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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Thank you Adam Telfer

    There have always been sheepdogs of sorts, yes...but the (now to be known as Border Collie)..in it's genetic form we know today, is definately known to have come from Old Hemp. This may merely be a classification issue with the Kennel Club...but sheepdogs up to that point, were a motley crue...crossbreeds etc...Many early Sheepdogs were bruisers...used to roughly keep sheep in one area..but mainly to see off Rustlers and other undesirables. If you're going to classify a breed of Dog..you have to start somewhere...And Old Hemp is as good a place as anywhere...the simple fact is...A collie, in it's recognisable breed form today...did not exist prior to 1893 I do of course appreciate your point, that Adam Telfer did not wave a magic wand, and Hey Presto..Border Collie..and that it has been created over time by selective breeding by Shepherds and Stockmen. However, I'm afraid, I have to take issue with you on the lack of physical traits, seperating it from other 'sheepdogs' The BC has got a trait not found in any other dog in the World. They can crouch, and stalk like a Cat...due to an inbred seperation between the Shoulder blades...no other Dog can do that (to my Knowledge)...and of course...the Infamous Collie 'eye' which they use to intimidate Sheep when herding them. Not of course also forgetting...the one individual Collie, who can understand over 1200 words! (more than some people I know) Your Collie certainly seems are smart fella
  2. OT: Good caption for these pictures?

    She certainly has looks...but one has to admire the 109... A scary looking Bird!...Like an angry Hornet!
  3. OT- A big day, for William the Bastard

    Maybe, one could surmise, that the reason the Normans were not kicked out of GB by the Saxons...is they brought something the Saxon's liked? (I vote Wine!)
  4. OT: Good caption for these pictures?

    That full of holes...so far from home!...time to think about Hitting the Silk!
  5. Its started!

    I don't have a problem with people who work hard...but there are many in the world, who work a lot harder, than some fat twat CEO...for little reward. My heart does no bleeding whatsoever, when a Corporate Banking CEO has screwed over as many people he can, to get into that position (and lets face it...Mother Theresa was never going to be a CEO was she?)...and then, screws up an entire nations monetary system, before moving on to an even better paid position of power....usually in politics. Bill Gates gets a lot of stick...but he is actually the sort of guy, whom is making a difference..and using his massive wealth to do some good in the World...unlike the Banking industry...whose only goal is to squeeze the last drop of blood from the masses.
  6. Its started!

    I'm a very Cross Brit
  7. http://podkat.ru/index.php?newsid=78621 posted by Falcon in the Pub...but in case you missed it!.... weirdly awesome Russian Animation
  8. Just wondering if Sir Lou (our Illustrious Press officer, and all round Good Egg) is working on the next edition, to cheers us up through the early darkening Autumn evenings per-chance?
  9. Who in the world of comedy, cracks you up the most? Ok...Rules are: List FIVE only .... but post only ONE Youtube video, of your favourite comedy moment. I'll kick off the proceedings. My five are: Steve Coogan Ricky Gervaise Rik Mayall Rowan Atkinson George Carlin And my Video of choice is: (and it was a very tough choice) Is Ricky Gervaise...I just think he was a real breath of fresh air..he wrote and starred in the series...and I just thought the whole series was sublimely funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNiPtCST3zw&feature=related
  10. Your last 10 random ipod tracks

    Just for fun...name the last ten tracks listened to on your ipod (disclaimer:- other MP3 players are also available) Jethro Tull- Living in the Past The Stranglers - Golden Brown The Theme tune to Captain Scarlet?...wtf is that doing on there? The Passenger- Iggy Pop Radar Love - cant remember Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing John Mellancamp - whenever we wanted The Stranglers- No More Heroes Amy Macdonald- This is the Life Siouxsie and the Banshees - Dear Prudence
  11. One would certainly hope so...they would really add something to the Sim
  12. The Barmy OFFers Club

    I think he may well go and get drunk again!
  13. The Barmy OFFers Club

    I am sure you can Join BH...Just tell RAF Louvert
  14. Two Englishmen teach us about jets!

    lol...I know people like that!
  15. Does P4 get it's own name?

    I never knew that! (about the Poem I mean)..I knew about Wales! It would be nice to have an opening title in P4 of some suitable prose...just to get one in the mood!
  16. Yes, a great site..that I had forgotten about!..so thanks for the reminder LIMA
  17. Well, as you know, my knowledge of medals is, at best..poor...but I know a damn fine piece of work when I see it!...they are beautiful indeed!!
  18. You should see this!

    Thank you Falcon...I merely stole it!
  19. You should see this!

    I had exactly the same thought Olham...but I think we are supposed to not view it in a literal Sense...and if Elephant is indeed correct, and it's a Polish Production...wel...there isn't a lot of love lost there is there? (I've seen the Polish V German Ice Hockey games....and they ain't pretty!)
  20. You should see this!

    Ah, thanks Elephant...yes, Polish indeed
  21. Path of hate

  22. Its started!

    They are protesting about a bunch of greedy Motherf***** whose only concern, is to fill their own pockets at YOUR expense! Don't be fooled into thinking, that having a vote, and electing a President/Prime Minister empowers you at all!...you are nothing...you are actually LESS than nothing to the Corporate scum who run your country..and keep you working like a slave..just to keep your head above water....while they swap zero's around, ensuring you stay poor..and they stay rich! They will f*ck your children up the ass to get an extra dime for themselves!...If the World ended in 2012...you can be sure..a Banker will be at the heart of it...because for a microsecond before he is vaporised...he has a dollar more than you!

    Blimey,, I thought pitot tubes were a modern thing...you learn something knew every day here!....fantastic shots BTW Pol
  24. OT Radio Listening

    http://ia600209.us.archive.org/1/items/SilhouettesOfAeroplanesAndAirships/ wow!...check this out!

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