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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Much as I like Americans

    I hate Soldiers!...choppy choppy squaddie!...MUHahahahahaha
  2. Much as I like Americans

    I have mixed feelings about Dog banning laws. Yes, dangerous dogs need to be dealt with...but here, the fact that Pitbulls are now banned...means the sort of irresponsible owners who are responsible for the ban...now train Staffies to be like the pitbulls they used to own!...then, they go to prison...and the poor Staffies they had end up in shelters.....bad news all round
  3. Much as I like Americans

    Four Breeds of Dog are Banned in the UK too. Pit Bull Terrier Japanese Tosa Dogo Argentino Fila Braziliero
  4. Much as I like Americans

  5. Much as I like Americans

    I'm very glad to hear that Dave!! @ Column5...I agree with you to an extent...but even removing the animal welfare issue...it's like not legislating against 48 homicidal maniacs on the loose!...in the UK..the keeping of Tigers, Bears etc...is totally illegal...no exceptions whatsoever...end of!...only licenced Zoos or animal parks....and if a single animal escaped...bye bye licence...for good! No-one could really 'hide' a Tiger surely?
  6. Made a new Skin - what do you say?

    nice one m8..looking forward to having a look at it
  7. Made a new Skin - what do you say?

    You're such a lovely man!
  8. Youtube

    I find myself agreeing with you m8....it's a sorry state of affairs!....but, I'm sure 2012 (or someday soon) will clear up any misunderstandings of whats important
  9. Blimey!...I hope he took some spare underwear up with him!
  10. Rainbox 6 lives again - in 2013

    To be honest, most of my older games are fine on Win7 Mark....with just a few requiring Dosbox (and the option to dualboot of course)
  11. Make a Video featuring ABBA!....but hey!
  12. OT Well I never thought I would

    hahaha...were you expecting 'Waterloo?'
  13. Made a new Skin - what do you say?

    Yes, I thought that too Elephant...it's a nice design
  14. Rainbox 6 lives again - in 2013

    Jeez!...that's pretty full on isn't it?.... glad I'm getting a new PC...My 13 yr old should NOT see this one! (I on the other hand)
  15. Rainbox 6 lives again - in 2013

    I never got on with Rainbow 6...prefered SWAT4
  16. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    hahahaha....Amen to that!...You cannot knock our resident gamer's enthusiasm!...we love you Hellshade!!
  17. Made a new Skin - what do you say?

    Beautiful Skin Olham...I LOVE the Elevator and Rudder combo design especially !
  18. The White Falcons / White Air Forces

    Actually..I might rework these...and perhaps do a few more
  19. The White Falcons / White Air Forces

    I already skinned some of these (it was early in my skinning career) so not fantastic!...available in D/L Section 2x Fokker DVII 1X Russian Camel 1X Russian RE8 http://combatace.com/files/file/8682-final-finnish-fokker/ http://combatace.com/files/file/8647-camel-of-the-russian-air-service/ http://combatace.com/files/file/8625-finnish-af-dvii/ http://combatace.com/files/file/8613-russian-air-force-re8/
  20. Wasnt all bad? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054914/Sex-Somme-Officially-sanctioned-WWI-brothels-line.html
  21. Youtube

    Yeah, I guess thats true Lexx.... I put up a video of a Total War mod... called Zulu... And I'm forever having to remove really nasty, racist comments every day...and not just directed at the Zulu's I might add!.....it's a bloody game people!....jeez
  22. I think it's called 'Von Richthofen and Brown'...but Ive never seen or heard about it. Anyone got any other info?
  23. OT - Halloween Flier

    Shiloh man...you'll be wearing that flying OFF....mark my words!
  24. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    My Favourite game of that era...the maddeningly addictive 'Lemmings'

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