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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

    Yes indeed!...Khartoum Mod, with the Zulu mod addon is fantastic!..I play it all the time!
  2. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

    I tried that Shiloh..but I couldn't get it to run properly...might have another look
  3. OT Got my Job :)

    well, after many months of trying, Newcastle Airport have finally succumbed to my constant badgering, and offered me a Job as a Security Officer. It's a temporary position, but is a 'foot in the door' in my travels towards (hopefully) a full time position Airside, where the real fun is to be had! Have to say, I'm very excited!!
  4. OT Got my Job :)

    thanks Dej
  5. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

  6. OT Got my Job :)

    Thanks m8...me too
  7. OT Got my Job :)

    thank you. Hi Pips...well, I am hoping to work Ramp next season. I actually got a job on Ramp this season, but Servisair lost the Thomas Cook contract at NCL...which was a bitter blow... Ideally, one day...I hope to get a job in Airfield Operations...thats the dream
  8. Slightly OT: Battlefield 1918

    I used to play this a lot..there are two WW1 mods for BF1942....the other one (which I cannot remember the name of) was actually the better of the two. I'll try and dig out a link
  9. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    very happy to contribute...but it's 1:20am here...will do so tomorrow nighty night
  10. OT Complaints to a well known UK Travel Company...

    19. "There are too many Spanish people. The receptionist speaks Spanish. The food is Spanish. Too many foreigners now live abroad'" How VERY British!
  11. OT Got my Job :)

  12. OT Got my Job :)

    thank you
  13. OT Got my Job :)

    oh, I;ll still be here..but I wont do this!...hahahaha
  14. OT Got my Job :)

    Thank you all my wonderful Forum Friends!
  15. OT Got my Job :)

    Thank you!...hahaha yes Parky old chap!..I'm hoping that will be a perk of the Job! (that and those very pretty Stewardesses! (slurp)
  16. OT Got my Job :)

    Thank you Gents...Slarti, yes...I employed similar tactics for both victories!...I find it quite hard to get enthusiastic about things sometimes...but when I do......
  17. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    This has to be the worst Mass Killing by one person in History doesn't it?
  18. MODS_elephant Uploaded

    Nice one m8
  19. OT Beautiful Comeback

    very true Hasse Wind
  20. Dual Core Optimisation, grrr!

    A lesson for us all m8! RTFM!...
  21. OT Beautiful Comeback

    And she had to retaliate with any info to hand!...I'm sure this plum duff has a lot less going for him than Jobs or Girlfriends anyhow!
  22. Albatros skier 01

    I laughed so much when I saw this Lou..thanks
  23. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    yup..quite fitting really...proof (if any was needed)...that it isn't whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jewish or anything else...it's just whether or not, you're a nut, looking for an excuse to vomit your particular colour of Bile upon the world
  24. Amy Winehouse... Dead

    Talented and Stupid in equal measure RIP
  25. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    They said on the News last night, he was armed with a handgun. I don't know a lot about guns...but that's a huge amount of people to kill with just a handgun surely? the loonie himself...neo nazi twat http://www.channel4.com/news/oslo-attacks-anders-behring-breivik-profile

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