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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-14585563
  2. Phase 4

    It's like a delicious Pie..you break open the crust...to find another delicious Pie inside!...Cant wait to get to the filling!
  3. The map size was always annoying when flying anything in BF....seemed like you were forever 'Leaving the Combat Zone'
  4. Well, after waiting for my medical results, and security clearance, the day has almost come for me to start work at Newcastle International Airport, as a Security Officer. 8:45am GMT on Monday is my zero hour..for a weeks on the job training. Having been self employed for seven years, the thought of going back to work for an organisation, is both exciting..and a little scary...I have butterflies already....but I have worked hard to get this far..and the new challenges I will face are exciting! I'll let you know how I get on.... Wish me luck chaps...I'm going over the top!
  5. OT Job starts on Monday

    You would get a professional, helpful, friendly service m8!
  6. OT Job starts on Monday

    Thanks Mr Dirt...Just had my first day in departures...I've been sworn at, abused....but I just think to myself, well...I am going to do a FULL Bag check and body search on them if they give me any grief.... Most passengers are really nice..they understand I'm just trying to do my job, and keep them safe in the air! Please be nice and polite when you fly...we're just trying to prevent anything unpleasant happening in the air. A wonderful incident occured, where a little girl, maybe five or six years old came through, with a Stewardess uniform on...I asked her if she was going to be serving meals and drinks....she just looked at me with big blue eyes, and said "I wish I could..but it's only pretend" Made my day!
  7. I found this quite fascinating..as I am interested in this period (in two parts)
  8. OT Job starts on Monday

    hahaha Respect my Authority!
  9. OT Job starts on Monday

    No Hasse.I hadn't..this is all new to me
  10. OT Job starts on Monday

    I'm now sick of the sight of guns...if I catch anyone with a bloody gun...I'll shoot them myself!
  11. OT Job starts on Monday

    Do you think if I told them I was gay...they'd let me search the Female passengers?
  12. OT Job starts on Monday

    Yes Flypc....It was. Mainly classroom stuff today, and my main roll will be searching passengers and Bags...which is not what I want to do forever...but everyone has to start somewhere I guess.....though the smell of Aviation Kerosene, really makes me want to hang in there, and eventually get Airside
  13. OT Job starts on Monday

    I must admit..it is rather!
  14. OT Job starts on Monday

    Well, day one complete!..Jeez!...Full on or what?...training all this week....was taught all about Al Queda...was shown a huge long table of weapons that people have tried to take on board..some replica..some VERY real!...all day spent in the classroom. Tomorrow...we are off to the Airport Fire Station, to learn how to fight fires! And I have an ID Badge that says 'Access All Areas' I always knew I was more important than the 'Ordinary' people!..WOOF WOOF! Will let you know how it goes
  15. OT - Battle of Gettysburg Video

    this looks like a good mod too
  16. OT Job starts on Monday

    Oh right... Newcastle is the busiest 'regional' Airport in the UK...So I guess it'll be quite full on...must say, I'm getting a bit nervous now...but that's normal I guess... it's 10:30 pm here...not long to go
  17. Vietnam FPSs

    Blimey Stary...I'd forgotten about those!
  18. OT Interview with a Rorkes Drift Soldier

    Which possibly explains the lack of British Casualties (not to take any credit from the Brown Bess) an excellent weapon for it's time...but outclassed totally by the Martini Henry I suspect
  19. OT Interview with a Rorkes Drift Soldier

    Thank you GAW...I'll keep a look out for those
  20. Teacher deliver's a total sucker punch!...loved it
  21. OT Job starts on Monday

    The Snipe being a case in Point!?...thanks m8
  22. Vietnam FPSs

    What we could have really done with, is a call of duty Vietnam...Ideally as an addon to COD World at War...which was already half way there
  23. Vietnam FPSs

    What we could have really done with, is a call of duty Vietnam...Ideally as an addon to COD World at War...which was already half way there

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