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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Bit of Office fun

    Yes BH thats a good one too!...I can't get past the damn woman!
  2. Does P4 get it's own name?

    thats good too
  3. OT Bit of Office fun

    Ah yes Slarti...the Spirit of Agincourt
  4. Blackburn Buccaneer Released for SF2

    Don't play SF2 very often...that might change now!
  5. MIA

    Siggi Duce Lewis Rooster Jayo Havent seen them in a Long while Wonder if P4 will see them return to the front?
  6. MIA

    Yes...I think Von Paulus was gonna try and contact Duce...wonder if he did?
  7. Amanda Knox..Victim?... Or Villian

    Bout says it all Lexx
  8. GoodOldGames hit 6 million downloads

    I really hope they come up with Strike Commander one day!...god, I loved that!
  9. Amanda Knox..Victim?... Or Villian

    I share your pain!...we've had Idiots running our country for nigh on 30 years now!
  10. Amanda Knox..Victim?... Or Villian

    Hahaha...you only have to look at all the other Countries in the developed world, to spot that going on all the time. At least they didn't execute her!...that's more than can be said for some places I could mention
  11. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF- Lord Flashearts 20 minuters
  12. Amanda Knox..Victim?... Or Villian

    She may be innocent in the eyes of the Law...but I reckon she knows more than she's letting on. (but hey...I love conspiracy theories!)
  13. 1100 year-old this year...

    Are yes...happy to say, my forebears came over and kicked Anglo-Saxon Butt
  14. Long Time My Friends

    Hi Ras...it's been too long!...I lost your email addy...can you please either email me..or pm with yours!?..cheers Bud
  15. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF- AARGH...Germans!...Hundreds of them AAAARGH....I wanna go home! part deux
  16. Yes..Hauksbee is indeed a Gent!.... and some of the emails I get from him (certainly the weird, wonderful and funny ones...I end up posting on here)
  17. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF - Spirit of the Aces OFF- The Pioneers OFF- Hope and Glory OFF- Wooden Warriors
  18. Does P4 get it's own name?

    Too German!
  19. A black Fee for Bullethead

    I'm having a go at skinning it.... If I can find the Wing picture for it (actually, this is probably enough to be getting on with)
  20. Does P4 get it's own name?

    OFF-Stick and Rudder ( Or perhaps OFF - 2022)
  21. Best driving song?

    Some great choices guys...this is mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEY6_jcrzI8
  22. Yes, I posted about this in the pub....absolutely stupid...and then to claim that both of the crew survived!...totally crap documentary, that I shall no longer be watching
  23. Does P4 get it's own name?

    I like that

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