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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. old planes

    Mine was a Bristol Britannia
  2. I spend a lot of time in QC...especially with my busy work stuff at the minute...so this is Music to me ears!
  3. old planes

    Lucky Git!
  4. This is pretty cool

    Like the report says...who cares why this happened...it brought comfort to his family...and thats all that matters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd_eDyAz1vo
  5. Best Airline advert EVER!

    What BA are really like!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGNa1ir6dt0
  6. They were Expendable

    That is one film, I would give a massive FAIL! (they certainly ARE expendable)
  7. Oh, the Nostalgia - The Orient Express

    Or...you might not (get Murdered I mean)
  8. I rarely have to land in the DR1...... Except in the vertical..sort of , Spewing smoke and flames type way!
  9. Oh, the Nostalgia - The Orient Express

    You might get Murdered though
  10. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    yeah...good idea
  11. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Maybe people missed my question earlier...So I will ask it again Anyone know whether there is an Arena in Skyrim, like in Oblivion? NB:..Errr nope, to answer my own question!....though one might be forthcoming in a DLC
  12. I wonder if MvR had the odd mishap/ (but it was kept quiet)
  13. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Holy sh*t!.... I want that!...GIMME...Or I'll cleft thee in Twain!
  14. OT Got called into the Managers Office

    I got called in to the manager's office today. "I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go. There have been several complaints." "Why?" I asked "You haven't been wearing the uniform we provided" "I was too hot." "I don't care. You're Santa. He doesn't sit there in his f****** underpants."
  15. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I agree BH..... I tend to think they 'Mirror' their owners!...The Skyrim one certainly does! (without giving too much away)
  16. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Anyone know whether there is an Arena in Skyrim, like in Oblivion?
  17. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    You'll be pleased to know BH...that if you complete the Dog Quest...you 'may' get a chance to get ya own back on the Mangy beast!
  18. Yup Multiplayer only Olham
  19. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Oh...I dunno m8...I strip her off...and Bob's ya uncle!....different Mod perhaps? You bloody Nords!.... always after a bit on the side!....I'm gonna tell Lydia on you!...then you'll be sorry!!
  20. Certainly looks pretty...but MMO?...Not my scene I'm afraid
  21. Do you like Christmas?

    It's number three for me I'm afraid....I can't say much thats nice about the whole experience...possibly watching kids open their prezzies...but that's where it ends for me
  22. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    In the words of Captain George..... "I hope I snuff it right now...to preserve this moment forever" Captain Blackadder - "It can be arranged"
  23. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Yup...I tend to do one adventure/Dungeon...then head home...take off the old armour...view Lydia in the pink, with the 'Nude Woman' mod.... have a beer...and chill!

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