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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Yo!

  2. OT My Favourite War Film

    Battle of the Bulge was pretty neat too But one of the best was Cross of Iron... well before it's time, and every bit as good as Saving Private Ryan
  3. I'm a bit too young to remember these..but they look great!
  4. Happy New Year all

    All the best for 2012
  5. The truth about cats

    Well, having both Cats and Dogs...and loving them both for their differences....I can certainly say..that if you had 100 dogs..and just one cat....there are no prizes for guessing who the Boss is!
  6. Just set fire to them

    Never liked Submarines...they're too sneaky!
  7. In the new TR5 software, I have just been using the RoF profile...spot on..it works for tr3,4 and 5
  8. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    yeah, I only just installed the new softwarwe..looks great...and fair play to the TrackIR guys...I never thought I would see it for TR3...well done to them!
  9. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    It's already in the TrackIR 5 software m8
  10. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    Flypc?...I don't know if this helps at all...but I have Trackir 3.... and it has never really been fantastic for quite a while....just not working right...But it is now perfect!....how?..... a) I cleaned the lens!...amazing how a thumb print can screw it! b) Started using the TrackIR 5 software (yes, it now works with TR3...don't know which you have?) c) used the RoF profile now works like new!... HTH
  11. xtreme fsx pc

    What a fantastic piece of software this is!.... I was getting 12fps at Heathrow Airport...installed this...now getting 45-50fps! http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1641
  12. xtreme fsx pc

    Not as far as I know m8
  13. Installing ROF on a new machine

    Hi I have RoF installed on my PC.. And have bought several addon aircraft for it. Have just build a new PC..and want to install RoF on it...can anyone tell me if the addon planes will still be available please? thanks
  14. Installing ROF on a new machine

    Well...I just copied the whole folder onto a Pen Drive...copied it to new computer...it did a small update and viola!...works perfect!...thanks guys
  15. I am also VERY happy to report, that TR5 software, now supports TR3!...and very good it is too!!!
  16. 4 core and OFF

    Hello Chaps Feel like a bit of a noob here!...have installed everything on new machine..all patches blah blah...done the tweaks from the FAQ etc....but am unhappy with the performance. Just seem to remember someone saying, you need to do something with a quadcore?...or is that my imagination? I'm sure I'll get it sussed....but if anyone can remind me if thats true, I'd be most grateful
  17. 4 core and OFF

    OFF Manager Hellshade
  18. What a fantastic piece of software this is!.... I was getting 12fps at Heathrow Airport...installed this...now getting 45-50fps! http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1641 and at a sale price too!
  19. 4 core and OFF

    Yeah..I'm on W7 64...I think I've cracked it though...In the OFF manager settings...seems to be working fine now...thanks everyone
  20. 4 core and OFF

    thanks guys...I'll check it out
  21. OT For FSX/FS9 users

    yes, it's a serial key...which is emailed to you after purchase
  22. OT: Back in two weeks

    Have a great trip, and a lovely time!
  23. OT For FSX/FS9 users

    I do apologise...Yes, It appears to be fsx only
  24. Does it not give you the option to install it on another drive?...or is it the copying across that makes the difference?

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