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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker


    Stunning (as per usual Pol)
  2. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    They've had problems with Neo-Nazi groups in the past (ironic really, as they were occupied by the tossers) Death Toll now 91
  3. Indisputable Evidence!

  4. Problem seeing images in posts

    Glad you're sorted m8...you wouldn't want to miss out on some of the screenies on here!
  5. Jersey in a Heat Wave

    I had to put the bloody heating on in Newcastle tonight!...This place is like Baywatch in Thermals!!
  6. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    He's a Norwegian citizen...possibly a home grown Nut-Job...Like that dude in the States a few years back. But talk about a 'soft' target...Norway is probably a Bombers dream come true!
  7. Jersey in a Heat Wave

    My Family are from Guernsey...I had the hottest summer holiday there when I was a kid
  8. Norway capital Oslo bombed

    Nothing surprises me anymore
  9. Problem seeing images in posts

    Might be worth clearing your internet Cache Wombat
  10. British Summertime

    INSTALLING SUMMER..... ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE. Installation failed. 404 error: Season not found
  11. Finally got a chance to watch it Hellshade!...Just one word... EPIC!
  12. What did you do in the War Dad?

    SOE had instructions to assasinate Hitler...in fact, two agents had him bang to rights in their scopes...but were not given permission to fire, in case someone who knew what they were doing, such as Rommel took the reigns!....Hitler was, in the end..the Architect of his own downfall
  13. For frustrated IT Pro's everywhere

    Am old video..with a new twist!
  14. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Sorry LIMA...I was just having a little poke of fun...most of what is thought about the Italian Armed forces of WW2, was just propoganda anyhow. We often poke fun about the French Military too....but in both cases, can be proven historically innacurate....one only has to look at the Roman Legions, and the French Armies of Napoleon to discover the opposite is true!
  15. You should get one for the back garden

    Don't knock it...it obviously works
  16. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Made sense to me too
  17. Another video for me to watch when I get home!..thanks m8
  18. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Italian tanks had one forward gear...and eight reverse ones!
  19. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Thank you Olham...Yes, a proud moment for all my family. Like most Soldiers, he never boasted about what he did, and was more interested in dicussing German Soldiers to me as a kid (possibly due to my interest in the German Army at the time)... "Well equipped, well disciplined, well trained, well supported....damn good soldiers...but above all...their helmet's made damn good piss-pots!" was one of his regular sayings to me! He wasn't 'quite' as complimentary about the Italian's or Japanese I have to say!
  20. No bloody speakers on this PC...Look forward to watching this when I get home
  21. Major Jeffrey 'Kooksy' Alberts Goes West

    A sad evening in the mess...but let's get on with it chaps!...there's a War on!
  22. What did you do in the War Dad?

    They can stick their Samurai Bushido code of Honour where the rising sun don't shine! Rant Over *Edited to avoid a ban*
  23. What did you do in the War Dad?

    I wasn't pushing you to read that Olham...more the Archive itself..some amazing stories from all fronts of the War..and many different sides...a gem of Information to be had there
  24. What did you do in the War Dad?

    And quite scary too I imagine! (where were the Bloody Luftwaffe when he needed them!) Yes, I imagine they were Carrier Borne

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