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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT-Micro$oft "Flight"

    What a pile of s**te!
  2. Funny autocorrects

    This just cracked me up completely http://www.buzzfeed.com/burnred/the-25-funniest-autocorrects-of-2011-281t
  3. OT: Miserable Computer Experience

    Corporate assholes everywhere!...this is an email I sent to my 'alleged' future ISP just yesterday... Dear Sir/Madam Account number ************** I have been a loyal customer of SKY for several years, but am at my wits end now! I ordered Broadband unlimited from you at the end of November 2011... I needed a new phoneline put in, and was told an engineer would be calling round to fit the line on 19th December 2011. He never bothered to turn up, and I had taken unpaid leave to wait in for him, losing £102.80 in wages! Whilst I am aware that BTOpenreach install the line, and not yourselves, you are however the only contacts we are allowed. I was then told, when I called Sky, the next available slot was January 25th 2012! Next, I recieved a letter from yourselves, saying I had to pay again, as I wasn't in when the Engineer called!....Naturally I called SKY again (on my mobile, as I now had no phone line!).... And was told by your representative, that an urgent email would be sent to see if this outrageous date could be revised...and a promise to let me know would be forthcoming!...........................................................nothing! (exit tumbleweed stage left!) I then watched in Horror, a Sky advert on TV..SIX MONTHS FREE BROADBAND for all new subscribers!...well, perhaps, as I had been dumped on from a great height, four weeks earlier, I thought, just perhaps I might be entitled to that?...I mean, I have been without a Phone or Internet access all over Christmas and New year, with my 'Fairytale Package'...So, I called again (on my Mobile of course) "We shall put in a request for you....It will take 72 hours"...came the curt reply!...We will be in touch then....... yup, you guessed it!.............................................................................nothing So, today...I phone again..... "Please can I have my date brought forward for the phoneline?" "NOPE!" "Any chance I will be in line for the free six months internet, as I have still no broadband" (apart from my Mobile Dongle) "NOPE" "Why not?" "Because you ordered it in November" "Ok...that's pretty rotten of you....can I at least have the date moved nearer, November to January without Broadband or phone access sucks!" "NOPE" Well, thanks a lot Mr Murdoch...... perhaps I should explain, that I am a VERY busy Self Employed Computer Engineer, who regularly fixes, and advises on ISP issues! Shall I continue to recommend SKY as a Broadband supplier? Yup...You guessed it "NOPE" Simon Falla (ex supporter of SKY Broadband)
  4. Uh OH

  5. A New Year Message

    For anyone feeling a 'Bit Down in the Dumps' A well-known speaker started off his seminar holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it...?" Still the hands we...re up in the air. "Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, YOU are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE. You are special-Don't EVER forget it."
  6. For Everyone Who's Ever Hit a Deer...

    Lucky the driver didnt get owned as well
  7. Virtual F5U "Flying Flapjack...

    Those are two of the ugliest contraptions I have ever seen!
  8. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    Well, I'd like to see it...it's a great historical story.
  9. MS Flight Demo to be released Spring 2012

  10. That's a REALLY good idea Mike!.... knowing who the flight leader is (if he's still alive of course) would be a very handy thing!!!
  11. Do we have a "Decorum Editor"?

    It has been moderated now - be careful people in what you type.
  12. Favorite Non War Aviation Film

    I'm with Jarhead...Airplane wins hands down for me (Flight of the Phoenix was good too)
  13. MS Flight Demo to be released Spring 2012

    Well, apparently they re-employed several of the top fsx team to build this...but, I bet they have been given strict instruction to produce a game, rather than a Sim (I hope Im wrong)
  14. Well, I have been a well known RoF slagger in the past...But it's grown on me (a bit)...because of the DM and FM...but, their business accumin is awful!... I was an early purchaser of the game, at full price, with naff aircraft, that I would never even bother flying in OFF...then they come out soon afterwards with RoF Ice...with more planes...not even a diddly squat for the earlier purchasers....and if even now, you buy the aircraft...you are looking at an extremely expensive Sim...on a par with FSX (which is worth every penny I've spent on it!...but, I guess thats the way of things! OFF has always been my first love...and it will be my last....flying of the Future...and crates from the past!...heehee...gone into song mode!
  15. MS Flight Demo to be released Spring 2012

    I have a BAD feeling about this!...Looks a little XBox to me!
  16. Bring It Iran

    Usual s**t...the people in power go down in History...the Soldiers die on the battlefield...the Civilians are cast out into the wilderness...the Arms Manufacturers go rubbing their hands together, on the way to the Bank.. And the needle moves to the sound of the song, and we all go around like before. Modern Man? Sh*t it
  17. Bring It Iran

    It would never get to an Air to Air engagement...they'll get destroyed on the Ground
  18. Yo!

  19. OT My Favourite War Film

    Ah yes... Kelly's Hero's!...daft, funny and very entertaining!
  20. OT My Favourite War Film

    633 Squadron was on the other day...watched it back to back with The Eagle has Landed.....smashing!
  21. OT: 2012 Is The Year I Do It

    Go For it Lou!
  22. OT: 2012 Is The Year I Do It

    Go For it Lou!
  23. OT My Favourite War Film

    I didn't like Saving Private Ryan personally...yes, the effects were very good...but it was just Band of Brothers with Tom Hanks
  24. Yo!

    Well Siggi...were hoping for 2012!...thats the best we have at present

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