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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT--Upload failed...

    I think Prop means in your forum settings...it's in there, you will probably find you have reached your limit of attachments...and need to clear some
  2. A couple of OFF "cheats" for you.

    Thanks for that Duke...I think I would use that with care..to avoid ruining the reality feel of OFF...but I must admit..when you lose a good pilot...........
  3. Head bob please

    I wont bother saying it a third time... I'm obviously a hologram
  4. Brilliant! Puts me in mind of this
  5. What the Cool Kids are Doing

    That's just wrong!...On so many levels
  6. Too Successful?

    Fair Point Dave
  7. Life in the Country

    Well, I'm just the right side of 50 now...my wife is about to be made redundant after 35 years of continued service, with a tidy little package...And I think the time has come, to move away from the hustle and bustle of Newcastle city. We are both country lovers at heart...we have the son, who is 13 (and will still go to the same school)...who's eternal dream, since he could walk and talk, was to pursue a life in Farming....he's as nuts about animals as we are..possibly more so actually... and wants to pursue a degree in Agriculture/Animal husbandry. We have plans to move further North, into the tranquil world of Northumberland...renting out our current house, with a view to it's future investment once the mortgage is paid. We have two close friends, who have been in that business for several years, and hopefully, the opportunity to rent a 200 acre Farm, with two cottages will be a possibility next year. Sheep mainly...and possibly, a Carp syndicate lake, Cattery, Kennels are all a real possibility. City life is fun, for the younger people of the world...but it has never sat right with us.. though necessary to get to where we are now...it's time to move outta there. Have to say, I have rarely been as excited before...this is what we have dreamed of, and worked hard towards. My only real pre-requisite....broadband!....I will still need you guys, for my daily fix!
  8. Life in the Country

    All very encouraging gents...Many thanks
  9. Head bob please

    Did you see my earlier post Wodin? http://www.free-track.net/english/
  10. A black Fee for Bullethead

    "Achtung...Vidowmaker in his Snipe!....Let's get out of here...he'll fry us for sure!"
  11. Head bob please

    Anyone who plays First person shooters would notice headbob...it gives the appearence of running..rather than a smooth glide. Why not try freetrack wodin?...all you need is a webcam
  12. OT/ Strange things happen...

    Wow!..I'd love to see Monkeys in my Garden...rather than sitting next door watching TV all day (ie: my neighbours)
  13. Too Successful?

    Don't these left wing Liberal idiots realise, that competition is what drives Humans, Animals..even plants FFS! It's called survival?
  14. A black Fee for Bullethead

    wow!...I think I'll have a bash at skinning that SE5
  15. Immersion

    I have always been the hardest slammer of the other sim...the Dual-Core issue with W7 was a real pain...they've fixed that now...I'm with you guys however. It's very pretty aircraft, and water...the reflections are like FSX in many ways. But even the campaign mode, has done little to improve the Immersion...and it feels to me, like a Graphically nice version of FE. (I actually prefer FE out of the two sims however) The fact you got naff all aircraft, unless you buy the decent ones was extremely annoying...and then they bring out the ICE version...which REALLY annoyed me, as I had bought the original! I do feel, that we have been utterly spoilt by OBD. There is nothing in any sim that can compare to OFF's dynamic campaign (the best thing M$ ever did with a CFS sim)...shame about the rest of it! RB3D will always have a special place in my heart....what a wonderful game that was... OFF has already achieved classic status...with even more amazing things to come! The guys at OBD are perfectionists to say the least!...but often, when something is done with love..it outperforms, and outclasses the same thing that's made for $$$£££
  16. CFS3 Ubisoft DVD version

    Well, that about says it all really! YES I USE NO CD CRACKS... AND THEY WORK (and the games I own are legal)
  17. Life in the Country

    Yes...The term World Wide Web appears to not be quite what it claims..certainly in some parts of the world
  18. Life in the Country

    Yes BH...I think 'most areas of the UK now have broadband...my friends are up in the wilds..and they have it. Can't you use the Mobile Phone network where you are m8?
  19. Al-Awlaki Killed

  20. Life in the Country

    Thanks Wombat!...Yes, we are in the fortunate position of having another friend, who owns a letting company...and he vets all tenants. I'm running baby!!!
  21. Life in the Country

    This is the song that does it for me...I can't stop listening to it. (the Northumbrian Pipes are magical) Like bagpipes..but far less Vulgar!
  22. Life in the Country

    Fabulous Song...by the Maestro!
  23. Life in the Country


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