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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. F-18 + Go-Pro = Awesome

    Enjoyed that!...thanks for posting
  2. OT Hotmail

    PLEASE use Malwarebytes too FlyPC...it's currently the best malware remover out there
  3. OT Skyrim fans

    wow!...It's just arrived!..My 4 cd compilation, of all the music from the game (and some that wasn't used)... Limited edition, and signed!...woohoo
  4. OT Skyrim fans

    Hi Coot...yeah, it's a four cd compilation of all the soundtrack from the game..signed by the composer...very nice it is too. This is a quick vid to show you the quality of the soundtrack (naughty I know)
  5. OT-Cliffs of Dover no video...

    Welcome to the world of corporate flightsimming!

    Can't be bothered with it...Just another Religious inspired load of old tosh Doesnt matter what you do for the lady..she ain't ever going to be happy with anything less than an 8" Chocolate Penis..that ejaculates Money!
  7. Corporate b*stards

    You Rang?...Capitalism Baby Yup...and Capitalism is the reason..we're all gonna die
  8. The idiot's who try to tell us "The Jewish Issue was a lie by the Allies"...are the same idiots, this bloke appears to be a member of...the Combat 18, EDL style thugs and Bullyboys. They really should get a life!
  9. OT-Cliffs of Dover no video...

    Make sure it's patched too...but don't expect miracles m8..it's far from perfect
  10. Best OFF Review Yet

    I once posted an OFF video on my Facebook page..but never mentioned what it was...the reactions from people were interesting...from "Is that FSX"...to "Is that off the history Channel"..hahaha
  11. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Havent tried it myself m8...But yeah, I kinda expected Dragon's to be a little tougher
  12. OT Skyrim fans

    Yes Jarhead..I have...it's nothing special in my opinion
  13. OT Skyrim fans

    I know BH...It just died as soon as it was moved!...I'm guilty too...It just doesnt feel 'right' in the Pub...dunno why
  14. I'm not spending another penny on it, thats for sure
  15. No Borders + No Religion = No Wars!
  16. Really..The only thing that RoF and OFF have in common...are they are both set in WW1 I prefer OFF for quite a few reasons...namely campaign, the amount of aircraft and the immersion factor. RoF wins hands down on MP...which is fine (although I have never sucessfully joined an MP game..perhaps I'm doing something wrong..but I'm not bothered anyhow)...OFF has never claimed to be the ultimate MP sim..... It seems a bit daft now to compare the two on equal levels...they are chalk and cheese
  17. OT Skyrim fans

    OOO...I musta missed that m8..thanks for the headsup
  18. It's madness!..they ban it now in Germany (probably the LEAST likely country to turn to National Socialism anytime soon)...yet allow it elsewhere! I despair
  19. I have RoF..and am 'quite' enjoying it..though I play it perhaps 10% of my WW1 flying time...Have the planes I wanted now...but seaplanes?..OFF did that in P1...c'mon 777.....wake up and smell the Coffee
  20. If any of you gentlemen get a chance to see "Hitler..The Rise of Evil"...I strongly recommend it!..a fascinating history, told without prior prejudice...brilliantly acted..and it shows very well, the SA squaring up to the Soldiers of the German Army in the 1930's I never knew, for instance...that Hitler was shot and wounded in this standoff!...just before he was arrested. I understand perfectly, why you would feel so repulsed by this song Olham, as all sentient Human Beings should be....Once again, we see an upsurge of National Socialism in parts of both Europe and the United States...It MUST be crushed wherever in the world it raises it's evil, foul head! One only has to look at the other video's in this 'persons' profile, to see he is obviously a fascist nut-job
  21. I know!...well, perhaps they kinda got used to it!
  22. There is a very good one in Paris too..if you're ever there Olham. You'll recognise it if you go there...A Tiger Tank sits outside!
  23. Takes me back to my childhood...and visiting the Imperial War museum in London...there were a lot of these Dioramas.... it was wonderful to inspect all the detail!...My Parents used to have to drag me out of the place at closing time!
  24. Who are the "...inside men"?

    OMG!....Trust NO-ONE!!....It could be anyone here!.... Careless talk costs lives!
  25. OT Skyrim fans

    hahahahahaha...you don't post nearly enough here Mr Dixon!...you always crack me up!!! :lol:

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