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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. New Wireless Headphones...

    Good idea m8...might give that a go
  2. New Wireless Headphones...

    Yeah...it's just the pain behind your ears..where the phones just push the frames against the back of your ears!...ouch
  3. OT Christmas Blackadder

    Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJX8coNc2J8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwOckfTkFfQ&feature=related Cannot post three...but the final part is available too
  4. OT Christmas Blackadder

    I agree m8...Rowan at his best!
  5. A week in the life of an IT tech

    oh yes...been there and done that!
  6. New Wireless Headphones...

    Hmmm...That's interesting1...you will understand what I mean though Shiloh?...It's unbelievably painful isnt it?
  7. http://combatace.com/topic/69581-over-flanders-phase-3-fun-removed/page__pid__542676#entry542676 Posted in the wrong section...but a valid source of discussion I think. And at the risk of upsetting the apple cart...it's something that isn't mentioned much..but is a real immersion killer!
  8. OT -- Cats

    I wish my love of animals, would extend to human's...but sadly...it just doesn't
  9. OT -- Cats

    Amen to that!...revered and worshipped throughout the Centuries!...they are great creatures indeed!
  10. I have to agree...I hope OFF 2 addresses this
  11. We have reputations?

    It's all bollocks at the end of the day!...we are who we are!...if they don't like it...they can go f*** themselves!..hahahahahaha
  12. OT -- Cats

    I lost my cat Jack, about 3 months ago...he was 21 yrs old!...a great little dude too!....never hissed or spat...he was just so laid back!..he was a champ! I understand how people feel, about losing an animal...and I feel what you feel about not wanting to go through the pain of losing them...but I beg you to reconsider! There are so many Dogs and Cats in shelters...just praying and hoping for a loving home!...I know it hurts...but the fact you have lost an animal you loved dearly, has made you who you are!...it is selfish to consider ones own feelings, when you may be in a position, to rehome a cat or dog who needs you!...would you not marry the person you love, or have children, merely because you may lose them someday? Please...reconsider
  13. New Member

    Lincolnshire....I was there on Holiday about 3 yrs ago!...very flat, with appalling mobile phone coverage!...But superb Fishing, and lots of wonderful Airfields!....and indeed, where my SOE serving father, took off from on his exploits in Occupied France!...salaute!
  14. I think we will manage to keep it civil Pol...especially, as I am now a 'slight' fan of RoF... I bought CoD from Steam...and could not believe how awful it was!.....Never liked BoB either...yes, lots of planes in the air...but never grew on me (sorry)...that said, how can anyone possibly have a bad word to say about Modders? (not that anyone has of course)....these guys transform our experience of all games!...I am gobsmaked by the work they do (mostly for free!)..... The total War games....transformed!...incredible!....the mods you can get for those....I'm speechless!....FSX / Fs9...again!.....thousands of addons!...more than you could download in a lifetime!...incredible!....What OFF have done to CFS3?.....I cannot even make cheap, with heavy handed words!....Life-Changing!!...... I have no idea how they do it...how any of the modders do what they do!....I feel sometimes, like a person at Wylam railway station, watching George Stephenson's Rocket....or to stand and see Wilbur and Orvile take that first flight!...you know it's being done...but you're buggered if you know how!
  15. OT Dogs in the Snow

    hahaha...very good chaps!....the subject matter screams out for it!
  16. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Absolutely my friend...it's the British Way!...if they can't take a joke....slit their Gizzards, and eat their pulsating hearts!......it's worked for centuries!!!
  17. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Sounds like you're starting to get into it a bit more now m8?,,,It takes a while, but once you get drawn in...it's great
  18. We have reputations?

    Probably because I 'put it about' in the Pub too Olham
  19. Kim Jong Il is dead

    Gaddafi, Bin Laden and Kim Jong have all died this year. Maybe Team America does exist...
  20. I agree Olham...they are very different. Much as I enjoy knocking 'The Other Sim....one cannot argue, the DM and flight models are pretty damn good....and OFF wins habds down on Immersion, historical accuracy, aircraft and campaign....though set in the same Arena...two totally different sims
  21. OT Dogs in the Snow

    hahaha...very good Olham
  22. We have reputations?

    I wish I had as good a rating in real life!
  23. OT Dogs in the Snow

    Brilliant BH!... What a nice Dog!
  24. Kim Jong Il is dead

    Sorry m8...I'm not a Racist.. good call
  25. One planet, many people

    An Englishman would say - "F*** Europe, we are going it alone!

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