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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. TV or Monitor advice again please

    nice one m8...the 3d Monitor is tempting I must admit!.... but I assume it's good in 2d as well? (I know bugger all about this)
  2. TV or Monitor advice again please

    Actually they're both very nice!...what do you reckon on the one you bought m8?
  3. Semi-OT: Sky starts falling

    Bloody LSD...I'll have to lay off it!
  4. Flight Simmers

    Yes, the FS franchise is no more...Microsoft Flight is the new incarnate version (and it's looking good) http://www.microsoft.com/games/flight/
  5. Old But Still True

    Hmm.... I would merely choose your civilian friends a little better. I've never been in the Military...but my friends tick all the military boxes in your post...without the need of a uniform
  6. This is fun http://www.drawastickman.com/
  7. BH is Back

    Hi BH...glad you're back. Cool Picture...he's done better than me recently! (but then, it's his survival...and merely my Hobby)
  8. FTL travel may be possible, afterall...

    Always thought Einstein was over-rated
  9. Flight Simmers

    Hahaha...great Video FSX Rocks!
  10. I've never seen this scetch!...mad!
  11. Here's one for you WW1 buffs! Anyone noticed that RFC Roundals are not always in the same position on the wings, even on the same aircraft type, in many pictures you see floating about. Some are much nearer the wingtips....others much nearer the pilot. Was there not some standardisation on insignia? If you look at the pictures that Olham has put up in another post.... look at the SE5a's....and you'll see what I mean (namely the two aircraft with 'H' and 'I' on them...picture 1)
  12. Great Quote ( Warren Main)

    OOps...sorry..Double post!
  13. for all you facebook folks


    Superb shots!....That Sopwith Observer certainly saw that Albatros off...In no uncertain terms!!
  15. Great Quote ( Elizabeth Warren)

    I can't really add anything to that
  16. I'm so looking forward to P4........ The guys have been working so hard...can't remember the last time OvS posted on here! God, I wonder what we've got coming
  17. OT - Hot stuff.

    Yes, it is a pain in the ass!...Removing the Mobo I'm afraid...but beats a fry up
  18. Jeez!...what a stunning collection Lou
  19. Thank god I'm not alone! (I was gonna check myself into therapy)
  20. Who loves the Fokker D-VIII?

    I'm getting my Snipe Jarhead..in P4 (and I didn't even have to get my Jubblies out!) Although, I pushed like hell...even had to make a Video!..hahaha
  21. Pre-ordered Ace Combat Assault Horizon Today

  22. Pre-ordered Ace Combat Assault Horizon Today

    Talking of which..Ive just started playing United Offensive online again....I had forgotten how much fun it was
  23. Pre-ordered Ace Combat Assault Horizon Today

    I bought that Hawx thing too...what a waste of money that was! Just goes to show...graphics alone does not make a game
  24. I keep campaign pilots and QC pilots seperate (I even have test pilots for my skin checking...how sad is that?)
  25. Looking for an all-red Albatros...


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