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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. It's never boring in CIS

    hahahahaha...that's brilliant!....Nice to see Horses back, doing what they do best!
  2. Stupid anti-virus question!

    Malwarebytes is all I bother using now anyway...Ain't had a Virus for over 10 yrs...because I do exactly what Gun runner suggests
  3. Cotton Wool Life

    Yup..it's that Saturday night feeling again....and my latest musings on middle age, and dullness have raised their ugly heads over the parapet. Just playing Racedriver GRID (a racing car game for those who don't know)...and I've had five bottles of Bombadier too..so my driving is slightly under par! Got me to thinking though. I would never drive a car under the influence...I am a staunch believer in a mandatory prison sentence, for those that do. but.... Have we also become too removed from what makes us feel 'alive?' in the 21st century? I mean...zapping around a Racetrack at breakneck speed...ok, so a virtual one...certainly gives you a bit of a buzz...and indeed, flying a virtual Sopwith Camel, can also have the same effect. But people have, and continue to do such, in reality even as I speak. What makes them different to me?...are they lucky?....is risking your life, in reality..a big buzz?...or a spectacular death, waiting to happen? Let's take Warfare as an example. My Dad, fought in the last war. He fought for many reasons...but his main one, was so future generations wouldn't have to. Certainly, in the UK...every generation, prior to the end of WW2, has had to take up arms..and fight against some mad bastard..or indeed..to ruin the lives, of an indigenous population somewhere in the World...god forgive us. Iv'e never had to do that!...and yet...I feel almost biologically programmed to do such. I must do..as I need a quick fix, of violence, speed and fear. (only virtual now..but craved that sh*t when I was a young man in reality) Is there a danger, in becoming sanitised these days?.... I sometimes see, young, feral lads, in their mid to late teens, strolling around where I live...and I have to say...they are quite scary!...like young Lions.... full of testosterone...biologically charged up to fight and kill, and f*ck...but nowhere to go! (and that's the reality...let's not kid ourselves) We expect them to control themselves...to act as model citizens...when, that's not what nature has built them to do. For hundreds...indeed thousands of years, these young lads, would have fought, and died on the battlefields of the world...they were called 'Heroes' in those times. Maybe, that's pretty much all the Human race is good for!...hell, when it comes to killing...ain't no other animal on the planet, dare f*ck with us!!...we are Numero Uno! Now..They are just Thugs...Hoodies, Chavs...and Criminals. And yes..I hear the gruntings of Daily Mail readers... "These are not the same people as the last generation" "Put a gun in their hands..they'd blow their own heads off" "They're undisciplined yobs, who beat up old ladies, and don't know what work is" Ive spoken to many WW2 veterans...and all have told me, that is utter bulls**t!...media driven hype, designed to drive a wedge! Of course these young men, would take up arms, and fight (though possibly, not for a Country that treats them like pieces of sh*t of course!) I am fast approaching 50...my Youthful exhuberance is behind me... I watch with fascination, as my testosterone charged Teenage son, growls, and snarls his way towards adulthood....hoping to dear god..that he never has to become a blob, in the gunsight of an enemy...or fall victim, to another hormone charged Lion, on his journey to becoming a silly old fart, like his father. Seems to me..the only difference between them...and heroes...are some bleached white crosses...and a field of Poppies.
  4. Stupid anti-virus question!

    You can totally disable Avast!..when you want to play a game. Right click on the icon in your taskbar and disable for as long as you wish you cannot do that with AVG 2011 (there is also a 'Gaming mode' in the same menu...you can leave that ticked if you wish to not disable totally...works great!) Security essentials, I used for a while..but didn't get on with it...and it mucked about with GRID Racedriver
  5. Cotton Wool Life

    wow!... I Find myself quite moved by that post too Von Baur. Have to say..the reason I post many of the weird stuff I do...is to read what other people's life experiences are...which fascinates me greatly. Thanks to all the Contributors on this thread everyone. Your experiences and opinions are greatly valued by me

    I've never seen the film..and as Luck would have it..I have an Amazon Voucher sitting in my Inbox!...thank you
  7. Cotton Wool Life

    What a great post Flypc
  8. http://www.officegamespot.com/officegames/appleshooter.htm like this
  9. Cotton Wool Life

    Sorry for my ramblings...I have just started my own Blog *finally got with the party* I shall trouble you no more, with stuff like this

    Lucky Gits!
  11. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    It is indeed..a sublime moment!...and rings true for every guy, who's ever tried to pull in a Bar!
  12. Tornado versus Cop

    Thanks for that m8...it was a nice thought however
  13. Tornado versus Cop

    I'm normally a great advocate of Law Enforcement...but there's a little bit of evil in me, that says I'd have loved to see these guys get vaporised!
  14. Burglars Beware

    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/intruder-death-householder-cleared-2366929.html A bit of common sense appears to be raising it's very welcomed head at last in the UK. In the past 12 months, three waste's of space have been 'removed' from the electoral register, by householders protecting themselves, their loved ones..and their property...and been released without charge. Onwards and upwards
  15. That poor sucker is going back to Germany in an ashtray
  16. OT Your all time Comedy Heroes

    Some really interesting replies...with many of the same names coming up.
  17. Thanks LIMA...It was something I had noticed too...never thought of doing what you've suggested!
  18. I never knew I was so dashing and heroic!

    We always knew you were the heroic type Mike!
  19. Steve Jobs

    I agree Jedi...the Apple Accolites are a right pain in the ass!
  20. Steve Jobs RIP

    A true Genius. Not a fan at all of Apple products...but I thought Bill Gate's comments are worth quoting "I’m truly saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ death. Melinda and I extend our sincere condolences to his family and friends, and to everyone Steve has touched through his work. Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives. The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely."
  21. OT Radio Listening

    Audio books are a definate possibility...Just as an example, my son always listened to the Horrible Histories audiobooks at bedtime (not suitable for someone of your knowledge of course)...though I'm sure there will be some suitable ones on Amazon or something?..maybe even itunes? good luck ps: a good start for you http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_sc_0_10?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=audio+books&sprefix=audiobooks#/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=History+audio+books&rh=n%3A229816%2Ck%3AHistory+audio+books
  22. Steve Jobs

  23. Amanda Knox..Victim?... Or Villian

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/8789741/Amanda-Knox-mocked-as-a-diabolical-she-devil-by-lawyer-for-accused-barman.html Tough one to call
  24. I WANT ONE!

    That sure would be fun
  25. What reunites the Worlds Religions?

    You guessed it. Sh*t

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