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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker


    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1640571/ Please someone...tell me this is a bad dream?
  2. Paper Models

    Very cool!
  3. The Blue Max

    Fascinating read Hauksbee, centred on one of my favourite films!
  4. Trenches vs Air.

    Yup...You would never have got me up in those crates in reality!....I would have tried to get a transfer to the Women's Auxilliary Balloon Corps!
  5. Hello Prop heads Ok...I have all the thirdwire sims (including the newest ones..SF2)...and would like to try and make a WW2 type version, as shown by your lovely skins here etc. Ive only downloaded stuff for first eagles in the past...new terrains etc....so, could someone just get me started please?...just some English Channel type scenery...and perhaps a Spit and BF109...just to get me up and running please?...once thats done, I'm sure I'll pick it up without bothering you all Many Thanks
  6. Where do I start?

    Many thanks Chaps!...lot's to have a look into!
  7. 9-11 What did you do in the moments of the attack?

    Then of course, a few days later...another Airliner went down in Queens...with an horrific loss of life...once Terrorism was ruled out...it was forgotten!....I like to remember those people too My Fishing club is hosting a charity Carp Catch on Sunday September 11th...with proceeds going to the FealGood Foundation. We will also be having a minutes silence before the start...In memory of all who lived and died that day
  8. Anyone know of a good WW2 Bomber game?

    I liked the first one too...But the 2nd was poor CFS3 does work on Vista...and Win7 32 and 64...it's how OFF works

    thanks Viper...and may I add....like calling your kid Adolph Hitler Jnr or your Zeppelin the Spirit of Hindenburg.
  10. The Knight in the black Triplane

    Indeed Olham...the fight isn't over yet....the Far Right extremists are still with us sadly...we must all stand up to their warped ideology. Thankfully the BNP here in the UK are completely bankrupt...and I took pleasure in reading that the head man, has had his Car taken back in lieu of debts...their supporters will still be around..but it will take a lot of work and money for them to continue their rascist rantings!
  11. Paper Models

    wow!...I think I may have found a new hobby!
  12. Paper Models

    Have you tried any Foreigndevil?
  13. The Knight in the black Triplane

    Interesting indeed!...Obviously anti-Nazi
  14. 9-11 What did you do in the moments of the attack?

    Well said Jug!
  15. 72 years ago...

    We will remember them

    Wow!.... OBD are so good at taking an aeroplane I don't particularly like the look of...and making it into an aeroplane I can't wait to sit in and have a go with!
  17. You're all buffoons...I know everything!
  18. Driving back from Edinburgh Airport the other night in driving rain after dark, we went over the brow of a hill, to be confronted by two sets of headlights coming the other way...a vehicle on our side of the road, overtaking another vehicle. I hit the brakes, and swerved slightly to try and avoid the lunatic, but we would have hit the idiot headon, had the other oncoming driver not had the speed of reactions he/she had...and swerved into the layby, to allow the madman to also swerve enough to avoid the collision! Thank you Sir/Madam for this selfless act....you probably saved me and my families life!
  19. + Sheer Morale as much as anything I would think?... I mean, it must have been low in 1917-18 for a German Pilot... The American's had joined the War, it must have been obvious that the game was up to many of them
  20. A great sim as well..I enjoy flying it
  21. It was a little Joke Olham... No Offense meant! (you should know me by now)
  22. The Luftwaffe never managed to do that though did they?... On paper, they would have 100% won the Battle of Britain, for the very reasons you mention Olham...but they lost. British Spunk m8!..WOOF WOOF!
  23. 9-11 What did you do in the moments of the attack?

    They were killed in the name of lunacy Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
  24. 9-11 What did you do in the moments of the attack?

    I was a delivery driver...and when I heard on the radio an aircraft had hit the WTC...my first reaction (as I suspect was the same for most people) was that there had been a terrible accident. 20 mins later, when the second plane hit...I thought "OMG...a War has broken out" A lot of the videos I have seen were watered down for obvious reason's...but as the 10th Anniversary approaches, there are quite a few documentaries on...and I have seen the people falling from the towers....sickening sight indeed. Previuosly, I had seen a documentary filmed in the foyer of tower 2...prior to those incredibly brave firefighters, about to go up the stairs...and you could here the bodies hitting the sidewalk...like a breezeblock impacting. It haunts me to this day even now, all this time later...when you see it on the TV...you almost expect a hollywood actor to emerge from the dust...it just still seems unbelievable
  25. Interesting indeed!...shame it's only MMO...but I'll keep an eye on it...thanks Hellshade

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