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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Any excuse to take the p*ss

    Out of Adolph and his goons!
  2. Bad enough to be making a sequel...

    If there's one thing worse than Top Gun...it would be Top Gun in 3d!..... I'd hate to think that drivel was actually real!
  3. Internet Troll given prison sentence

    Surely, there's a BIG difference between a forum, thats well moderated like CA...and the likes of Facebook and youtube? If we posted anything close to what this idiot did...we'd be outta here before our arses got warm in the seat?....not true on FB or the tube
  4. New York on my mind

    Such is the eternal curse of mankind.... and we think we are blessed?... Nah That's why I love animals over people (with some notable exceptions)....they don't kill and destroy one another for personal gain and gratification. Nor do they slaughter each other, for warped Ideologies. They just are what they are....we would do well to learn from them...before we destroy them as well as ourselves. Always makes me smirk...whenever people talk about intelligent life on other planets...and why (if they exist) haven't they come out and made themselves known to mankind?...that's an easy one to answer. Just watch the video footage of two passenger aircraft crashing into a building full of innocent people!...would you want to mix with creatures that do that to each other?...cos I'm f****d if I do!
  5. To Terrorist Everywhere.......

    Yup...much the same thing that's said about Guns. Al Queda fight a hopeless cause...they will NEVER win....NEVER WIN
  6. Single Quiz Question

    I'll buy that for a Dollar!
  7. The Rant

    I like simple Joysticks...four or five buttons maximum
  8. Thanks Olham..I never knew that!
  9. To Terrorist Everywhere.......

    And, to the Pro IRA supporters in the USA prior to 9/11 F**K YOU too!
  10. New York on my mind

    Such viciousness, mixed with such bravery. Makes you ashamed, and proud to be a Human Being in equal measure
  11. of course, many German engineers and scientists went to America after the War. Many were involved in the NASA Rocket developments in the 60's...It would not surprise me in the slightest, if guys working on the flying wings of nazi Germany...continued with their careers in companies like Northrop
  12. Which song makes you move?

    I just can't sit still when I hear this..I just GOTTA move my body!
  13. Single Quiz Question

    If I was an Ace...I wouldn't stand in front of THAT!
  14. Paper Models

    http://ecardmodels.com/index.php?cPath=108 Very interesting!.... Loads of WW1 aircraft to be had....I have linked to some free ones..including an EIII and some Spads. I thought paper models would look sh*t....but they actually look very good
  15. Glad you like it m8...thats what it's all about!...thank you shot number 2 above, attacking the Alb...is one of the best screenies I've seen!....I have pinched it as my desktop (hope you dont mind?
  16. Some amazing screenies guys...absolutely bloody marvelous! Here's a quick snapshot I took....I jammed my guns on the damn Camel behind...and he still made it home! (unlike me...captured!)

    Wasn't meant to be
  18. Single Quiz Question

    Well, I'd say an Avro 504? or a Bebe? but hey...I'm only guessing
  19. Well, 'apparently' some mention had been made in documents found in Bin Laden's apartment...though, I expect the US secret service will be on higher alert than normal (if that's possible)...in case Al Queda attempt anything on Sept 11th. Can't see it somehow, but no harm in being vigilant
  20. 'Credible terror threat' for 9/11 anniversary?

    I've never watched Fox News...don't intend to start now either. We have our own versions here in the UK.... Don't watch them either

    Amazing ground textures as well
  22. Paper Models

    I'm certainly going to have a go! (though my model will probably look like the contents of a waste paper basket!)

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