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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT For Total War fans

    Here ya go Mike...I've downloaded it as well...though not had time to install it yet! http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?p=9052085#post9052085
  2. OT For Total War fans

    Indeed Hauksbee...it's a bit of a known issue actually...though a small detraction
  3. Never heard of this film

    Yes, I don't know how this one past me by...I can only assume it was so bad..it never even made the TV
  4. OT For Total War fans

    I recommend either Empire Total War...or better still...Napoleon Total War Tranquillo. There are plenty of mods available for both...a bit of a pain to install some of them..but well worth the effort Like Carrick says, you do need Steam to play them...but thats just the way things are going i'm afraid. When I'm not playing OFF or FSX...you'll find me playing these...I just love them! (Have to say, I'm not impressed with the new Shogun Total War however)
  5. I had one for FE (might have been yours Gumpy?)
  6. They've got Gaddaffi

    Ok, so the Tyrant is dead...I'm sure the World is a better place for his demise. But..I dunno about you guys...I have little interest on what Calibre Round was used...who fired the shot...what f*cking clothes he had on...where his body is...what trauma was caused by the Bullet, what spade was used to dig the hole he was hiding in...what colour Hankie he last blew his f*cking nose on!!! I wish the Media would report on something we give a flying Dog-Turd about!
  7. Hey Shiloh!

    Hello m8...Just discovered that Napoleon Total War, has a First person view as well!...does Empire?
  8. Hey Shiloh!

    I'll give it a go!..thanks I feel your pain my friend...moving is very stressful....hope it goes well for you all! all the best m8
  9. Polar Bear in a blizzard

  10. He survived!...How spiffing!
  11. I'm always moved by the Words of McCudden, praising the Skill of Voss....and am left to ponder "Who was the Albatros Pilot?" He had a Red Nosed Aircraft, as stated in the Commentary
  12. Very impressive..thanks for posting this Olham (I pressume you have seen the episode of 'Dogfights') I am sure you have,,but just in case http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAKRvpBgdtw
  13. Woohoo!

    Indeed Gentlemen!...They're bloody Heretics!
  14. Woohoo!

    Not as disturbing as it is to friends and family..who on first look at you sitting on your PC, looking like a demented Dalek...they think you've gone completely Bonkers!!
  15. A date etched in the mind of every schoolboy who's had a tyrant for a History Teacher! (Yes, I'm talking about YOU Mr Bloody Hawthorne!....You old git!!!) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hastings
  16. Here is my little tribute, to the man who brought us the Highly acclaimed Border Collie Sheepdog. (If you dont like Dogs..I wont ask you to waste six minutes of your life) But if you do...please enjoy a quite few minutes of reflection...I hope you like my video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8tTpVGPpwo
  17. OT- A big day, for William the Bastard

    Had the Normans not invaded...I might not be here, cheering you all up with Nonsense. Think how much your pathetic English Lives, have been improved by my appearance! RESPECT my Authority!
  18. Its started!

    I LOVE This Forum!!!!!!!!!
  19. OT Thank you Adam Telfer

    BH...Looking through what you've said...I can't really see much difference between what we have both said? (if you get my drift?) Telfer never bred his dog to be a show dog...he was a Farmer...his interest was purely for a working sheepdog...I think it just so happened, that the KC had just really started, with their Victorian Obsession of categorising breeds. Even today, there is quite a gulf between 'Working Sheepdogs'...and Pet ones...certainly between Farmers..who, although very fond of their Dogs...are using them for purpose, and 'fanciers' if you like, who keep them as pets. Though they are really one and the same...A Border Collie I take on board, and agree wholeheartedly with your comments regarding the breed however. (My Video BTW..was directed at Border Collies period...Not for Looks, or Herding ability...just the Dog itself)...it's a shame it hasn't come across as such Though, I felt it made the point that The Border Collie, regardless of looks (and some are pretty ugly) is the penultimate sheepdog in the world today..which, through generations of refinement, culminated in old hemp...(probably by timing)...and the subsequent dogs we have nowadays.....after all, a herding dog, that isn't a Border Collie,is as rare as rocking horse sh*t And FlyPC?....Gotta love those Guys!!!!!!
  20. They've got Gaddaffi

    My Sentiments exactly Lexx
  21. Its started!

    Jumping off a cliff with a Parachute is risk taking...Jumping off without one, is Banking
  22. They've got Gaddaffi

    They've captured a few mercenaries too apparently. Dunno about you guys..but If I was in charge of an Army..and I captured enemy Mercs...they would get a bullet in the back of the head!...can't stand damn Mercs!
  23. They've got Gaddaffi

    Looks like the Twats dead anyway...that should save a few quid!
  24. What did you do in the War Dad?

    My Dad chose SOE because the Royal Engineers Sapping job was too dangerous

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