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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Was the Editor on a Day Off?

    Whoops?..... Bad Edit!!
  2. OT-another rant

    Not a big fan of National Anthems myself.... they sound a little too much like that awful Hymmn... "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus"......which is without a shadow of a doubt, the worst song ever written!!
  3. OT-private rant

    I have to agree with Derk...I have a problem with the 'Anti's'...there are way to many these days!...whatever happened to live and let live?...yes, a Non Smoker should not have to put up with it in a public place, but now they're trying to ban it in your own car!...next it will be your House...and then, it will be made Illegal full stop. (well, at least it would, if the Government didn't make so much money from Ciggies in Tax)
  4. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    Very wise words flypc... my Wife, whose a Business Adviser (well, was...she's now redundant)says exactly the same as you.
  5. Run Time Error '480'...

    System restore...I know people bitch about it..but it so often sorts niggly little things
  6. OT-private rant

    I gave up about four years ago.... and then, about two years ago, I foolishly started again (long story, involving Guns, a Shooting..and s**tting myself)....so, I have stopped again now...for good this time!
  7. Thoroughly OT! But please help

    Great news m8..... The hard work starts now! (but, you have OFF to play in those quiet moments)
  8. Having recently given up the evil weed...I can say I am glad the advertising is now illegal
  9. PBS: 3D Spies of WWII

    Well, SOPA have lost...
  10. A must see

    It's true....the Ad's are often better than the Show's on TV
  11. PBS: 3D Spies of WWII

    Cant watch it here sadly...But I actually met one of those Boffins!...He was a friend of my Dad
  12. Promotion Idea

    We could all show a bit of support..by joining the OFF Facebook page, if you havent already...and are an FB'er
  13. Non War Bi Planes

    Strangely enough...Mine is a Large Civvie. British Civil Aviation, of the 'Empire' Era
  14. I need a favor

    Well, there's a few for you..including my Fictional Red and Black for you
  15. Legends in Flight

    Strange choice IMHO...I find most things Italian, rather...erm..... well....crap basically
  16. Incompetent, and a coward

  17. That's why I prefer Documentaries and research published on the Net.....This Hollywood stuff get's on my wick
  18. Some amazing artwork on the site you linked to Olham...thanks
  19. Incompetent, and a coward

    Did this guy win a competition or something? "Scratch off the silver foil, to reveal 3 ships..and YOU could be a Holiday Liner Captain for a Year"
  20. Incompetent, and a coward

    Surely, it's a charge of Manslaughter isnt it?
  21. Oh dear!...Once again, the ingredient of something good, is taken lovingly....and mixed with Cat Sick! (again)
  22. OT: Thanks, Widowmaker!

    Hahaha....Nice one Mike!....how cool is that?...take him through the OFF Air War..and into FSX Civvie street! This software does all the hard work for you!
  23. Incompetent, and a coward

    I've never liked Ships!..... Seasickness with an option to Drown!

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