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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Post random things thread

    For everyone who dislikes these Poncy, Lycra-wearing Urban Road Warriors
  2. Stirling work Lou..... just makes me wanna fly with no Boche in the air...so i can go and meet the boys at another airfield, and sup a few Old Speckled Hen's!!!
  3. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    I must say, when it comes to re-enactments..I prefer Roman - Medieval ones. (far more brutal...and I like Horses) :)
  4. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    It is indeed a heart-wrenching photo
  5. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Should point out Crazyhorse...they're German Soldier re-enactors...Not SS ;) I should also point out, that I agree with your opinions on the Nazis wholeheartedly
  6. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    He did..they destroyed him. sorry guys, but show me a Cat who'd do something like this? (don't get me wrong, I have Cats and Dogs...love them both)...but, the Dog's loyalty to his handler is legendary
  7. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    That's a particularly daft comment Crazyhorse if you don't mind me saying. Dogs have revolutionised civilisation..in fact, it's generally accepted by science, that without Dogs..we'd quite probably have remained hunter/gatherer nomads. A Cat has but one interest himself
  8. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    They'd already told the Council, that no Nazi Regalia, such as SS badges or Swastika's were to be used. How can you have a WW2 re-enactment, without Nazis?...real bummer they were there at the time..but they were..and thats History. Bit like doing one on the American Civil War, and not allowing the confederates, because they were pro-slavery...or No Roman's, cos they crucified Jesus. It was for a charitable cause...people need to lighten up a bit I reckon
  9. Council tells WW2 Re-enactment society.. NO NAZIS

    Youngsters often learn a lot at things about history from re-enactments like this. The majority of young people today, don't care one iota about WW2 (or any military conflict)...Many believe that Soldiers are just criminals and puppet's, told what to do..and where to die, by their puppetmasters in Government.. So, it's good that they get any exposure to history
  10. Caaattttsssssss! (Yell it like Kirk yelling Khan)

    Sorry to burst your Bubble on this Cat V Dog video. The Cat was defending his territory. He doesn't give a flying f*** about some Kid
  11. UK Elections soon

    And I'm not going to vote...because they're all criminals and scumbags. However...I'd vote for this guy!! http://themetapicture.com/the-poorest-but-coolest-president-in-the-world/
  12. Copied this from a Newspaper :) AN EXTRAORDINARY example of cooperation between First World War British and German troops has been uncovered by researchers preparing an exhibition to commemorate the outbreak of the conflict. Members of Llangwm Local History Society have been poring over log books and diaries kept by 22-year-old pilot William David Sambrook, who hailed from Cilgerran. The documents reveal the camaraderie that sometimes took precedence over hostilities, particularly with regards to airborne war. Photographs and excerpts from the diary will be on show at the Heritage Lottery-funded exhibition in Llangwm this November. William was posted to Coudekerque airfield near Calais in 1916. His diaries tell of almost daily bombing raids on German-held aerodromes, as well as the docks and Zeppelin sheds at Bruges and Zeebrugge. One day in May 1916, a British aircraft failed to return from a raid on Ostend aerodrome. There was talk of the plane being picked up from the sea by a Belgian trawler. A few days later, with still no news of their missing comrade, one of William’s colleagues flew over the German airfield and dropped a message asking if they had information about his fate. The British pilots received a prompt reply, also dropped from the air, confirming the aircraft had indeed been shot down over the sea. William took up the story in his diary: “They said attempts had been made at rescue but when the machine was brought in the pilot was already dead. He was buried with full military honours alongside two comrades at Marrakerke cemetery, Ostend. “The message was accompanied by two photos of the funeral and the grave.” Examples had been noted before of each side treating the bodies of their victims with respect, but a postscript to the note shows an unusual degree of fellow feeling among pilots. “There was also a message in German stating the name and place in German territory where our machines could land if they had engine trouble,” William wrote. Alan Wakefield, head of photographs at the Imperial War Museum, says this degree of cooperation was much more common among pilots than among those fighting the war on the ground, where the conflict soon became impersonal. “I know of cases where German pilots dropped notes and photographs of a crashed aircraft and its occupant, saying they had buried him and asking for his name so they could make a headstone,” he said. “In fact in one instance a German pilot dropped a note saying he was about to bomb an airfield and suggesting that those on the ground should get out of the way.” Mr Wakefield remained sceptical about the tip-off providing the British with details of a safe landing place. “This is surprising because the German squadron would not have had jurisdiction – the German army were under instruction to take British pilots prisoner. “I think it’s more likely to have been an example of German humour – they wouldn’t have expected the British to take them up on it.” William was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for gallantry in the air in 1917. Towards the end of the war, he went on to become one of the first pilots to engage in ‘deck flying’, taking off in Sopwith Pups and Camels from short platforms built on gun turrets, on what were to be the forerunners of aircraft carriers. He survived his time in France, and after a career working in the public health department of Westminster City Council, he returned to Pembrokeshire to live with his sister in Deerland, Llangwm. His nephew, Richard Palmer, still lives in the same house and has kept his diaries and logbooks safe. “He was a lovely man” Richard said. “When he was in London he would send us Twickenham rugby match programmes and he kept my brother Maurice and myself supplied with rugby boots.
  13. UK Elections soon

    Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he's fed. Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway! Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass. Tax all he has Then let him know That you won't be done Till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He's good and sore. Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he's laid. When he's gone, Do not relax, It's time to apply The inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable Tax Airline surcharge tax Airline Fuel Tax Airport Maintenance Tax Building Permit Tax Cigarette Tax Cooking Tax Corporate Income Tax Goods and Services Tax (GST) Death Tax Driving Permit Tax Environmental Tax (Fee) Excise Taxes Income Tax Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Petrol Tax (too much per litre) Gross Receipts Tax Health Tax Heating Tax Inheritance Tax Interest Tax Lighting Tax Liquor Tax Luxury Taxes Marriage License Tax Medicare Tax Mortgage Tax Pension Tax Personal Income Tax Property Tax Poverty Tax Prescription Drug Tax Real Estate Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Retail Sales Tax Service Charge Tax School Tax Telephone Tax Value Added Tax Vehicle License Registration Tax Vehicle Sales Tax Water Tax Workers Compensation Tax Tax (VAT) on Tax. And Now they want a blooming Carbon Tax! Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world... We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class,a huge manufacturing base, and Mum stayed home to raise the kids. What in the Hell happened? Could it be the lying parasitic politicians wasting our money? Oh, and don't forget the relatively new bank charges.... And we all know what we think of Bankers.
  14. Cast of Star Wars 7 announced

    Filming the next installments of Star Wars in the UK is a bit disappointing after all the others were filmed in space. :(
  15. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/nostalgia/imperial-war-museum-world-war-7060575
  16. They're an Innovative bunch :)
  17. Friend of mine has OFF...but not WOFF (his rig not up to the job..quite yet) He's asked me if Ankor's mod works in OFF....does anyone know? thanks
  18. If I won the Lottery

  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/9193759/The-few-who-reached-for-the-sky.html
  20. Best band on the planet

    hahahahahaha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD6rKhzV_m0#t=49
  21. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Looking Lovely!!!...I'm sure those settings will help people get the most out of Ankor's mod. It sure adds a lot to the sim...thanks Captainsopwith :)
  22. Snooker was never that exciting to watch

    I think Snookers exciting (but, I never was much of an adrenalin Junkie :)
  23. WARNING! Rant ahead

    Haha...Yes. Well, I've never been a huge fan of National Anthems. I mean, I can totally see the point of them and everything, and it's nice to have them played (though I think in a game between two teams from the same continent is a bit bizarre)....but yes. If you're going to play it..at least inject some life into it! :)
  24. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Cancel my 'Bright Scenery' comment...just flew at Dawn...and it was eerily realistic with the mod!!!
  25. Does AnKor's mod work on OFF?

    Well, I've not had much stuttering, even with it disabled... though, I have to say, the scenery is extremely bright...not sure this is anything to do with the mod? but really pleased with the result...that should keep the old boy happy til he gets WOFF

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