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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Yes Olham...it was a 'replacement' for the Fairy Swordfish...though, thankfully for your Dad...not a very good one (maybe they had deposited their Torpedo's elsewhere..and thought they'd have a quick Strafe of your dad's ship on their way home?..I guess we'll never know) BTW...I can highly recommend having a look through the BBC's Archive which I posted on about my Father...there are some incredible stories on there, and it was a fantastic idea of the BBC's to start this project...So that stories like these can be accessed for future generations
  2. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Blackburn Skua Olham
  3. Anyone fly FSX?..I have a problem

    Hi Dudes I'm having a bit of an issue in FSX...wondered if anyone can help? My ILS approach doesnt seem to work anymore....I follow my usual flight plan, lock onto the ILS code...the two little diamonds don't move (yes, I'm not a real pilot)....and even when I press the approach button...the ILS doesn't kick in! The only thing I've done (I think) is add an airport..and changed the sound file for the 737 if anyone can advise me, I'd be most grateful (sorry for posting this here..just that the FSX section, is a bit uninhabited
  4. Anyone fly FSX?..I have a problem

    Havent had time to look into it yet Slarti...will let you know
  5. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Good Lord Olham!!..... You're dad had some Balls! (as we say in Blighty) Next time you go home, PLEASE grab a pic of him, scan it..and post here!...this is a fascinating thread already!! C'mon Guys!...post your Parents Stories on here!
  6. What did you do in the War Dad?

    My Word Flypc, what an amazing tale!....it's incredible to think about the sort of lives the past generations lived (and died) I often felt sorry for my old Dad....after the War he worked in MI-6....but, although we often travelled the Globe, due to his work (my School life suffered terribly because of it)...he always longed to be back in the War...he spent the last 50 years of his life bored sh*tless...and the last time I saw him really happy, was on his 75th Birthday, when he did another Parachute Jump, which myself and my brother paid for him to do...he even skydived for a while, which was unusual, but he was allowed because of his experience in the field. His landing was perfect (although he said afterwards how clever the New Parachutes were, as he didn't have to roll on landing!! He died six months later...and I still miss him. The most moving moment of my life, was at his funeral...when I was looking at the wreaths after the service, I noticed one very special looking wreath. It just said "To Albert, a Comrade and a Brother..your friends from 'F' Section"
  7. What did you do in the War Dad?

    Great stuff Flypc Here's the Wartime exploites of my Dad http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/40/a3694340.shtml
  8. Other planes view command ?

    Didn't someone do an OFF keyboard commands PDF Somewhere?
  9. There was talk in P3 of scrapping QC.... I trust (and hope) this will not be the case in P4 Devs?
  10. I hope P4 will have QC?

    Good show Hellshade thanks m8
  11. British Summertime

    Yes, it's not been too bad here to be honest..though these torrential downpours we're having, keep flooding my Garage
  12. British Summertime

    Thank you chaps!..I guess, if I could give any advice (and had access to someone daft enough to take it)..I would say 'Never grow up too much'
  13. British Summertime

    Well, I have my Stetson, my Six Shooter..and one crazy colt!.. YEEHAW!
  14. British Summertime

    Grandkids...Oh, I so look forward to that!....Yes Sir, I have a lad of 13 (entering the 'terrible teens' ) It's been a wonderful experience, I have been very lucky, in that he has done all the sorts of things I used to do..and occasionally, taken me along for the ride! You describe it so perfectly, when you say about 'Time Slowing Down' and 'Seeing the world through a child's eyes'...I have to say, I almost filled up when I read that!...it's so true!....Children and Dogs are very fortunate, to live in 'the now'......they just have us to do their worrying for them! My life was meaningless before I met my Wife, and started on the road to parenthood!...I won't say it's been the easiest road, at 36, I started quite late....but as roads go...it's been a most thrilling journey!
  15. British Summertime

    Indeed Lou!... Can I ask?...Do you have Kids?
  16. British Summertime

    Well Lou...harking back to my Childhood...Summer always used to last all year!...Bees buzzing amongst the Flowers, endless hours watching Ants scurry about...melting Slugs with a magnifying glass....putting Night Crawlers in my Sisters Shoes...Apple Scrumping, home made Bows and Arrows...watching a big red bobber on my local pond, waiting for that tiddler to find the strength to pull it under the water! (sigh) Summers were so lovely when I was eight!
  17. British Summertime

    Haha..indeed Shiloh One thing us Brits are quite famous for, is our constant whingeing about the Weather...it's either too hot, too cold, too rainy, too windy...it's just right for about 3 days a year!...and that's when we are having to do overtime at work!!
  18. I had a bit of fun over at the Sim-Outhouse once..I signed up as another user, calling myself 'Redneck Rampage' I posted a couple of tame threads, before I started just posting more and More obnoxious, inflammatory posts, just for a laugh really!...I ended up with a scarily large following, before I was banned! It's a case in point however...we should be rightly proud of the behaviour on this Forum...we are often commended in one way or another, by the moderators here....it's a pleasant 'family' of like minded loonies, and of course, like all families, there are occasional squabbles, but closed posts are rare here (and are usually caused by Sim Bashing).....unlike some forums out there (yes, you know which ones I'm talking about)...this is a great place to while away a bit of time, read interesting stuff..have a giggle, and chew the fat!....long may that be the case. I'm sorry Uncleal is gone, as it's one less OFFer...but he has..So, we just need to move on
  19. I wonder if he'll be back in another guise?.. AuntieAl perhaps?
  20. Anyone fly FSX?..I have a problem

    Ok guys, thanks for your help...a few things to try there
  21. Anyone fly FSX?..I have a problem

    Hi Slarti...No, it was bought (the New Newcastle Xtreme) from UK2000 and yes..it appears to be the same problem with the 747 too seems to be happening with all airports too
  22. Skies of Blue...

    ``I was very impressed by that Slarti...... I could just imagine, a flyer returning by Train to the Front after some leave, wondering if he would ever see our Green and pleasant land ever again!...or indeed, a song in the mess!! A++++ (as they say on ebay)
  23. Replica Sopwith Pup... rebuild

    She's a Beaut!

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