1 still installed do they?
  19. OT: The best games of 2012 from PCGamer

    Oh..War of the Roses...Multiplayer only!....there's more and more of this now!..it's easy, and cheap to develop MP games...because you don't even have to have the imagination, to develop a storyline...so any geeky nobody can do it!...I despair
  20. In my shed this weekend

    You could build a FAB simulator in one!
  21. OT: The best games of 2012 from PCGamer

    War of the Roses looks interesting..and Max Payne 3 should be a blast....GTA games are always fun...but, all that fantasy stuff...it just looks like sh*t to me
  22. This was my favourite (wrong wording, but you know what I mean) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-15848886
  23. OT: For Widowmaker

    There is a saying around... "There are Dogs..and then there are Border Collies" They're certainly extremely bright Dogs (and hard work at times...just like a Four year old human Olham)
  24. Never been in a Helo...and don't ever want to!....I would never sit in one voluntarily, which means..if I was in one..it would be an Air Ambulance, or Air/Sea Rescue jobby! (neither of which appeal)
  25. OT: For Widowmaker

    have you seen this btw?

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