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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. A DVII-F skin

    Hi All Just uploaded a fictional DVIIF skin...please feel free to use it as you will....hope you like it It's for Jasta 10 btw
  2. "Aces High" and "Death Dealer"

    Gentlemen...you have already surpassed my mere passing knowledge of Art.... sadly, I cannot claim to know sweet f*ck all about the subject...and would have even less chance of finding any information about Lady Butler. I just know a good picture when I see it...provided it's something that triggers an emotion within...after all, surely that is what art is all about? Sadly, I'm an uncouth philistine by my own admission....and were we to be discussing this in an Art Gallery...I would have drunk all the free champagne....eaten the nick naks....and been thrown out in the rain!...to get a bus home!
  3. A question about Roundals

    Indeed Sandbagger...I have spent many (my wife would say sad) hours perusing the skins!...a joy to behold....and I never knew why they placed them in different places, until you guys told me. I had meant to ask the question before...and it was Olham's post that reminded me. The AEF roundels were even closer still to the fuselage! One learns so much from this forum!...to hell with the Imperial War Museum!..... This is where it's at!
  4. A DVII-F skin

    It's possible to 'go off' people Kel! Hey..if you wanna pay me Hasse wind...be my guest! Roger Wilco Olham...I'll do that! ( I actually had a wasp emblem..but I couldnt get it to look right)
  5. Fokker DVII_F

    Thanks Blackbaron..yes, I think I've seen a similar one. The DVIII one in OFF is quite similar too
  6. A DVII-F skin

    I think it would be more apt, to tone down the yellow and black lines actually?
  7. A DVII-F skin

    Thanks Chaps...Yes Olham..perhaps you're right..I'll look into doing that over the W/E
  8. Fokker DVII_F

    File Name: Fokker DVII_F File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 16 September 2011 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is a fictional design (though hopefully believable) of a Fokker DVIIF of Jasta 10 Please feel free to have fun with it..use it as you will. Many thanks as usual to OvS and all at OBD for allowing us to use their original skins Click here to download this file
  9. "Aces High" and "Death Dealer"

    Nice one FlyPC...you're full of surprises!!
  10. "Aces High" and "Death Dealer"

    thank you Lou...that is indeed a better picture
  11. Warn status bar?

  12. "Aces High" and "Death Dealer"

    I've always liked Art that tells a story.... not a fan of loads of dog-turd smeared on a salad of life type crap, that you get in the Tate Modern...A monkey can do that! Like that 'messy Bedroom' that caused such a stir...I mean, c'mon! As to a picture that sticks in my mind...the Charge of the Scots Grey's (Scotland Forever I believe is the actual title) certainly evokes something in me!.... the expressions on the Horse's....the looks on the faces of the men...the speed that is perfectly captured....The Officer leading the Charge...I could study it for hours. Sometimes it helps to have some experience of the subject matter too...I have never been involved in a Cavalry Charge of course...but have stood at the front of a Horse Race...and the thunderous noise made by just 10 horses galloping, was something to behold!....the sound of hundreds must be unbelievable! Unfortunately, the pic i've posted does not do it justice at all ps: as a quick history lesson thrown in for good measure... Scotland Forever! by Lady Elizabeth Butler. Lady Butler's depiction of the Scots Greys famous charge at the Battle of Waterloo. In actuality, it appears that they were unable to build up the momentum of a gallop, because the broken ground obliged them to advance at a canter. Still a damn fine painting though
  13. http://www.eaf51.org/Photoshop/Tutorial/Basic_Weathering.htm found this extremely useful http://www.graphics.com/modules.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=305 and for Wood and Canvas
  14. Basic Weathering Techniques

    Indeed Eric...though, with WW1 aircraft...it's all trial and error..due to the lack of pictures
  15. A question about Roundals

    ah..thanks Shredward
  16. "Aces High" and "Death Dealer"

    If I was writing a book, about WW1 aerial Combat...I would ask OBD to use OFF screenshots in it!
  17. "Aces High" and "Death Dealer"

    I'm with flypc too...not wishing to distract from the artwork...OFF has the edge in gritty realism...the pictures look like..well pictures. (that said...would look very nice in a Book)
  18. I have linked to a couple of really useful step by step techniques for weathering aircraft (and another for wood) in the photoshop section, that some of you may find useful (i hope) here is the link to the links http://combatace.com/topic/67641-basic-weathering-techniques/
  19. OT Made me laugh

  20. An image worth a thousand words

    I too have never worn a Uniform...So I shall not salute...but I still pay my respects.
  21. Internet Troll given prison sentence

    http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/13/internet-troll-jailed-mocking-teenagers Nasty little individual...do your bird!
  22. Der Ostwind

    Loved the Gatling Gun Spandaus!...but yes, generally very good
  23. Internet Troll given prison sentence

    I agree with Shrikehawk Many people seem to think that because we have the priveledge of free speech, it gives us Carte Blanch to go around upsetting other people.
  24. 285.27 Beta Nvidia Drivers up

    yeah, these seem quite good...fsx certainly has less shimmer

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