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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Life in the Country

    Thank you Olham..oh yes...I believe they've had electricity for several years now!
  2. Yes..these things are only related to the Common Carp..and they have indeed caused utter devastation wherever they turned up...though Nature has some funny ways!...I bet they the reason is as you say BH...no natural predators. This is why catch and release is so important for Bass, Northern Pike, Yellow Perch etc.....
  3. OT Braveheart

    I just watched Mel Gibson die at the end of Braveheart. I couldn't hold my tears back any longer, my passion for my country was just too much. I've never been so proud to be English.
  4. GoodOldGames hit 6 million downloads

    Good for them!...they have taken away the hassle of DOSBOX configuration!..and most titles work on W7.
  5. Bloody Yanks!.....they've got so many goddamn fish...they chuck themselves at you!!
  6. OT Braveheart

    Indeed it does!...I shall scan and upload that pic for you m8! That looks great Olham...yes, as soon as I saw the cover of that Robert The Bruce book...it all came flooding back! I look forward to my new collection starting!
  7. Where are our French pilots?

    Good idea Olham!!!!!!!!!
  8. OT Braveheart

    Make that seven books Wayfarer!! (might as well get hung for a Sheep, as a Lamb eh?)
  9. Where are our French pilots?

    yeah..it's called fighting! (just kidding)
  10. OT Braveheart

    Oh dear!...they ARE still around...I've just bought six!!! (the Wife is gonna go ape-sh*t)
  11. OT Braveheart

    This is going to sound sooooo corny FlyPC...but it was only after reading your latest post...that a childhood memory sprang into my dusty old head! Do you remember the Ladybird books of history?...god!...I had them all!...I had completely forgotten about them! And in this book...there was a great picture of Robert, striking the other guy...with, yes...an axe..on horseback! I had the whole set...my favourite was Henry V... I bet you can't get them anymore, except on ebay....I would love t flick through their pages! (it was the Ladybird book of coarse fishing, that set me off in that hobby as a child! wonderful stuff
  12. OT Braveheart

    Hey Flypc...was Robert the Bruce a bit of a whoosie?....He was certainly portraid like that in Braveheart
  13. OT Braveheart

    Ah, flypc is correct...It is York. Newcastle residents only kill people from Sunderland, who venture into our hallowed city!
  14. OT Braveheart

    Indeed..an army of Welshmen, would only have to speak..and the Thames Flood barrier would collapse under the strain
  15. OT..You just cannot get the Staff!

    hahaha...yes, the Cat with the printer version was epic too
  16. Those evil videogames...

    I watched that Rubbish programme last night...and the commentary said, both Pilots in the Heli survived! (which is idiot documentary speak for...reload a save game!) What a shower of s**te!
  17. OT..You just cannot get the Staff!

    That was SUPERB!..hahahaha
  18. OT..You just cannot get the Staff!

    Indeed, a classic Lou Well, yes..I suppose it could be classed as abuse...but they don't look like they're hating it
  19. B-17 The Mighty 8th on GoG

    I had the first one..which was great!...got this one too...but could never work out how to fly the damn thing
  20. OT: Life in the Trenches, A New Respect

    thats because we have distanced ourselves from it...but, not to worry...when the Oil runs out..we'll all be right back there!
  21. Well, just like the royal wedding, and possibly the olympics too...a great moment in history has slipped by unnoticed by me...and possibly you guys too.......... Widowmaker has made over 5,000, banal...useless, and generally laughed about postings on the Forum! I love this damn place...I love the people here...I love having learned so much about so many things...I love the fact there are people here from all over the globe...who have broadened my horizons..and opened my blinkered views to the world around me. I feel welcomed on the forum...I've said some daft things...Iv'e posted some weird s**t... and everyone has been great. Ive posted here, when Ive been happy...and when ive been sad...angry, fed up...makes no difference..people have just been supportive...and just nice!...apart from the crapper...this is my first, and last visit of the day...the great names here....Olham, Lou, Hellshade, Hassewind, Bullethead, Davy, Flypc, shiloh, Captsopwith, propwasch...god, the list is endless...start at A...go on to Z...and all the numbers in between!!...those not listed are no less an influence...merely the victims of my forgetful brain, to whom I appologise.....you know who you are!!! We talk of Aces...great deeds...heroic acts...A band of brothers.... you all, are the epitome of those actions...your handles, and names, are read out like those men...virtual fighter pilots....only you know what I talk of!....the rest look on us as outsiders. I knew very little about WW1 aviation, when I dipped my toes here several years ago...but I now know so much...because of the genius, of you guys!...you are a credit to forums everywhere!... my idea of heaven, is to be sat with you all...somewhere..someday...in this life..or the next! In the words of Henry V.... "Us few...us happy few" :drinks:
  22. An Ode To Flight Sims

    Sums it up beautifully m8...we have all taken a similar journey, that has brought us here. Aren't we the lucky ones?
  23. A bit like the Royal Wedding

    OvS is busy on OFF4 I suspect

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