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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Do you like Christmas?

  2. Do you like Christmas?

    Believe me Creaghorn...I WISH he was!.....
  3. Do you like Christmas?

    Ok....So I'm a miserable, old grumpy fart...I freely admit it!.....I'm now in my 50th Year....and am about to 'experience' my 50th Christmas. Have I had any mind-numbingly fantastic, memorable, superb, Life Changing Christmas days in those 49 past ones?.....Not a bit of it. Yes, of course it's nice to see the youngsters all excited, I'll grant you that..... But why do they have to get so excited at 3:30am?.....when you only just managed to crawl into bed 2 hours earlier, from wrapping up their new 'Super Toy, Gadget?.......which will no doubt be broken before lunchtime? So...the day starts, usually dull, drizzly, cold (white Christmas?....yeah...only in the Bing Crosby song).... and you're completely exhausted by 10:00am.....But wait!......Surely, I am excited about going to the In Laws at Lunchtime?.....well....No! My Mother in Law (who unlike the traditional ones) was actually...a very nice woman, who sadly passed away about five years ago....I used to look forward to seeing. Now she's gone...I have the Joy of four hours, with my Father in Law.....who lacks any sort of personality whatsoever!....Quite simply put...he is the singularly most benign, racist, Victorian, humourless old bastard I have ever met!....And for him to be joined, by my duplicit Brother in Law, cooking a Microwaved Christmas dinner...brings no feeling of Goodwill to all men whatsoever!.... I actually look forward to the Queens Speech....to liven the place up a bit!!!! Christmas last yeah was a fun affair.... The Lighbulb popped in the front room standard lamp...how we laughed!..... I laughed like an escapee from a mental instituition for three hours!!..I actually thought I was going to lose my mind, with all the Hilarity!!! But hey...I'm sorry Jesus....I know it's your Birthday and stuff (well, actually...probably not, as it's a Pagan festival anyhow...and we all know what you thought of Tree Huggers dont we?)...So look....have a great day up there...wherever 'Up there' is....and spare a thought for us mere mortals, with smiles painted like a knife-carved visage down here. It'll soon be Summertime again!....Just gotta keep that dream alive.
  4. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Get an Axe...and volunteer to cut wood...boring, yes...but a nice little earner!
  5. GOG sale

    Under a Killing Moon....yeah!!
  6. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Brilliant BH...thanks for explaining that so well1...I'm on level 18..and not really concentrated on Smithing sadly......maybe my next character!
  7. 50th Birthday today

    Thanks again everyone
  8. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    hahahahaha....Frying tonight! BTW...is there a tuitorial on forging weapons and armour?
  9. Amazing photos..thanks for sharing
  10. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    I think the less CFS3 is mentioned...the better the sales will be
  11. A short, magnificent film...

    Sorry Elephant...but it happened more than once, where Pilots deliberately rammed enemy aircraft...the most famous cases being... On 18 August 1940, RAFVR Sergeant Bruce Hancock of No.6 SFTS from RAF Windrush used his Avro Anson aircraft to ram a Heinkel He.111P; there were no survivors.[7] Also on this day Flight Lieutenant James Eglington Marshall of 85 Squadron RAF used his Hawker Hurricane to ram the tail unit of a Heinkel He 111 after he had expended the last of his ammunition on it. The Hurricane's starboard wing tip broke off in the attack and the Heinkel was assessed as 'probably destroyed.' On 15 September 1940, Flight Sergeant Ray Holmes of No. 504 Squadron RAF used his Hawker Hurricane to destroy a Dornier Do-17 bomber over London by ramming but at the loss of his own aircraft (and almost his own life) in one of the defining moments of the Battle of Britain. Holmes, making a head-on attack, found his guns inoperative. He flew his plane into the top-side of the German bomber, cutting off the rear tail section with his wing and causing the bomber to dive out of control. The German crew were killed in the crash, while the injured Holmes bailed out of his plane and survived. As the R.A.F. did not practice ramming as an air combat tactic, this was considered an impromptu manoeuvre. On 7 October 1940, Pilot Officer Ken W. Mackenzie of No.501 Squadron RAF used his Hawker Hurricane to destroy a Messerschmitt Bf 109. His Combat Report read "... I attacked the three nearest machines in vic formation from beneath and a fourth enemy aircraft doing rear-gaurd flew across the line of fire and he developed a leak in the glycol tank. ... I emptied the rest of my ammunition into him from 200 yards but he still flew on and down to 80, to 100 feet off the sea. I flew around him and signalled him to go down, which had no result. I therefore attempted to ram his tail with my undercarriage but it reduced my speed too low to hit him. So flying alongside I dipped my starboard wing-tip onto his port tail plane. The tail plane came off and I lost the tip of my starboard wing. The enemy aircraft spun into the sea and partially sank...". On 2 November 1940, Greek Air Force pilot Marinos Mitralexis shot down one Italian Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 bomber, then, out of ammunition, brought another down by smashing its rudder with the propeller of his PZL P.24 fighter. Both aircraft were forced into emergency landings, and Mitralexis used the threat of his pistol to take the four-man bomber crew prisoner. Mitralexis was promoted in rank and awarded medals.[8][9][10] [edit]Kingdom of Yugoslavia On 6 April 1941, the first day of Invasion of Yugoslavia 36th group of the 5th fighter regiment of the Yugoslav Royal Air Force, equipped with obsolete Hawker Fury biplanes scrambled to defend their airfield, Režanovačka Kosa, from a strafing attack by approximately 30 Messerschmitt Bf 109s and Bf 110s. In the ensuing uneven dogfight at least three Yugoslav pilots—Captain Konstantin Jermakov, Captain Vojislav Popović and Lieutenant Milorad Tanasić—each rammed a German fighter with fatal results on both sides. C/O Wikipedia Obviously, the film is a mish-mash of these various stories
  12. A short, magnificent film...

    Brilliant!....and a history lesson I never knew about
  13. Lost a brother Firefighter Worcester Mass

    When someone dies protecting us all...they are a true hero!
  14. 50th Birthday today

    thank you all for your kind words...god..I feel more like 80 today!
  15. 50th Birthday today

    Thank you Gentlemen!....I shall raise a glass tonight in your Honour!
  16. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. OT Shocking News!

  18. Nice smoke FX in that screenie m8
  19. Absolutely...and thats the difference between a Terrorist, and a Freedom Fighter.....It just depends which side you're on
  20. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

  21. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    Another detail I spotted...the Aircrew dont look like total Dorks anymore!
  22. * * PHASE 4 PREVIEW MOVIE 1 ! * *

    Hahaha...yer...I can't wait to read Lou's comments!
  23. OT Shocking News!

    The old saying "Many a true word, is spoken in Jest" comes to mind!
  24. Damn them all...I hardly consider wiping out an entire Village in a 'cleansing' type way in Rome Total War...makes me a bad person!.....the damn Gauls asked for it!....Attacking my Fortifications!...bloody savages!
  25. CaptSopwith's All-Nighter Thread

    Well done m8...and good luck!

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