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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. World of planes?....whats this???
  2. RIP Peter Twiss

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Twiss Not a name many have heard of...but a Pioneer, and a bally hero!
  3. XP and DirectX 10

    Was a big fan of XP in it's day...but W7 is damn good
  4. As the battle for Tripoli approaches

    Pro-Gaddafi forces are presently, refusing to surrender, and it looks as though it's gonna get very messy there, when the Rebs attempt to go in methinks....house by house, street by street. The inhabitants have been told to take up arms and fight, or risk being executed... I assume Holiday trips to Tripoli are on hold?
  5. OT We might have been killed

    I guess so Slarti.... I cannot speak from experience, as I am happy to say, Ive never had to take up arms (voluntarily or otherwise)... but there must be 'levels' as well I guess? I mean it is a big difference from shooting down an enemy aircraft, knowing you've killed the crew...to say, taking someone out with a Bayonet, face to face. The end result is the same, but thats where the similarity would end I assume 'empathy' is not a desirable emotion for a Combat Soldier
  6. OT We might have been killed

    Dear Lord above Lou... that must have been heartbreaking for you. I guess the emergency services see this every working day of their lives..but for guys like us, it's a tragedy when it happens, in front of our eyes. I had an incident many years ago, that still makes me feel sick... It was a motorcyclist, coming out of Brands Hatch Racecourse...I never saw the collision itself...but the sight of his legs twitching still, as they covered him with a sheet on the road...and the river of blood running into the gutter, still turns my spine cold....I remember sitting there...looking at his Boots...the laces tied up...thinking "He did those laces up this morning...and now he won't ever undo them again"..... it's such a fine line we tread each day...we risk our lives every time we wake up....thank goodness that old "It won't happen to me" think kicks in...or we would all stay locked in our houses, too terrified to go out. You must get hardened to it in combat...perhaps it's the training or something?..I would hate to think anyone would get used to it
  7. Nooo! George Lucas Makes More Changes to Original Trilogy

    I must be the only person on the planet, who doesn't like Star Wars. The first one was ok...but the others?..daft (imho)
  8. OT We might have been killed

    I kinda carried on driving without stopping..I wasn't jumpy or anything afterwards..just got on with the task of getting home...but it kinda sunk in when i got home. My wife's reaction was slow...she let out a little scream...which would not have happened if we hit the guy..he'd gone past by then...I spose it must have been in even slower time to her. I'm glad I was driving at the time...not because my wife's reaction time seemed slower (she's probably a more skilled driver than me)...but because sitting in the passenger seat..utterly powerless to do anything, is not where I want to be
  9. 9/11 First Responders Not Invited to 9/11 10th Anniversary

    Typical of politicians....just after the next corny line, the next vote, the next grip on power!...they all make me puke

    Classic one Olham....And Hasse Wind as the test pilot just fits perfectly!
  11. OT We might have been killed

    I lose many more than I catch I cannot claim to be even a quarter of the ninja of the other driver, who possibly unbeknown to themselves, possibly saved my life
  12. OT We might have been killed

    The pleasure is all mine my friend!
  13. OT We might have been killed

    OMG Olham..that sounds like a chapter out of a Horror film!...that must have been utterly terrifying!....that freezing water filling up the car!...god, it makes my flesh crawl just thinking about it
  14. OT We might have been killed

    Indeed Gascan... foreign truckers are a real menace here too
  15. As the battle for Tripoli approaches

    Just checking you were awake m8! yes, I did mean Sirte (sorry)
  16. extreme flightsim

  17. extreme flightsim

    Schoolboy French..they had no English at all...so yes, lots of bottle pointing! :)`
  18. extreme flightsim

    Hi Olham It was a few kilometers from St Etienne (far South East) 38 degrees celsius all week!...fab!
  19. Anybody here want to wish him well?

    http://news.sky.com/home/world-news/article/16058514 I thought not
  20. RIP Billy Drake, 93, British fighter pilot

    History will remember them
  21. Hurricane Irene

    Hurricane Irene. Typical woman. Promises so much, but when it's time to get down and dirty, fails to deliver.
  22. Anybody here want to wish him well?

    Some doubt remains as to whether he was responsible for the Bombing of course...but then, there always are doubters. If he wasn't...he sure as hell knew about it
  23. Anybody here want to wish him well?

    Indeed....It's a constant source of fascination and disgust to everyone in the UK too
  24. Tripoli has fallen!

    There is something deeply uncomfortable about your statement....It's the greed of the Oil companies, and those like them, that is the cause of much of the worlds problems
  25. US National debt (in graphic form)

    http://www.wtfnoway.com/ This is just to give you a view of the debt in a graphical form I've posted this merely for interest here, as opposed to the political forum...so please, just take it for what it is...no squabbling yeah?

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