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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: ScreenShotWorld

    Fantastic!...I'm signing up!...thanks
  2. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I'll still be playing it in five years I suspect!...I'm a bit slow on these games...I tend to waffle about, finding DOGS and s**t!!...so thanks for that m8!!!...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  3. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Indeed!...a company that brings us so much enjoyment (such as OBD and Bethesda) deserve our undying thanks and support
  4. Landscapes of WW1

    Pinched from the Pub...thanks to Stary for this http://www.coolcrack.com/2011/11/amazing-pictures-of-landscape-still.html
  5. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    My Horse is a psycho!!!...He's killed more Bandits than me! I was fighting some bandits...finished them off...and 'Swift' (thats his name..I gave to him)...was nowhere to be seen...I heard him Neigh....looked up...and saw he had gone up the stairs of the battlements...and totalled three bandits on his own!!!....Needless to say..he got a carrot! (and Thanks for the savegame info Pol)
  6. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Indeed ... I have moved all my games to a different HDD in the past..but, I believe..it's all games only PS...Anyone know where the savegames for skyrim are stored? (Windows 7)
  7. Hurricane says "Hi"

    This would be mundane, if it wasnt for the waving people..and the wing waggle...but it's priceless with those two features
  8. Hurricane says "Hi"

    Indeed Hellshade....
  9. Hurricane says "Hi"

    Me too m8...utterly unique sound!
  10. Landscapes of WW1

    wow Capitaine...great pics
  11. Hurricane says "Hi"

    True enough m8 (though, I was more referring to youtube videos generally)
  12. Have you seen this? MS Flight

    Ok m8..thanks (and good luck)... Have total respect for Modders
  13. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Thanks Chaps!.... Ingots 'R' Us! Although I enjoyed Oblivion...I have not been as drawn into a game of this sort as much since Dark Messiah...I'm loving it
  14. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I havent worked out even 1/60th of the things you can do...I didn't even know you could make your own armour!...how the hell do you do that?
  15. Have you seen this? MS Flight

    Have the Modders jumped in much yet Elephant?..they certainly went to town on IL2..
  16. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Here Doggy, doggy doggy...come to daddy!!
  17. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I'll find him m8...don'y you worry!!...I have a pocketful of Dog-treats!!!
  18. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    OOOOOOO I want the DOGGIE!!!!!!! :lol: One of the things I love about the free-roaming Bethesda games, is acting out my character's personality...I decide very early on, how I wish my charecter to behave...and stick with it!...If I am Pious...I would never join a thieves guild for instance!....If I want to be evil...I will be just that! If an adventurer, seeking fame and fortune..thats what I'll do!...and because it's so huge...if you play again as a different person...the game changes with you to some extent!...I have two chaps at the moment...an evil, scheming little Rat...and an adventurer....who I play as at any one time, just reflects my mood!...wonderful stuff!!!
  19. Have you seen this? MS Flight

    Thank you Sir...that is exactly it (turn of phrase) I clearly meant it not to offend..and apologise if it did Canadair
  20. I got a real shock when I saw the photo of you Lou!...You are the spitting image of my older brother!!!!
  21. FUN! It's a primal force.

    For far too long, we have underestimated animals...they don't just 'survive'...they live!...and enjoy life too...just like these ducklings.
  22. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    As in a Dog that sticks with you?.....wow!
  23. Have you seen this? MS Flight

    Not Cliffs of Dover surely?.....that has more bugs than a Turkish Hotel Room!!!
  24. Have you seen this? MS Flight

    Yeah, seen it...looks ok...but unlike FSX...it appears to be made for less 'experienced' simmers...though, I hope not (although, those screenies do look good)
  25. I'm sure we all would wish to live in a world, where it was totally unnecessary to have a memorial day of any description...where the Armed Forces were merely sprites in a computer game...a distant memory of what Human Beings once were...(sigh)....that would be utopia...but, it doesn't exist...never has done..and I suspect..never will....Until then, we will continue to honour those that continue to Die..in the name of Freedom (which is also being eroded as we speak)

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