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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I am hoping to be a snivelling little toerag as my first charecter...a thieving, weak willed spineless little rat...who lives off thievery and pickpocketing...but good at spells and magic...a bit like Blackadder in the original series...I hope I can model him resonably accurately
  2. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I couldnt resist it any longer!!...Downloaded it on Steam last night...have to say....stunning!!!!
  3. It's like the thicko's who attacked a Paediatrician at his home here in the UK a few years ago, because they can't spell...and thought he was a Paedophile!....w*nkers
  4. Landscapes of WW1

    what a good idea Hasse...I never thought of that
  5. Landscapes of WW1

    Yes...I'm afraid, the UK is broken...and no-one knows how to fix it
  6. Landscapes of WW1

  7. when O, when

    Not this side of Christmas
  8. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    If anyone here has played Dark Messiah.... Skysim has a real feel of that game to it (which i consider a huge plus)...and where have Locks been picked like this?..Ive done that before...but it ain't Oblivion!
  9. Need Help Starting OFF-BT&H

    Couple of things to check m8...firstly..did you patch cfs3 to 1.3? Did you install all the updates for OFF? If you answered yes to these...have a look in the help section of the OFF forum...but I'm sure some other guys will jump on soon to help as well
  10. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    I've just been watching the gameplay etc m8..All I can say, is I will buy it...but I can't recommend it to you, as I would hate to say "Rush out and Get it"..just for you to not like it...I would feel bad about you wasting your money
  11. Monitor Problem

    Any further forward m8?...I'm now suspecting the PSU
  12. OT - Burning Down the House

    I'd be hard pressed to find those in Blighty m8!
  13. OT - Burning Down the House

    Thank you very much for your full, concise...and quite fascinating insight Flypc. Yes, basically a Log Cabin...we are hoping to rent a Farm, but the one we want has only one farmhouse (which our friends/business partners would have, as they are a fair sized family)..so we are looking at construction of accomodation for ourselves onsite too...early plan days at the moment...so looking at all options
  14. Last Post...

    The fact we came over and helped the French Olham, is what I was referring to when I said "When will we ever learn?" (Just kidding)
  15. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Well, ive watched my neighbour play for over an hour now..and I've yet to see any bugs at all...just great storyline and gameplay
  16. OT - Burning Down the House

    That makes me feel better BH
  17. OT: Steam Hacked....

    and they STILL havent replied to my account question...24 hrs later!
  18. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Just been next door, as my neighbour has just got it off steam..to have a look...wow
  19. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Yeah m8... not getting it til the new rig is sorted anyhow :)
  20. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    And thank you too Hellshade!...I shall be getting it soon....
  21. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Great review Wodin..thanks. I suspect (as I mentioned in an earlier post) it will probably improve, once the modders get hold of it
  22. MW3 slated by users

    Yes,I've held back on BF3...just to see what MW3 would be like...the decision is now made
  23. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    A few reviews would be nice chaps...if you can tear yourselves away! The negatives I have read are mundane graphics...not much better than Oblivion...and a really bad console(esque) UI any thoughts on that?
  24. Last Post...

    Sorry to hear that m8.... we probably remember them more on this forum anyway, than most people do
  25. OT - Burning Down the House

    Correct me if I'm wrong Flypc...but are stone build houses much more expensive?...the reason I ask, is that I am planning on living in a Timber chalet..would have it built onsite...possibly for five years (long story) I would really be grateful of your input...and if I do have to go the Timber route...do you have any hints to make it as safe as possible? thanks m8

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